E23 - McMahon: March-April '98
Episode 23 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 23 - McMahon: March-April ‘98
This week Mike & JV are covering April of 1998. Stone Cold Steve Austin has just won the WWF World Championship at Wrestlemania 14. But, Vince McMahon wants to mold Stone Cold into a better corporate Champion. Things are not going to go according to Mr. McMahon’s plans. We will be covering the three weeks following Wrestlemania 14, leading to the historic episode that finally ends the 83 week streak of Nitro defeating Raw in the ratings.
Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)
- RAW 253 - 3/30/98 - Audio - Vince McMahon & Steve Austin (00:06:00 - 0:13:00)
- RAW 253 - 3/30/98 - Austin Arrested
- RAW 253 - 3/30/98 - Side Notes Discussion
- RAW 254 - 4/6/98 - Audio: Vince McMahon Promo (0:03:37 - 0:05:40)
- RAW 254 - 4/6/98 - Audio: Vince & Corporate Austin Promo (0:49:55 - 0:58:40)
- RAW 254 - 4/6/98 - Side Notes Discussion
- RAW 255 - 04/13/98 - Audio: Austin Promo - (0:04:19 - 0:07:04)
- RAW 255 - 04/13/98 - Audio: Austin & Vince Promo (0:07:08 - 0:14:14)
- RAW 255 - 04/13/98 - Audio: Vince McMahon Accepts the Challenge (0:22:35 - 0:25:11)
- RAW 255 - 04/13/98 - Match - World Championship Match - Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon (01:19:11)
- RAW 255 - 04/13/98 - Audio: McMahon pre-match (01:24:08 - 01:27:40)
- RAW 255 - 04/13/98 - Audio - Dude Love (01:29:17 - 01:32:05)
- RAW 255 - 04/13/98 - Side Notes Discussion
- House Show Rundown
- “Oh Hell Yeah” Moment of the Week
- “Oh Hell No” Moment of the Week
- Upcoming: Episode 24 - April ‘98 - Unforgiven - Austin vs. Dude Love
- Podcast Plugs (Talking Taker & Booking the Territory: The UN-Professional Wrestling Podcast)
- Social Media Plugs
If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.
This week they are covering December 2001 - Undertaker vs. Rob Van Dam from Vengeance 2001.
Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.
This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the November 14, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 132 from August 6, 1994.
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