Stunning Steve: E21 - Thunder Cage: Feb '94
Episode 21 - Special Series - Stunning Steve

How stupid are you guys? All you people out there in TV land, you just make me sick. We told the world what we were gonna do and we went out and did it. The wrestler who will dominate the sport like no other wrestler can. WCW has tried way too long to try to hold me back. The whole facade, who cares? No one cares. No one can beat.
Speaker B:Welcome to the Bottom line Wrestling cast the career of Stone cold Steve Austin. We are back with another special episode covering stunning Steve. This is episode 21, Thundercage, and we are covering February of 1994. I'm Mike Prue along with JV as always. JV, how you doing?
Speaker C:Doing well. How about you, bro?
Speaker B:Not bad, not bad.
Speaker C:It's iconic day today.
Speaker B:Why, what's today?
Speaker C:It's the day after John Cena turned heel.
Speaker B:Finally turned heel at the elimination chamber, which I did not watch it.
Speaker C:Well, did you know he turned healer?
Speaker B:Did I just spoil. Yeah, yeah, no, no, I knew.
Speaker C:I knew it kind of hard to avoid it. It was kind of like, it wasn't a surprise to my. Like, I kind of figured, like, that was a possibility. Like, I didn't write that off.
Speaker B:Yeah. People were saying that after the last press conference too. That he sounded like he was a heel. Yeah. That he might be turning heel.
Speaker C:Well, you never know. It's like, ah, you know, would they turn him heel as last? I mean, the way that, you know, when you watch it, you'll be like, yeah, you could see it coming.
Speaker B:I mean, who says he's going to be healed the whole year too, right? Yes. Be part of it, you know, it's part of the year. Hey, he's got a WrestleMania main event on the hill. Win that title, break the record.
Speaker C:I think so. I think it make. Cody loves John Cena, so I could see him, like, wanting to do the favor for him.
Speaker B:Yeah, that would be cool.
Speaker C:You know, Cody's over. He's been carrying the company for like three years now.
Speaker B:Right. And he can just get the title back later.
Speaker C:Yeah, Yep. Or take a break, you know.
Speaker B:Right. Yeah. So cool. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see. I hope he comes out to the Thuganomics music from now on too.
Speaker C:Me too. I. I want Thuganomics, John Cena or I want like a corporate Hollywood. Like.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah.
Speaker C:Because I could see it being like, he sold this soul to the Rock because now he'll get like all those movie deals. The Rock, like, Rock's well connected.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:So it could be like a way to set them, set him up, like post wrestling Hollywood.
Speaker B:Cena Yeah.
Speaker C:Or maybe the Rock and Cena. That's their retirement match. Maybe that's the payoff at the end of the year.
Speaker B:Oh yeah.
Speaker C:You know what I mean? Like that could be, you know, rock versus Cena 3. And I don't know, it's, it's. At first it was like, what the. This whole Rock thing going on. I think this is the best decision they could have made. That or something crazy like CM Punk.
Speaker B:It definitely shakes things up now this is bigger than NFC and Punk did anything.
Speaker C:Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
Speaker B:It'll be interesting to follow that now. It gives me more, more reason, more incentive to watch wrestling again too.
Speaker C:And maybe Austin comes back, makes a spot and we have some new to cover.
Speaker B:Yes, that would be great. All right, so nothing the mod and stuff. Let's go back in time, back to 1994. But before we do that, you know, please give us a follow on X at Bottomline Cast. Follow me Mike Pro at MPRU 83. Call JV at John Van Damage. And last time we covered. Hey, it's only been a month too. So, you know, it's not like four months on pace with what we said we were going to do. We're doing one episode a month. So here it is. Last month we did stunning Steve, episode 20. That was covering late 90, late January 94. And that was the. The final part of the Chicken Suit saga, which I thought was coming to a conclusion, but it kind of sneaks. Its rare, you know, raise its head back into this episode as well. We'll get to that towards the end. But yeah, the chicken, Chicken head at least is coming back for a little bit. All right, so I'll kick things off first with my coverage. I'm going to cover WCW Worldwide from February 5, 1994. This is in Orlando at the Disney MGM studio. And we're gonna start first with a promo. So we got Sting, Dustin Rhodes and Brian Pillman. And this group is taken on Steve Austin, Rick Roode and Mr. Wonderful at the upcoming Super Brawl 4 in the Thunder Cage match. And so there's gonna be a lot of hype and build up to that match. We are going to watch that match later in the show as well. That's our big payoff there. That's our big main event. A Thunder Cage. Just like a poor man's helen cell. All right, so first, here's the promo. So take a listen to that and then I'll cover it right after you take a listen.
Speaker D:Corner is super brawl on Sunday, February 20th, 7:00 Eastern. Time, 4:00 out of the west coast and of course, part of Super Brawl. There's a couple of great matches that are going to be taking place inside the Thunder Cage. One of them a six man tag. A six man tag is one thing. Inside the Thunder Cage should be something else. Ravishing Rick Rude, Mr. Wonderful. Paul Orndorff. Stunning Steve Austin on one side with Colonel Robert Parker. In their corner are going to be facing Sting the Natural, Dustin Rhodes and you, Flying Brian Pillman.
Speaker E:Razor Sharp. Steel, fractured skulls, severed limbs. It doesn't sound like a wrestling match, does it, Gene? Well, it's not. It's Thunder Cage, live and Technicolor. And I can assure you the three men right here with a penchant for violence second to none, are going to turn that cage into the House of.
Speaker D:Pain, the House of Wards.
Speaker A:Without a doubt the most dangerous match in all of professional wrestling history. But this personally, I'd like to take the opportunity to say that I have had wars with Rude, I've had wars with Orndorff, and now starting a war with stunning Steve Austin. I know Steve's going to be doing everything in his power to stay behind Rude, Norndorff, but it ain't gonna happen.
Speaker D:All right, Sting, this certainly is nothing new to you. The Thundercage, you know the dangers and all of the pitfalls.
Speaker A:That's right. And Flying Brian was talking about live and in Technicolor. And that means that Black and Blue is gonna show up real nice. That means that Red's gonna show up even better. And blood and guts and bones cracking and breaking. You can bet it's gonna happen. You can bet I know the dangers of Thundercage. But I'm not running from it. I'm running towards it. I love it. I live by it. I thrive on it. I want it. And let me tell you something. All three of you have got ignorance that has no boundaries.
Speaker D:I thank you. Thunder Cage and Super brawl. Sunday, February 20th.
Speaker B:All right, so you had me and Jeannie's hyping up this big six man tag team match, Thunder Cage, which was originally, I think, called the Thunderdome, but then they changed it. Said probably didn't want to get sued. Thunder Dome, you know, from Mad Max. And so he's typing up that magic. Super Pillman's gonna speak for us there in the promo. He talks about how the steel's razor sharp. There's gonna be fractured skulls and severed limbs. He said, this doesn't sound like a typical cage match. And then Sting makes a Goofy ass noise in the background. He's like, what the are you doing? Then Pillman, he loves to say this. And there's so many promos that because. And they're so similar, so I left some of them out. But every promo film is filming's like, yeah, we're gonna be live and in Technicolor. There was something about saying live and in Technicolor back in the day.
Speaker C:They must have been telling them, say it. Make sure you say this.
Speaker B:Yeah. And Pillman finishes off by saying the Thunder Cage is going to be turned into a house of Pain. Popular. Jump up, jump up, get around. All right, Dustin Rhodes is next. He mentions that. Yeah, he's doing his, you know, father impression as well, of course. So he mentions that this is gonna be one of the most dangerous matches in the history of wrestling. Or is the most dangerous match in the history of wrestling. And that made me think, like, when the hell was there a Thunder Cage or Thunderdome match before? And I was like, just listen to the promos. Like, when the hell did they ever have one? Because no, it never came up in what we've covered. So I, I went back and did a little research. So I'm gonna. I'm gonna kind of break down the history of the Thunder Cage match in just a little bit.
Speaker C:Nice. Because I have no clue.
Speaker B:Yeah, I didn't. I didn't either. While I was taking these notes, I was like, what the hell is on the cage match? And they acted like it's like something that's been going on and I just didn't realize it was. There had been like three matches before. Anyway, Dustin Rhodes says, I've had wars with Rude, I've had wars with Orndorff. Now I'm gonna start a war with Stunning Steve. I'm like, what? Like, what the hell does that mean? Like, he's been constantly fighting Stunning Steve the last three, four years. Yeah, four titles. My kids are awake, so, you know, I just heard one of them yelling.
Speaker C:But didn't come through on the mic.
Speaker B:All right, good. We have to go warn them. Be quiet.
Speaker C:I'll let you know if I hear him.
Speaker B:All right. All right. So Mean Gene turns this thing and says that he's familiar with the Thunder Cage. And again, I was like, really? When the hell was this Thunder Cage match? And you know, upon doing the research thing was in all of the Thundercage matches, so it makes sense. He says this thing. Now, this is nothing new to you. The Thunder Cage and all the dangers and all the Pitfalls you're used to it. Sting mentions that Pillman was talking about Technicolor. So again, if I mentioned again.
Speaker C:Damn.
Speaker B:He says, and that's what's. Because it's in technical. That's going to allow for the black and blue to show up real nice. He also says the red will show up even better in the blood and guts and bone cracking. And you can bet it's gonna happen. Okay. Jesus. And then I, I, I can only imagine when we watch this match, it's gonna be lame as there's not gonna be any blood.
Speaker C:Yeah. It's not gonna be as fierce as intense. Instinct's gonna make silly noises. Howard Dean.
Speaker B:All right. St says, I know the dangers of the Thunder Cage, but I'm not running from it. I'm running towards it. All three of you got ignorance that has no boundaries. What a line that is, I guess Lame. Anyway, Gene wraps it up. Super Bowl 4 is coming February 20th. February 20th. All right, so like I said, I did a little research and just gonna run through previous Thunder Dome Thundercage matches. First one was at Halloween Havoc 89. It was RIC Flair and Sting teamed up and defeated Terry Funk and the Great Muda in the first Thunderdome match. And then they started to do this show. They started to do the match at house shows. Like a big house show, like at the Omni that way in Georgia. Yeah, it was the Thanksgiving show. So they had a Thunder Cage match. And look at this freaking team. You have Ron Simmons, Sting Van Hammer and Dustin Rhodes, who was a sub for Nikita Koloff. They defeated Vader, Cactus Jack, Rick Rude and Barry Windham. Wow. Was the Ms. Barry Windham was the mystery partner.
Speaker C:Van Van Hammer stands out as like, not belonging.
Speaker B:Yeah, he does not belong in there. So just with that, like the people that are in this match, they've had experience in these types of matches already. So you had staying Dustin Rhodes, Rick Rude, they had all been in a Thundercage match. Then the third one was that Clash of Champions 22, which was January 93. It's Sting, Dustin Rhodes and Cactus Jack defeat Vader, Ondorf and Wyndham. So now you have Orndorff, who has experience in it too. You know, Dustin Rhodes teaming up with Sting again. So they've been partners three times in these matches total.
Speaker C:The purpose of Dustin Rhodes being so close to Sting has to be like they're hoping he gets a rub of like the baby face, right?
Speaker B:Gotta be. Yeah, must be because everyone loves Sting, obviously. And oh, that if that's Sting's friend then. Oh, I like him, too.
Speaker C:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:And then another Omni Show. In August of 93, Sting and Davey Boy Smith teamed up and defeated Vader and Sid, the. You know, the Powerbomb tag team, whatever the hell they were called. Masters of the Power Bomb. Remember that? All right, so anyway, that's just a little brief history of the Thunder Cage match as it is. All right, now we're gonna get to the match. We got Rick Rude teaming up with Austin and Arndorff, okay? The partners for that Super Brawl match. And they're doing a little practice here. They're going to take on Brad Armstrong, Mark Star, and Frankie Lancaster. And when this match kicked off, I was surprised, man. The job has got an entrance. And they had entrance music, too. I couldn't believe it. It's like, what? Brad Armstrong, Frankie Lancaster, and Mark Starr getting an entrance. They're not just standing in the ring like a bunch of idiots and walk. Right. They freaking walk out there with their own music. So anyway, Jesse Ventura is on commentary. Tony Schiavone, veteran mentions that maybe they could score an upset. Shivani says it would be a major upset. It's like, yeah, no. So Colonel Parker leads his men down to the ring, and they go right to commercial break. What? Like, they came back from commercial and then they just had their interests and say, all right, we'll be back. And they go to commercial. They were only on for 30 seconds and take another break. But I didn't mind. I watched the commercial break. It was worth it. You had the Butterfinger commercial where Homer sneaks into Bart's room while he's sleeping to steal the Butterfinger and then get zapped. That one.
Speaker C:Classic.
Speaker B:Yeah, great. And then there was a double mint gum commercial. There's the Game Genie commercial with Mortal Kombat.
Speaker C:Oh, sick.
Speaker B:Yeah. And there was also a Monster Wars. So they had Gravedigger, like, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.
Speaker C:Are gum commercials still a thing? Do they still market gum?
Speaker B:I don't know. I haven't. Yeah, I don't see gum commercials. Every commercial is not like medicine.
Speaker C:Yeah, yeah, it is. You're right, dude. You don't make cereal commercials anymore.
Speaker B:I mean, I guess you got to be watching the right show, you know what I mean? On the right channel or it targets certain audiences.
Speaker C:Yeah, true to get.
Speaker B:Like cereal or toy commercial and. Right. All right, so the match comes back, you know, they go back to the show. The bell rings. Austin and Armstrong stock the match. Armstrong gets off to a quick stop, quick start. He gets a shoulder Block arm, drag, takedown. Austin whips Armstrong to the ropes. He ducks, Armstrong loops over and Sunset flips Austin to a pin for a two cup. Austin gains the advantage with a kick to Armstrong, rings his arm and then tags in Mr. Wonderful. Ordorf goes to work on Armstrong, whips him to the ropes, goes for a drop kick, but misses when Armstrong grabs the ropes to avoid springing back to the center of the ring. They go back and forth briefly with a couple of sloppy spots, then Ondorf quickly tags in. Rude Root starts with some forearms to the lower back of Armstrong, followed by a raised beer hug to increase the pain on the lower back. Ventura makes the comment that Rude is carrying Armstrong in a bear hug. Kind of looks like how Lois Shivani carries Tony Shivani around the house. Yeah, Tony laughs it off and says, oh, that's true. You know, Tony's a good sport with Ventura bust his balls. He doesn't get all defensive like Jim Ross does. Jim Ross is like a cranky when he's with Ventura. So anyway, I get the sense that Armstrong is going to be in this match for a while probably. It probably would have made more sense actually to have Star and Lancaster or Lancaster start the match and then, you know, have them get beat down and then build to a hot tag to Armstrong. I mean, Armstrong's the best one on that team. So if they get the hot tag, then I'm strong to come in like, you know, on fire and just like start to beat the crap out of everybody. But he's the first one in. Was he gonna give a hot tag to freaking Frankie Lancaster? They got a backwards here. So anyway, I guess they can still do that, you know, build up to a hot tag later in the match, like the, like, tag in Frankie Lancaster and then build to a hot tag. I mean, I guess it could happen that way, too. We'll see. Anyway, so the bear hug is going on for quite a bit, but the crowd, for whatever reason, they're excited about it and they're cheering on Armstrong. So this is like a crowd that is, you know, they're doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing as a crowd. You know, they're chanting for the baby faces and, you know, hyping them up to get out of that beer hook instead of just saying boo bo, they're going along with it. So Armstrong does break it by biting Rude's forehead. Armstrong crawls away, then tags of Frankie Lancaster. Obviously Jesse Ventura is going to be upset with that. He says he's appalled. I've never seen Armstrong do such a thing or stoop to that level to break a hold. Anyway, Lancaster is now in the ring. He has no shot against Recruit, obviously recruitment. Rude hits him with the snap suplex, tags in Austin. Austin, Rude briefly double team Frankie. Austin hits body slam, then misses an elbow drop. Lancaster rings Austin's arm, then holds it as he tags in Mark, Star Roc. Star goes to the top rope, comes down with a double axe handle onto Austin's arm. Austin does a good job selling there. Mark Starr continues to work Austin's arm. Then Austin and R. Austin and Star share a few reversals on the map. And Mark Sar, he's looking pretty good. I was surprised how good he looked in this match. Like, wow, he actually looks very good. That lame ass name, buddy. It's pretty good. Anyway, Star tags in Armstrong who also comes in for the top row, dropping an ax handle on Austin's arm. Moments later, Armstrong goes for a cross body press, but misses and Austin attacks. And then he pulls him into his corner and then tags in Rude. Rude. Rude grabs hold of Armstrong and does a slingshot suplex to Armstrong. Rude taunts his opponent with his little wiggle. So get that little taunt in there. Ondorf comes in for no real reason and stomps Armstrong. This pisses off Frankie and Mark, which causes the ref to now be distracted, which is Nick Packard. And Armstrong takes a few more cheap shots as well from. From Ondorf. And Rude. Rude headbutts Armstrong and tags in Ondorf. Armstrong to the mat. We finally get another cover since we haven't had a cover since the very beginning of the match. Only for a two count, of course. Orndorff does a northern late suplex for a two count as well, then tags in Rude. Rude clotheslines. Armstrong goes for cover, only gets a one count. Hey, Rude does more taunting this time. It's just like dick thrust, no wiggle. Yeah, he's just like Ventura says, he's working his glutes there. And Tony chimes in and says, oh, that's what you call that? Working the glutes? He's like, I'll remember that one. Then Jesse follows up with. He's making those lips pucker. Like what lips? What do you mean?
Speaker C:Hell. What the hell?
Speaker B:Tony says, ah, ah. Welcome to Worldwide. And Jesse Ventura, everybody. I think he's talking about some vaginal lips. The crowd, I think that's what he's referring to. Anyway, optional. Comes back with a DDT to Rude. Both men are down to the mat. They're both down on the mat and we got you know the count going there. But they both get up, they both tag out. Rue tags in Ondorf, Armstrong tags in mock star. And they go at it. And Austin runs in as well. Moxar sends the U. S. Champion flying with a punch like. Austin gets like punched across the ring by Mark Star. It's like, come on, what is that? Look like a goof. So anyway, Mark Stars on fire, drop kick to Ondorf. Star whips on, north to the ropes. On, off. Grabs the ropes to break the momentum. Stars ducking down, anticipating a back body drop. But Ondorff just boots him in the mouth. And Ondorf has had enough of this match. He just grabbed Stars, sorry. Nails him with the pile driver. One, two, three. Match is over. So enough of that like enough of this playing around with these freaking java team here. Let's end it. And Ondorf gets the win there. All right, so now we go to another promo. It's post match interview with Rick Rude, Steve Austin and Mr. Wonderful. So take a listen to that and we'll be right back.
Speaker D:All right folks, count them. Two weeks from this coming Sunday night, exclusively on Pay per View, it's going to be Super Brawl. And in the Thunder Cage, two exciting matches. One of them pitting Sting the Natural, Dustin Rhodes and Flying Brian against this trio. You're going to be on the outside, Colonel Frog Horn. I beg, colonel Parker, I beg your pardon. You're going to be looking in every.
Speaker A:Time I go to that ringside with anybody, my honor and my integrity on the line. When you come out here and say that I interfered in a match one way or another, you're calling me a liar and you're calling me a cheat. When you do that, Pillman. I'm just one foot from taking things in order for myself here and taking hold of you myself. But in this Thunder Cage, I'm not going to have to. Because I've organized the finest team ever to be assembled in professional wrestling. Your little plan of a cage match is gonna fall through on you because you're all gonna be hospitalized.
Speaker D:Shortly after the match, Stunning Steve Austin.
Speaker A:All of a sudden Flying Bryant is the goody two shoes of the year. And he's kissed up to two of WCW's finest, and Sting and Dustin Rhodes. When the Thundercase Brian, when they lock the doors, you're not gonna be able to run for me any longer. And if you've ever seen a tomato being squashed up against the screen door, that's exactly what I'm going to do to fly in Brian's Face.
Speaker D:All right, Rick Rude, quickly.
Speaker A:What Thundercage means to the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world is a chance to whittle down the competition. Sting Pillman, Dustin Rhodes, you're no longer on the list of challengers. You're going down once and for all. And you know something? Me, Gene Okin, you little bald headed worm. I want to tell all those eight to fivers out there, I don't like being in a cage match. I'm the best looking wrestler in the world today and this face could be scarred. I can tell you one thing, they better not call me Ballot. I hate Paula. So long.
Speaker D:We'll see you next week. Get out of here.
Speaker B:Promotional consideration all right, so in that prom you had Gene mean Gene. He's reminding the viewers of Super Bowl 4, which is in two weeks on February 20th. Eugene mentions that this trio will be taking on Sting, Dustin Rose, Brian Pillman in the Thunder Cage and Colonel Parker will be on the outside looking in. Then Gene tries to insult Colonel Parker but he totally it up as you just heard. He says you're gonna be on the outside. Colonel Froghorn. Wow, Colonel Frog on I, I beg your pardon Colonel Parker. It's Foghorn, not Frog horn. Hey, I guess that maybe that's a common mistake. People called Frog Horn Leghorn. Who knows, I don't know. Maybe Gene just doesn't watch enough cartoons. Anyway, Colonel Parker talks about his integrity is on the line every time he's at ringside and anytime he's getting accused of cheating and interfering, Parker continues on and mentions that he doesn't have to be in a cage to deal with Pillman because he's organized the finest team ever to be assembled in professional wrestling. And Parker expects their opponents to be hospitalized after the match. Austin says all of a sudden Flying Brian is some good goody two shoes of the year. And that's kissed kissed up to two of WCW's finest, Sting and Dustin Rhodes. That's a good point. You know Flying Brian was this heel the past two years and oh, all of a sudden he's, he's this great good guy now Austin's like I'm not buying that. He's an, he's just using stinking Dustin Rhodes. Austin says Pillman won't be able to run from him any longer. When the Thundercage door is shut. Austin says he's going to, he's going to use Flying Brian's head like a tomato that's rubbed up against a screen door. My first thought is people do that. People rub tomatoes against the screen, though.
Speaker C:Yeah, it must be a Southern thing, I guess. Can't relate.
Speaker B:No, no. Basically it's just raking his face across. You know, that's what he's referring to. But anyway, so he says his face is going to be smashed up like a tomato. Rude says this, this is. That this match is a chance to whittle down his competition. It's a good point. Says Sting, Dustin Rhodes, Brian Pillman, they're going to be no longer on the list of challenges after this match. That's a good point as well. Like, hey, you can't get my title if I. If you lose this match because you can't claim to be a number one contender if you lose. Good point there. Oh, no. If he just talks nonsense. He calls Gene a bald worm. He wants the eight to fivers to know, I thought it was nine to five and I eat the five. But says, I want the eight to fivers to know that he doesn't want to be in a cage match. What? Like you hype in the cage match? He's like, I don't want to be in a cage match. He's saying, man. He also says he's the best looking wrestler in the world today. You know, as I'm watching this promo, I'm looking over, I'm like, well, Austin and Rude are both better looking than you. They're right there. Oh, it's funny.
Speaker C:You just have something to say about that.
Speaker B:It's funny because Austin Rude don't even, like, say anything. Yeah, they stay true to their character, but they're probably thinking like, yeah, right, man, with your shitty ass haircut. Anyway, he also finishes up by saying.
Speaker A:And I hate being called Paula, so no one would call me Paula.
Speaker B:Yeah, good job on those. Gene wraps it up. This shit's over with. Let's go. Show's over. And that wraps up the entire episode as well. Also, just a little side note, this match also aired on WWE Power Hour the following week on February 12, 1994, with a different commentary team, which. That's crazy. It's like it's the same match and.
Speaker C:You get new people to commentate it.
Speaker B:Right? But the. The sad thing about it, though, is Tony Schiavone did commentary for both with a different partner, so he had to do commentary twice himself. That sucks, Tony. What the am I doing this for? Just use the one with Jesse Ventura. Well, you had to do one with, I think, Chris Cruz. What a waste of time that is. Yeah. Sit in a booth and watch that match twice. Give commentary Brutal. Anyway, so that wraps that up. And jv, you're up next. What do you got for us right now?
Speaker C:How to scroll down a little. I'm covering a match to kick us off here. So I'm covering WCW Saturday Night from February 5, 1994. That was taped almost a fucking month earlier. Yeah, and we got. We got some star power here, dude. We got Terry Taylor.
Speaker B:Yeah. Red Rooster.
Speaker C:The Red Rooster against stunning Steve Austin. All right, so this. This is a very short match. There really wasn't much going on, but Terry Taylor is out first, followed by the man of the hour, the US Champion, stunning Steve Austin, along with Colonel Parker by his side. Heenan is great on commentary for this one, which is fantastic. Tony is making fun of Parker's cigar, and he. Heenan basically tells Tony that Parker, you know, with his power and influence, would ruin Tony's life if he doesn't just, like, shut his mouth. But, you know, constant digs at Colonel Parker, the usual Colonel Sanders, you know, stuff like that. Austin is playing the cowardly heel to start the match and falsely accusing Terry Taylor of pulling his hair. He does this multiple times throughout the, uh. Throughout the match here. Very boring match. It kind of gets a little repetitive. I almost. I had to look. I'm like, did the. Did it, like, skip back 10 seconds on me when I was watching it? So get this. Taylor does get control early with the head scissors, but Austin's able to get a rope break. He gets his foot on the rope, then Austin gets up, continues bitching to the ref about Taylor pulling his hair again. Common theme. We then basically get the same chain of events that we just saw. We get an arm drag by Austin into, like, a short arm bar, right? Followed by another head scissors by Taylor. And then again, Austin gets the rope break. And guess what he does after that, bro? He starts complaining about the hair pulling again. Yeah. And there's, like, no sign of hair pulling at all. But Austin's great. You know, he. He kind of makes it. Yeah. And I was like, what the hell's going on? I had to actually check, like, the. Like, now it's the same. Same chain of events there. So Austin does get the first pin attempt. He gets a very crisp power slam off the ropes. He kind of catches Terry Taylor off guard, and there's a, you know, nice snap power slam. Terry Taylor then takes control with a jawbreaker, followed by an overhead suplex. So off the ropes, kind of tosses Austin over his head, then lands a drop kick, followed by a side suplex. So Terry Taylor Gets a lot of momentum off these chains of moves. He does go for a pin attempt, but he actually only gets like a one and a half count. Austin kind of kicks out pretty quickly considering the chain of moves there by Taylor. Taylor then follows with the sunset flip naturally into a pin attempt, which Austin kicks out of a close two count and then follows with an around the world slam on Taylor coming off the ropes. Austin goes for a pin and he's followed by another two count. Taylor does hit his finisher, which apparently is a. It's a flying elbow. So Taylor hits it, hits it very cleanly coming off the ropes. Just the flying elbow off the ropes. Kind of, kind of hits it out of nowhere. Taylor actually has the pin for the win. But Colonel Parker, because Austin looks out, Austin looks just like out cold here, does a great job selling this elbow. But Colonel Parker reaches into the ring without, you know, when the ref can't see and puts Austin's foot on the ropes, which breaks the pin. Okay, so the ref happens to look up just at the right time, doesn't catch that Parker was putting Austin's foot on the rope, sees Austin's foot on the rope and breaks the count. So ref is kind of like distracted by that. I don't know. I don't understand why the ref got distracted here. But Taylor ends up on the outside because he's pissed at. He sees what. He understands what Colonel Parker did. So he goes to kind of, you know, bitch out Colonel Parker. Parker takes his fucking. His like dress shoe off and crack. Taylor cracks Taylor in the head with his brown dress shoe. Ref doesn't see it, of course. And then Austin goes for the win, goes for the pin, and you're thinking it's over, right? But he actually gets a close two count when Taylor breaks the fall with his own leg on the rope. So I like that little theme there, how they're going back and forth with that. Austin does end up winning the match though, with a close three count. So he gets the three count from a roll up with the assist of, you know, pulling Terry Taylor's tights. So Austin gets the win here. No promo or anything after that. It started off slow, but it actually, you know, after you kind of figure out, oh, they just kind of repeated the same thing, you know, it's a short match, but it's actually not that bad considering, like how quick everything plays out. Like, they get a lot out of like the 5, 6 minutes they have to, really.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Than this one. So yeah, gets a win. Another cowardly win for for the heel.
Speaker B:Yeah, that was a return for Terry Taylor too, because he had been just on commentary for a while. He was back in the ring at that point. First, first match back.
Speaker C:Really? I, I don't know if they mentioned that they might have and I missed that, but I know his robe was pretty dope.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah. Knockoff Rick Flair robes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker C:It was nice though. It was like a shiny black. I was like, look at this guy. Look at all crisp. So, yeah, that brings us to I guess a quick coverage here. WCW at live Oak, Florida, February 5, 1994. About 1100 people in attendance. Dustin Rhodes pins WCW US Champion. Our boy stunning Steve Austin in a non title match. Of course, after Colonel Parker accidentally hits Austin with his dress shoe.
Speaker B:Yeah. So Rhodes gets the non title win. Of course. That's what they always do. They always have the baby face win at the house shows. But it doesn't matter because it's not for the title.
Speaker C:Yeah, it's like, don't worry, don't worry, everyone that paid for tickets. This doesn't count. It doesn't count.
Speaker B:Oh, it's funny. All right, so we are gonna do a, a brief little watch along and I, I just thought it was interesting because not only is there's the promo we're gonna watch, which is goofy as, so we have to watch it together. I just want to see hear your reaction to it. The Mongolian mauler. Oh my God.
Speaker C:Mongolian.
Speaker B:And then we're going to keep it all through the commercial break too. So we're going to watch some commercials and then we're going to come back and we're going to watch the debut of Terror Rising.
Speaker C:Oh, I was hoping I saw that in notes. I'm like, I hope we're watching this.
Speaker B:Yeah, we're gonna watch it. All right. So David, you got your video all set up?
Speaker C:Yeah, we got 4309.
Speaker B:You got two girls, 4309, the front row.
Speaker C:Yep. Little freaking Hasbula looking kid. No, Hasbola. You know who that is? You don't know Hasbola?
Speaker B:Oh, you gotta know.
Speaker C:That's Bulla. He's an icon. He's like 40, but he's like got that face. No, he's got disease where he's like a little kid, still has bulla. He's like Dagestan or something. H A S B U L L A H man, you're just like on a different level of the Internet than I am.
Speaker B:Freaking Hezbollah comes up.
Speaker C:That guy, the little kid, you see him?
Speaker B:Yeah, I see you've never seen him before.
Speaker C:He's an adult. But I watched him punch Shaq in the face.
Speaker B:Type. Shaq, too, has more. Shaq has Bulla. Okay.
Speaker C:S. Bulla. Yeah, he's like 20.
Speaker B:Jesus.
Speaker C:He hangs out with all the badass freaking UFC guys from Russia and stuff.
Speaker B:He's tough, though.
Speaker C:He's tough. He's like punches and kicks and.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah, yeah. Kick you in the knees.
Speaker C:Shoots guns and stuff. It's. It's kind of like. Kind of like he'll just like think you shoot like a.50 cal sniper rifle or something. It's just.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah, that'd be funny if he was like president or something as Bulla. That's fun. Yeah, the kid does look like him in the front row. All right, anyway, so we got 4309. I'll give us a countdown. Three down to one. That's like play. When I say play, we click play. 3, 2, 1, play. All right, so we'll get the promo first. Let's take a listen to that. And I have no volume on my thing. Okay, There we go. Steve Austin wearing a nice little dress shirt from Macy's.
Speaker C:Yeah, look at him.
Speaker B:Looks like it.
Speaker A:Humiliation I ever suffered in my life right here before these folks. I swore I'd never be seen in public. You see this guy television program, I'm guaranteeing you. There's one thing that saved it, though. Gene is standing right here beside me because he let me know, Steve, let me know how important it was that I be with him and by his side. And also he drew. He drew a clear point for me to understand that I had been flim. Flammed at the class when I had him down and I was beaten on in my head. And where I warning him then here he come. Here he come with the boss man. And I got double teeth.
Speaker C:Speaking.
Speaker D:Speaking of, Brian Pillman, I understand that you've signed a match for him next week right here on Saturday night.
Speaker A:I certainly have. And now I want to introduce to you.
Speaker B:Watch this guy.
Speaker A:Oh, no, neither, Neither is he going to get a United States title match. I want to introduce to you from the continent of Asia and the Far East, Mongolia, as a matter of fact.
Speaker B:This guy does not look like he's from Mongolia.
Speaker A:Watch in here. Take a look at this.
Speaker C:Wow, that's like awful.
Speaker B:Just looks like some white trash American. Doesn't look like Mongolian. Ls laying down on the ground. Put a cinder block on him.
Speaker C:It looks like he's from Westport.
Speaker B:Westport mess.
Speaker C:Wow, this guy's A badass, definitely.
Speaker B:Look at him. Look at him coming. He has, like, black contacts in, too.
Speaker C:It's awful.
Speaker B:This guy, he's gonna take on Brian Pillman next week. Yeah, we're not covering the match, but I did watch it, and it sucked. He makes his debut, and he loses to Ryan Pillman. It's like, big deal. All right, so terrorizing is coming up next. Great commercial break. We're gonna watch these, though. All right, so we got John Wayne, TBS movie commercial, which at this time, everything on TBS was either wrestling or John Wayne. And I guess the Atlanta Hawks and Braves. Three movies in a row. Cowboys, War Wagon and Train Robbers. Oh, Micro Machines.
Speaker C:I love the car wash. Oh, car.
Speaker B:Wash. Yeah, There it is.
Speaker C:There it is.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Shitty Ass to dry the car.
Speaker B:Yeah. Highways and Byways playset. They like a lube. Ken Muskowitz. I got that right. Muskow Gold Bond. I gotta put it. So it's very drying in my underwear.
Speaker C:25 years later, it gets linked to cancel.
Speaker D:Just makes me feel good when I get out of the shower.
Speaker F:I like the product.
Speaker B:I love it.
Speaker C:It's slowly killing you. Medicated powder, wasn't it? Didn't, like, baby powder get linked to, like, cancer or something?
Speaker B:I think so.
Speaker C:Like testicular cancer. Oh, oh, here we go.
Speaker B:Right? Blue chips.
Speaker C:Naughty and blue chips.
Speaker B:Jack Young Jack.
Speaker C:Put up Monster Fit Shack was scary as.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah.
Speaker C:Imagine if he's like, I don't want to be a basketball player. And UFC was big. He's like, I'm gonna be heavyweight champion. Ufc.
Speaker B:Yeah. Probably could.
Speaker C:These commercials.
Speaker B:Oh, what is this, though?
Speaker C:This is the little girls with the cliff lips.
Speaker B:Yeah. Looks like it hated these.
Speaker C:Make me so sad of a child in desperate need. Can we send them some of that shitty rice? They're eating more of it.
Speaker B:Yeah. The fly on the kid.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:They're just recording it.
Speaker C:Yeah, like.
Speaker B:Like, how about take the.
Speaker C:Yeah, wipe the flies off them. Hold on, hold on. We need the photo op. Keep the flies on five. So we're gonna take them off. Just wait a few more seconds on this.
Speaker B:Kid you moved here.
Speaker C:Don't eat this food. Just wipe it on your face till the flies come.
Speaker B:Then you can eat it to an entire village.
Speaker C:You'll help children and their families learn to help themselves.
Speaker B:This commercial, always so damn long, too.
Speaker C:Sponsor a helpless child who's waiting 20 bucks a month in food. Back then, must have been a lot. Must cost, like, a hundred bucks to fund the kid now.
Speaker B:Yeah. All right, so here it is. Debut of terrorizing. See if they spell his name differently. Yeah, look at just terror rising. R R O R R S R I S N later it would be T E R R A. Yeah, that's.
Speaker C:How I remember it.
Speaker B:No, Bobby likes the arrogance of this up. It does look like a star.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Then he's taking on Keith Cole, one of the cold twins. That mullet man that doubles as a.
Speaker C:Rat tail.
Speaker B:Thinks he looks like Sting. Look at that ham man.
Speaker C:Fit though.
Speaker B:Oh yeah, he's in shape. Hold these guys. Oh, look how tall.
Speaker C:Yeah, what the hell.
Speaker B:Forget how tall he is. Yeah, he's much bigger than Keith Cole.
Speaker C:He was always a good like before he got injured all the time. Similar to Austin. Yeah, I remember like Hunter, Harris, Helmsley. Like all the moves he made was like crisp.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:You could see that here. And WCW really had everybody.
Speaker B:Holy.
Speaker C:Like we knew that, but like seeing it as we're covering all this is what's mind blowing. You had all the future stars, right? They like the fucking exposure in basement.
Speaker B:Yeah, Expos had all the damn stars. They went to other teams.
Speaker C:Voices of Lou, Pedro, Randy Johnson.
Speaker B:Terrorizing. Just got basic blue tights on, blue trunks, white boots made.
Speaker F:He and his brother Ken a very successful.
Speaker B:Got that flowing blonde hair already though.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Not sure how long he stays as terrorizing because he's eventually Jean Paul Lec.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:I guess that's in 95 though maybe. Or is it late 94. He's in WWF in 95.
Speaker C:Yeah, by then he's got a. He has a valet. What's the valet again? He get in wcw? Wasn't he going to ballet for a little while?
Speaker B:I know he teams with Regal. They have his manager using it with just the Bill. Dundee. Sir William.
Speaker F:Into the midsection. Good blows that time. He's right on target.
Speaker C:Terror Rising. Sounds like a shitty mobile game.
Speaker B:It does. That's a horrible name.
Speaker C:Terrorizing. They really needed AI back and then come up with names. Bob. Wow, I don't think I've ever heard of that.
Speaker B:The hell calls him Bob? Hey, Bob. Yeah, it's his name. But who the hell says that? All right, Keith Cole going to whip Terrorizing to the corner. What? Whatever the hell that was like supposed to be a clothesline, but you just ran into him. Back body drop, collision.
Speaker C:Running through the clothesline.
Speaker B:Power Slam.
Speaker F:Scoop, slam.
Speaker B:Horrible. Even Tony Schiavone doesn't want to call the match. Cole misses, hits the corner. Also the middle of the mat. We gotta. The hell is this? An Indian Death Lock? That's horrible. He needs a finisher.
Speaker C:I Can't tell who's her.
Speaker B:Yeah, I know. Yeah, the looks like I heard Terrorizing.
Speaker C:Yeah. Just as much like he put it on wrong.
Speaker B:All right, so that's the debut of Terrorizing the Star. Yeah, he's got the look. Yep. Future head of wrestling there. It's crazy. Was this 29 years ago? No, 31 years ago.
Speaker A:Used to use. And he reverses it on the man, tears off both knees.
Speaker B:That's crazy. 1994 was 31 years ago.
Speaker C:And we're old, bro.
Speaker B:Yeah. All right, so they go to commercial break and we'll stop there. All right. Get back to our coverage. Right, so also, we got a little. Just a little note here. House show in Lakeland, Florida, on February 13th in front of 2300 people on February 13th, 1994, as I said, Steve Austin defeated Johnny B. Bad.
Speaker C:Johnny Be Bad.
Speaker B:All right, from there. Jv, you got coverage for us. Another promo. So go ahead and take it away.
Speaker C:Yeah, so now we got WCW Worldwide from February 19, 1994 taped. And is this right, by the way? Taped November 15, 1993.
Speaker B:Yeah. Yep, yep. That was the same taping as my match. I didn't mention that earlier. Is that the match with Frankie Lancaster? Mark Starr? That was same date, November 15, 1993. Wow. Three months.
Speaker C:Three months. Crazy. But, hey, it was in Orlando, Florida, at the Disney MGM studios. And I have an audio clip to cover. It's just under two minutes. It's a promo, and it's Sting, Dustin Rhodes and Brian Pillman. So give this a listen and we'll be right back to cover it.
Speaker D:I come up with the ring right now. Gentlemen, Brian Bryant. Come on in along with Sting and the Natural Dustin Rhodes. We saw you in action here moments ago. We're gonna be seeing you in action this Sunday night against the Trio. We know who.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah, you know who. That's right. There are a bunch of fruitcakes, all three of them. You got Paula, you got some guy that thinks he's Mr. Hollywood. And then Rick Rood swiveling his hips all over the place. I don't know what to think. And I'm gonna be caught in a cage with all three of them. All I know is I'm gonna can.
Speaker F:All three of them.
Speaker A:Wait a minute.
Speaker E:Stinger, don't forget about.
Speaker A:About Old Foghorn talking about the Colonel.
Speaker E:That poor man's Colonel Sanders. I want you to focus. Focus right on that very moment.
Speaker A:It's Super Br in the cage. Look over here at me when I'm talking to you, boy. Ain't no use to resort to name calling. I'm no Foghorn Leghorn cartoon chicken. What y'all looking at here is Robert Car, a colonel, a man that should be respected. I teach you that when my men go into that big thunder cage there and you realize you're trapped, there's no place for you to go. I get. Hold on now, Pim. Hold on there a minute.
Speaker D:Television.
Speaker A:That's what I'm talking about, Gene. That's what we're talking about. Sunday night Super Brawl Thunder Cage. Brother, you and me got no respect for that man or the rest of the trio.
Speaker D:Gentlemen, I thank you very much in the Thundercage this Sunday night at Super Brawn. And stay tuned for more exciting WCW action. My word.
Speaker C:All right, so we have the. The Babyface Trio here, and they're ready for a promo with Mean Gene. And they're coming off a victory against, like three scrubs. One guy was dressed like army guy and the other two had masks on. I think they were at the Destroyers or whatever they are, right?
Speaker B:Yeah, I think that's what it was.
Speaker C:Yeah. But they're like nobodies, so they get the W. Of course, Sting confirms that they'll see this trio back in action this weekend against you know who. He says Sting calls them fruitcakes and refers to them as Mr. Hollywood, the guy that swing his hips all over the place. And Orloff. So we know that's he. Didn't you think he would call the Mr. Wonderful? He didn't.
Speaker B:I'll call him Paula. Oh, yeah, right.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:What the hell is Orloff?
Speaker C:Yeah, so, yeah, so obviously he's referring to Steve Austin, Mr. Wonderful and ravishing Rick Rude. Sting says he's going to can all three of them. And Mean Gene then turns his attention to Pillman next, and Pillman says he can't wait for old Foghorn. So Pillman's still itching to get some revenge on Colonel Parker. He. He also refers to Colonel Parker as the poor man's Colonel Sanders. So. But while Pillman's trying to finish his promo and get more trash talking in Colonel Parker appears on the big screen. That's actually right behind them, right behind the trio here. And then Colonel Parker's, you know, he's on screen, he's talking. He doesn't want to be referred to as, you know, Colonel Sanders. He doesn't think they should return. Resort to name calling. And in the meantime, you just kind of see Pillman leave the set with the trio. So now you just kind of have Dustin Rhodes and Sting standing there. While Parker's doing all his talking on the big screen, he continues to say that, you know, he's not a cartoon chicken. Parker says that the three of them are screwed when they are trapped in the thunder cage and realize there is no place for them to go now, right on the screen. If you're kind of paying attention, if you. If you watch this, Pillman shows up on the big screen with Parker, and you can see he's found Colonel Parker backstage. And Pillman starts chasing Parker away from the big screen. Rhodes gets all pumped up. Sting says they have no respect for that trio and that they're gonna win this weekend. Very sloppy ending to this promo and, like, very shitty production. Like, it felt like they just kind of winged it. Like, there was no rehearsal or discussion. Rhodes doesn't really. Like, he's not even involved. And when he gets pumped, if you just watch, he just kind of. Like, he doesn't know what to do.
Speaker B:It's like moving his hands, like, yeah, yeah.
Speaker C:And then Snake's just like, yeah, they have no respect for them and we're gonna win. And, like, I think I was listening to an episode of BTT not too long ago. Well, maybe like a month or so ago, and I forgot who it was. One of them mentioned how Sting kind of, like, actually wasn't good. Like. Like, wasn't a good promo at all. Like, in hindsight, and, God, they're right.
Speaker B:Horrible. Yeah.
Speaker C:He's terrible.
Speaker B:He's so corny. He's so corny.
Speaker C:He's the corniest. Like, you can't get much corny, like, than he is. And, like, covering this episode, maybe it's because we haven't, like, you know, we're kind of back on schedule and seeing Sting more, like, periodically instead of, like, three months at a time now. And I was a big Sting guy, and I'm like, yeah, man. You'd have to be seven years old to relate to him, right? There's no way an adult is like, yeah, this guy rules. It's like, dude, stop talking.
Speaker B:You're right. This guy's a goof.
Speaker C:It's like, take away his face.
Speaker B:Like, I wanna be cool guy.
Speaker C:Yeah, take away his face. Pain. Is he basically Keith Cole?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Well, yeah. So that was it for that. For that promo. But again, just continuing to build to the. To the thunder cage. So if they filmed this three months earlier, probably.
Speaker B:Yeah. What's the.
Speaker C:No, they must have known, right? And when they're saying this next weekend, they must mean, like, yeah, it's crazy. Like what? That must have been a disaster to keep up with.
Speaker B:Yeah. Where are we at?
Speaker C:All right.
Speaker B:But it's, it's the week before Super Brawl.
Speaker C:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:You know this. And there was, at that point there was still other things happening. Like there's still Starcade coming. There was still a Clash of the Champions coming up. And they're jumping all the way to something that's happened in February. Crazy.
Speaker C:Very.
Speaker B:No, I'm surprised that, you know, they're able to handle it as well as they did. You know, I mean they definitely up at times, but for the most part they were able to keep on schedule with what they had planned.
Speaker C:Yeah, it's kind of like crazy that they were able to keep that professionalism.
Speaker B:Right. And like that's so risky too. Like, who knows what's gonna happen with somebody.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:You know, like an injury or something. And then you have to scrap the whole and everything that you recorded. Change it. Risky. Well, sometimes it pulled. They pulled it off. All right, so anyway, this brings us now to Super Brawl 4, which was February 20, 1994 in Albany, Georgia. And we are gonna watch part of this. We're gonna watch the. And watch the big Thundercage match. There are gonna be two Thunder cage matches, but we're just gonna watch the six man tag team one. I'm also gonna read the results as well. I see. Had a 7,600 people in attendance. So small crowd or pay per view, I only 7,000, 4,200 paid then. Listen to this. More than a thousand tickets were given away to fans who turned in handguns. Wow. A thousand people turned in handguns for a wrestling ticket.
Speaker C:Ripped off.
Speaker B:Damn. Mistakes were made up. People down in Albany, Georgia probably had multiple handguns. So they're probably like, I'll turn this one and this is my old shitty one. Yeah, I'll go to a wrestling show.
Speaker C:Yeah, get that one that jammed at the range the other day.
Speaker B:All right, so here's the match results for the card. You had Harlem Heat going by Colon Kane at that time. Before they be just use their names. Booker T. And Stevie Ray. They defeated a tag team called Thunder and Lightning. Thunder and Lightning are so. They're so lame. They come to the ring in capes. Bobby Heenan makes fun of them, calls them Batman and Robin.
Speaker C:80% of kids had a team name Thunder and Lightning.
Speaker B:Yeah, definitely. But Thunder and Light and. Yeah, they're wrestling in the backyard. Yeah, the Lightning is the quick one. I'm quick on Lightning. Yeah, yeah, you're Fat. So you're Thunder. Whatever. You know, that's exactly.
Speaker C:No, dude, that. I'm pretty sure my brother and I were Thunder Lightning. At one point he was fast and I was big.
Speaker B:So one of the guys actually went on to be something. You know. Speaking of Sting. So Lightning was. Becomes the fake Stink.
Speaker C:Really?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Jeff Farmer, NWO Sting.
Speaker B:Yeah. The NWO Sting. Yeah.
Speaker C:No, that's funny.
Speaker B:It was all. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he kind of looked like Sting a little bit.
Speaker C:Yeah, no, he did. I think he did. That went over well.
Speaker B:Well, yeah, it was also the fake Sting. Remember when Sting, before he was Crow, he. He had like brown hair.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Remember that?
Speaker C:Yeah, the short hair.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker C:Well, that's like, you know.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Like the Karen cut, right?
Speaker B:Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So he was the fake Sting for that as well. Before he was the fake NWO Sting, he was the fake Darkest Stink too. And prior to that he was another character called Cobra. And he teamed up with Sergeant Craig Pittman.
Speaker C:Did we cover that?
Speaker B:No.
Speaker C:I feel like I remember a Cobra though.
Speaker B:But he had like a beret. Yeah, yeah, with a beret on. So anyway, the Holland Heat defeated them, of course. In the opening match you have Jungle Jim Steele defeating the Equalizer, which is David Sullivan, also known as Evad Dave Sullivan. Terry Taylor defeated Diamond Dallas Page Sullivan. Sounds like a guy from far over.
Speaker C:Yeah. Things not at the vfw.
Speaker B:Dave Sullivan's tires.
Speaker C:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:Johnny B. Bad defeated Jimmy Garvin, who is a sub for Michael Hayes. And Jimmy Garner had no place wrestling at this time. He was old as, or looked old as. He was basically a pilot already at this point. But he came back with some from Michael Hayes, who was about to be Doc Hendricks in WWF in a few months later in 94, Lord Steven Regal retained the TV Championship in a 29 minute match against Arne Anderson. That's probably a good match. I didn't watch it, but maybe I'll go back and watch it. Cactus Jack teamed up with Max Payne, who would later become Man Mountain Rock. In wwf. They defeated the tag team champions, the Nasty Boys by dq. And then the next match is the match that we're going to cover. And that was followed by the main event which was Ric Flair defeating Big Van Vader to return to retain the WCW Championship in the Thundercage match, which only lasted 11 minutes. And the boss, only the big boss man, future Guardian angel, was the special guest referee in that match. All right, so that brings us now to our match that we're going to cover, which of course is The Thundercage match. Sting, Dustin Rhodes and Brian Pillman taking on ravishing Rick Rude, stunning Steve Austin and Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff. And we got a timestamp of 2 hours, 3 minutes and 52 seconds. So you got JV.
Speaker C:Yeah, I got to get there though.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker C:203.
Speaker B:52. Wow.
Speaker C:I almost clicked perfectly. Wow, that's crazy. You got a black screen.
Speaker B:Yeah, so it's actually like a faded screen.
Speaker C:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:It has mean Gene on Anderson, Ricky Steamboat, and the screens like turning black to show the crowd of the arena. Whatever. Yeah.
Speaker C:So me and Gene's coming off an interview with Ric Flair and Steamboat, right?
Speaker B:Oh, is that Ric Flair? Yeah, yeah. Non Innocence in the background.
Speaker C:I don't see our name.
Speaker B:Oh, it's right behind. Means you.
Speaker C:Am I in the right? Video super brawl 2201994 yeah.
Speaker B:Oh, two, oh, 20351. 52. Yeah, you should be in the right spot.
Speaker C:What?
Speaker B:2 hours, 3 minutes, 51 seconds.
Speaker C:Oh, there he is. Okay. Yeah, Yeah. I was at 202. 52. Never mind. All right, now I'm ready. My bad.
Speaker B:All right. A little bit. All right, I'll count down. Three. Down to one, say play. When I say play, we click play. Three, two, one, play.
Speaker C:Check your wallet.
Speaker B:Bobby H's in the arena. Also, this is Bobby Heenan's first pay per view wcw.
Speaker C:Oh, really?
Speaker B:Yeah, it just recently came in. It was just a month before this was the debut of Monday Night Raw and Bobby Heenan was kicked off Raw and Gorilla Monsoon kicked him out of the building. And that's when he left wwf. Then immediately he was on wcw.
Speaker C:Why did he get kicked out? Was it a contract thing?
Speaker B:Yeah, it was just a contract. It was up and I don't think anything negative was going on. I think he's just. Vince McMahon wanted to move on, have different people. His gene was gone just a change. Look at that shitty cage. Looks like a bird cage.
Speaker C:That's awful.
Speaker B:I mean, they're trying to go for that WWF look with the big, like the big blue cage.
Speaker C:Yeah, like the thicker posts.
Speaker B:Right. You know, not like a. A fence. You know, it's just a blocks. So yeah, it's just like a hell in a cell. It's not like the cage is not up against the ropes. It's, you know, just covering the whole, you know, ringside area. Just like a hell in a cell does. Here comes our team with Colonel Robin Paka.
Speaker C:Oh, baby.
Speaker B:WCW International. Like it's some other kind of company. Yeah. Recognized as The Heavyweight champion by the WCW International the hell up. He is the U. S. Champ. Like Mr. Wonderful's robe matches Austin's vest. Yeah, like a tag team. Yeah. Paula. You got a Paula sign. They love that shitty cage, man. Oh, rickety.
Speaker C:Oh yeah. It looks like you can't shake it.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Don't hit it.
Speaker B:Yeah, don't go up against it. Don't try to climb it either.
Speaker C:Touch it.
Speaker B:I'm just gonna place this around the ring. Don't use it at all. Just for optics. Oh, we got a stinger in the crowd. A girl with Sting makeup on. That's weird. Doesn't look right. They love Sting, man. I like his entrance music. Me too.
Speaker C:I like it. I love the stuff thing. I still do. Even though he's dang hard to see with the camera. Yeah, they don't know what to do. They didn't practice.
Speaker B:Yeah, they have no clue what they're doing. They're just gonna have a match. That's it. As if there is no cage there.
Speaker C:Sting's a pro.
Speaker B:True. This is his fourth or fifth. This is his fifth undercage match. The road's been in a handful. As I said before on off spending one. It's the first one for Austin. Rude's been in a bunch. So Austin and Pillman are the only ones that are never been in this match before. That makes sense because they were in a tag team together. Oh, Sting doing the dick dancing.
Speaker C:I can dick dance too.
Speaker B:Locking Rick Rude. All right, so they actually have to like tag in in this match. I thought they were just going to be able to just brawl in the cage. Like war games. They actually have to tag in their partners. Kind of dumb.
Speaker C:Very.
Speaker B:Like if. If they don't go out of the ring then there's no use of the cage.
Speaker C:No, no there isn't.
Speaker B:Otherwise it's just a regular tag team match.
Speaker C:Wow, that was loud.
Speaker B:Yeah, that girl is screaking. And Tony Schiavone just randomly with this sting.
Speaker A:Level and rude. Jesus.
Speaker B:Ms. Albany, Georgia. Bobby Heaton's great. I love how he used to just make fun of people that popped up on camera. You can never do that now Bobby Heaton's like reminding the viewers they are going to use the cage. Right.
Speaker C:Quality is so bad I can barely tell who's in the ring.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's on off instinct it looks like. I mean we got the. I think this is the pay per view version. The original airing or it might be the home video.
Speaker C:There we go.
Speaker B:There he is. Austin in the ring. Double team staying with on off ringer. Reverse arm wringer, shoulder block, step down. Oh, what happened to Austin? You faking?
Speaker C:Gotta be.
Speaker B:Yeah, gotta be.
Speaker C:We would have heard.
Speaker B:I was just randomly faking his knee. Oh, Scorpion Deathlock already.
Speaker C:Oh.
Speaker B:All right. Rude comes in to break it. Is this elimination, I wonder. I don't know.
Speaker C:That would be more like War games, though.
Speaker B:Yeah, true. Probably just first to pin or.
Speaker C:Are.
Speaker B:There any rules to this match? Can they escape?
Speaker C:All right, now this is getting good.
Speaker B:And now they're on the outside actually using the cage.
Speaker C:Now, this is like Hell in a Cell.
Speaker B:Briefly on the outside. Toss Austin into the cage a couple of times.
Speaker C:Filming. Hits him with the camera, hit him with that.
Speaker B:It's like Voya. It's a Voyer. It's recorded without watching, without him noticing. Oh, what a slap. All right, Austin running away from Pillman on the outside. Oh, Austin ducks and flies. Sends flying Brian flying into the cage. Bobby Heenan is just hyping the cage constantly.
Speaker A:Look at this.
Speaker B:I love Super Brawl. I love being in wcw. Oh, we got some blood. Grounded Brian Pillman. How the did Rude get so sweaty already? Wasn't even in the match. You see Rude.
Speaker C:I can't tell which one's Rude. Oh, he's in the ring with Tilman.
Speaker B:Not that bad.
Speaker C:I know. I was exaggerating.
Speaker B:Let's see Rude, though. He looks drenched, and he's barely been in this match. His hands all sweaty. I can't even tell if there's blood, though, because the quality.
Speaker C:There's shadows, not blood on the map.
Speaker B:It's funny, the quality that we're watching, it's almost like there's no color. It's. It's almost black and white. Where's Colonel Parker? Is he outside the cage? He's on a ringside. Where the hell is he? Seeing the crowd. Because if you're not in the ringside area, then how can you even be out there? I don't know where the hell he is. I heard him.
Speaker F:Wow, you are seeing some great action here.
Speaker C:Tag.
Speaker F:An injured Flying Brian. A helpless Flying Brian. Right now. World Champion Rick Rude.
Speaker B:All right, Rude's going to the top. There is Parker right on the outside of the cage. Rude's going to the top of the knee drop. Hits it. Why is the referee, like, trying to control every. Like it's a cage match. What the guys just fight.
Speaker F:Cannot get up.
Speaker A:Well, he's got to get to that corner.
Speaker B:Tony Peewee Anderson making sure everyone stays in that corner in a cage match. So Bobby Heenan's not even talking about this match anymore. He's talking about the next match of smashing tv. Austin off the second row going for an elbow drop connect. All right, so there's no dq. There's no dq. So why is the ref trying to enforce all the rules? What's holding these guys back from just like going in the ring if it's no dq?
Speaker C:Well, Stink's trying to get the crowd back into it because they got a little flat.
Speaker B:Yeah, Austin. Oh, nice drop kick.
Speaker C:Nice counter.
Speaker B:Yeah. Austin coming off the second rope and Pillman just drop kicks him in midair. Good spot. Now the crowd.
Speaker C:Austin's swinging at air. He's concussed. It's gonna cost. Comes Orndorff. Here comes Stinger.
Speaker B:Get a fancy camera shot there.
Speaker C:Stick with that shot.
Speaker B:Yeah, it was a good angle. Austin tied up in the ropes. Falls on the outside. Stink closed lines on Doff. Clothesline Omania. The hell's that? It's clothesline. Oh, mania. It's just one clothesline, Tony. It's all like it was close allies and closed lining. Everybody.
Speaker C:Here we go. Use the cage. Let's get violent. You know why they look at the cage? It's going to tip, cave in.
Speaker B:Kids are shaking. Yeah, on the left.
Speaker C:Yeah, like the bottom's kicking out the wrong way.
Speaker B:Right? Kid sucks.
Speaker C:That'd be hilarious if the cage just collapsed in on itself.
Speaker B:That would be so wc.
Speaker A:Oh, he's opened up. I think it's his eyebrow.
Speaker B:Becomes dusty rose. Baby, baby. Dustin Roads.
Speaker C:That's gonna stick my hips in here. Show with a bang.
Speaker B:Grabs his dick, hits the bionic elbow. I got you right here, right here, right here.
Speaker C:They both have yellow shorts on.
Speaker B:Sting has yellow on too.
Speaker C:That's orange.
Speaker B:Oh, is it? I can't even tell.
Speaker C:I think it's orange.
Speaker B:Yeah, you're right, it's not yellow. It's orange. Or, or like, I don't know, like. Yeah, it's gonna be orange. It's like peach.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker A:Match inside of a thunder cage.
Speaker C:Wonderful. Wow, that was a nice quick little elbow to the midsection there by Rhodes.
Speaker B:Over the Bulldog.
Speaker C:Oh, no.
Speaker B:Oh, goes for the bulldog. Or rude. Just tosses him to the top rope. Nice spot.
Speaker C:Bulldog to sitting on his hot dog.
Speaker B:Oh, now he's set up for a.
Speaker C:Big back drop belly to back off the second rope. This is actually good.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's getting good.
Speaker C:Bear hug. No one does this anymore.
Speaker B:Yeah, bear hug. I mean, it came up in the match that I covered the bear hug.
Speaker C:I mean nowadays.
Speaker B:Yeah, nowadays Now, Yeah, yeah. God forbid they slow down in a match today. We've already been watching this for 18 minutes.
Speaker C:How long is this match?
Speaker B:30 was 20 minutes. We only have four minutes left. Yeah, it's finally just starting to get good. And it's like, oh, it's gonna be over soon.
Speaker C:Nice body shots. I mean, Dustin Rhodes right now looks like the best worker in this match.
Speaker B:Yeah, Austin's just doing a lot of selling.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Oh, Austin gets pushed off the ring apron and.
Speaker C:Yeah, that's a great.
Speaker B:All tied up into the cage. That was good throwing us. Yeah, Austin's bumping around here.
Speaker C:That cage. Rusty the tetanus shot. Nice flying back elbow. Wow.
Speaker B:Yeah, Austin Rhodes looking good in this match. Sting wants to get in there, though.
Speaker C:Oh, get Pillman.
Speaker B:Pillman. Pillman's just slapping Austin. Nice back body drop.
Speaker C:Oh, nice Double drop.
Speaker B:Double drop kick to the opponents on the ring apron.
Speaker C:So much energy.
Speaker B:Yeah. Oh, here we go.
Speaker C:Everyone's in complete pandemonium. All six are in the rink.
Speaker B:Referee has no control now. What is he counting for? There's no dq. That's the. That annoys me.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker B:When a referee is trying to enforce rules of dq match, no dq. Wow, what a bubble. Back body drop.
Speaker C:Oh, nice. One, two, one. Wow.
Speaker B:Great. Wow. All right, so there's a finish there with Sting. Press slams Brian Pillman onto Austin. Pillman gets the win.
Speaker C:I do.
Speaker B:Miss pinfall over Austin.
Speaker C:You didn't need a finisher to finish a match.
Speaker B:Yeah. Just happened to get the advantage.
Speaker C:Yeah, you got a nice chain of good moves.
Speaker B:Oh, it's a. Roots trying to get out of the cage. Oh, Roots slams the cage door into Austin. I mean, stage.
Speaker C:Oh, and it slams them with the rude awakening.
Speaker B:Yeah. Brute awakening onto Sting after the match.
Speaker C:The good guys don't look like winners at the end here.
Speaker B:No. Right. Good guys won, but they look like.
Speaker C:Now Sting just got up.
Speaker B:Sting has no face paint on now.
Speaker C:Yeah, I just noticed that too. I wonder how long he didn't have face paint on. We just couldn't tell.
Speaker B:Yeah, couldn't tell because he's got a.
Speaker C:PlayStation 1 graphics face.
Speaker B:I didn't know Keith Cole was in this match.
Speaker C:Yeah, they look like polygons, like Virtual Fighter.
Speaker B:Virtual Fighter.
Speaker C:Oh, he hits that good.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Lands hard on his back on that mat and he throws all stinky sweat on him. That was a good match.
Speaker B:Yeah, that was good. Bobby Heenan sweating, Bob.
Speaker C:Sweating his ass.
Speaker B:Bob, Bob, Bob the Brain. All right, so they're hyping the next match, but we're gonna stop here. Next match is Ric Flair taking on Big Van Vader. Ric Flair retains the championship. That's roll four. All right, so from there now, a week later, February 26th, 1994, in Columbia, South Carolina at the township auditorium, you have 15 people, 1500 people in attendance. Sting takes on Steve Austin in a non title match. Sting pins Austin in that non title match after 18 minutes. And we get the same finish that Dustin Rhodes had when he defeated Austin is that Colonel Robert Parker accidentally hits Austin with his dress shoe. So same thing, just different guy. All right, and then from there now we move on to WWWE worldwide from February 26, 1994. So a week after the pay per view, we're back on worldwide. And this was taped on. I don't know, they couldn't find it. There was no date for this taping. So I think it was more recent than the November one because it's more related to Super Brawl. And they know the results of Super Brawl at this point. So must have been within that the week or maybe the week before, you know, sometime in February. I'm sure this will. So anyway, it's just a promo, so we'll. And then we got a brief little match that I'm going to cover. So let's take a listen to the promo. It's Stunning Steve Austin with Colonel Robert Parker being interviewed by Mean Gene Oakland on the stage with the big screen. So take a listen to that and we'll be right back.
Speaker D:All right, ladies and gentlemen, my guests at this time, the United States Heavyweight champion, Stunning Steve Austin and his batty champions, Colonel Harla, Colonel Robert Parker. Colonel Parker, come on out. Next week's gonna be something else. This man, as you know, is gonna be involved in a tag team bout right here on this very television show.
Speaker A:That's exactly right. After the humiliation that I suffered in this suit right here, I decided my best track would be to go for a revenge thing. What I'm gonna do here, I'm gonna put. Put this Foghorn Leghorn suit that I now hold the mortgage on to work. I'm gonna see that Brian Pillman wears this thing right here next week on tv. Ain't it pretty? He ain't gonna be looking so pretty when he's sticking on his head. Don't forget about Dustin Rose. Don't forget about the humiliation Dustin Rose caused you when he roughed a cigar in your mouth. No cigars in my face. And that's the other sticky laser. Dustin Rhodes, if they lose, is gonna eat that cigar right here. In front of everybody. While Pillman sports around this here phone gone. Leghorn suit.
Speaker D:Oh my worhe. Colonel, here's what happened. Here's what happened recently at World Championship.
Speaker A:I want to have Steve Rieger come out here with Sir William. Now. I'm never gonna be seen in this. This is Brian Pillman. Shoot. You're the ones gonna be.
Speaker D:There is another stipulation, gentlemen. If your man happened to lose that match, you know. But that means the following week either one of these men are going to have to put their titles on the line. Right here.
Speaker A:I never signed. Where, sir? I never signed up.
Speaker D:Shut up. You don't know.
Speaker A:Right on the line. What is it up to you? This microphone over here. Oh, we're going to work. Is putting his chicken suit on that.
Speaker D:It's gonna be a big one next week right here. Stay tuned. We're gonna be back with more worldwide.
Speaker B:All right, so Mean Gene is there on stage and he introduces stunning Steve Austin and Colonel Parker, who he calls Colonel Harlan because I mean Colonel Hall. I mean Colonel Robert Parker. I don't know. I was trying to do it like a Jim Ross there. Anyway, Colonel Harlan. Harlan Sanders, right? KFC Parker walks out with the fucking chicken head. So there it is again. The chicken head is back. And at first that it made me think, oh, this must have been recorded a long time ago because they're still talking about the chicken soup. But no, the chicken suit already happened. And now he's brought it back. So talk. Parker talks about being humiliated. Humiliated on TV because of that very mask. And Parker says that he wants some course of action for revenge. Parker says that he's gonna put on. He's gonna put on the Foghorn Leghorn costume to work since he's the new owner to it. So he's. He. He has the costume now, right? He had to wear it. He said he's gonna put this costume to work now that he actually owns it and he's gonna put it in there. He says, I own the mortgage. I own the mortgage of the Farcom Leghorn costume. Anyway, Parker continues on and says that Pillman will be wearing the mask next week on WCW Worldwide. Austin jumps in and reminds the audience that he's moving on to Dustin Rhodes. There's. Don't forget, don't forget about the humiliation Dustin Rhodes caused you when he stuck that cigar in your mouth. Parker mentions that the added stipulation is if Dustin Rhodes and Brian Pillman lose next week, the tag match, Rhodes will take a cigar in his mouth. Okay? So he Gets a cigar if he loses. Not a bad, not a bad prize there. Anyway, on the video screen behind the interview stage, they played a video of Colonel Parker dressing up as the chicken from Clash of Champions. Actually, no. It was the week after Clash of Champions on WWE Saturday Night. That was the payoff. So they show that again. Lord Steven Regal comes out, who's going to be Austin's partner against Pillman and Dustin Rhodes the following week. We'll cover that next episode in March. Gene proclaims that in the next two weeks, Regal and Austin will need to defend their respective titles. Both Regal and Austin are, you know, confused too. Like, what do you mean we're gonna defend that title? So why so mean? Gene's letting them know you're going to defend your titles in the next couple weeks. So anyway, the segment ends in a show. Parker wants the mic back and he talks about how Pillman will be wearing the chicken head. And it's just a big show as, as they wrap things up. Then when they come back from commercial, there's a match, something Steve Austin's gonna take on. Ta McCoy, Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan are on commentary for this. Parker does his intro for Stunning Steve, and Austin's just get, you know, he's getting resounding booze from the crowd, you know, so they're, they're playing it up. He's. He's a true heel. The match begins. TA McCoy is another guy with a freaking mullet rat tail. It's like everyone has a rat Tail in 1994. For some reason, Eric Bischoff is kind of lame on commentary. And Bobby Heen was probably annoyed that he had to work with Eric Bischoff. Now he's used to being with Tony. Eric Bischoff is just goofy. So T.A. mcCoy, he's basically just gets his ass kicked. Austin's drops an elbow from halfway across the ring, goes for a cover mullet. McCoy kicks out. Moments later, Austin hits McCoy with the stun gun for the win. And also, this is another example of this match being re aired on a different episode with different commentary. A week later on March 5 on the power Hour, you get this match again with different commentary. And then from there now we'll move on to the next day, which is WCW Saturday, actually WWE main event on February 27, 1994. And this was taped in Dalton, Georgia, and it was taped back in December. December 6, 1993. This is just all over the place. So anyway, first part, it's a match. It's supposed to be a Match. It's supposed to be Stunning Steve Austin taking on Brian Pillman. But the match doesn't actually happen and I'm gonna play the audio so you'll hear what happens there and then I'll cover it. So take a listen to that and we'll be right back. It's about four minutes long.
Speaker A:Introducing from Hollywood, California at 235 pounds, Brian.
Speaker F:All right, one of our two main events. One on one, they've wrestled before, you've seen them on TBS. But this time after the big win that they had in that six man collision at Super Brawl, Flying Bryan is on a roll, more focus than ever, set to go against Stunning Steve.
Speaker A:And ladies and gentlemen, his opponent, accompanied by Colonel Rob Parker from Hollywood, California. He weighs 252 pounds and is the United States Heavyweight Champion. Stunning Steve Austin doesn't quite exactly look stunning here. Something's up.
Speaker F:But that's not his wrestling ties. He's wearing Jean.
Speaker B:Wait a minute.
Speaker F:The arms in a sling. Do you remember a Stunning Steve getting hurt in the cage of Super Brawl?
Speaker A:Nothing that I noticed but you know, a lot of, of times when you get injured, you don't feel it till later on that night.
Speaker F:Wait a minute.
Speaker A:It's unfortunate and I regret to bring you this information here, but due to an injury that the United States Heavyweight Champion Sonny Steve Austin suffered just a few days ago, he's going to be unable to wrestle. Right here. If you'll look this over, you will see that's a certificate.
Speaker F:Hit him right now, Brian. He got a certificate. Well, hit the guy with a certificate.
Speaker D:Too.
Speaker A:Close because you know you're responsible for this and I know that all these people came out to watch me defend my title tonight and I'm sorry that I can't. I can't perform because I love competing, competing and I love wrestling and playing by the rules. But tonight's not gonna be the night. Brian, I'm hurt.
Speaker F:Give me a break.
Speaker A:Listen to the man. I would love to wrestle you, but what I'm gonna have to do, I'm gonna have to admit tonight that you're the better man tonight. You're the better man. And I'd like to reach up there and shake your hand like a man, but you can see that I can't even look. Lift it this high. The only real. But I just can't. So you're the better man in 3, 4 of a match and we'll see you down the road sometime.
Speaker F:Well, Flying Brian wins by forfeit then.
Speaker A:That was big of Austin. Couldn't it those things.
Speaker B:All right. What?
Speaker A:Oh.
Speaker F:Oh, there you. Can you believe this? There's nothing wrong with that arm.
Speaker A:Well, Pillman, the stupid idiot should never have trusted Stunning Steve Austin.
Speaker F:And he's choking him. And they're double. This was a chance to get back at Flying Br for the chicken soup for what happened in the cage. And now Dustin Rhodes is out.
Speaker A:Especially after the chicken suit incident.
Speaker F:You think Pilbin would have been wise to this? Fans, we have our next main event. We try to sort this one out and give you more an update.
Speaker B:All right, so as you heard, Flying Brian was set to have his title shot against Stunning Steve Austin for the US Title. And Austin head down to the ring and he's just in street clothes and he has an arm sling and he heads out there with Colonel Parker in the ring. Colonel Parker says that Austin was recently injured at Super Brawl and he cannot wrestle tonight. He cannot defend the title. Austin says that he's going to be the bigger man and forfeit the match to Brian Pillman. Pillman obviously is disappointed. He turns his back on Austin once he turns his back on Austin. Austin attacks Brian Pillman from behind. So of course, nothing was really wrong with him. He just didn't want to defend his title. Oh, chicken heel. And Dustin Rhodes comes out to make the save for Pillman as they're continuing to build up. Austin and Dustin Rhodes feud again. And then from there now you have Brian Pillman get interviewed by Tony Schiavone after this whole big thing. And they go to commercial and they come back and they have this interview with Brian Pillman. It's a couple minutes long, so take a listen to that, then we'll be right back.
Speaker F:All right, we're with Flying Brian. I know you're very upset about what happened, but in the back, Commissioner Nick Bockwinkle, working with the championship Committee, have assured us that next week they have some mind Flying Brian to face Stunning Steve one on one this time. And we do understand that Stunning Steve will put the gear on. He'll have to get in the ring next week, Brian.
Speaker E:Well, Tony, before we get to next week, I'd like to reflect for a moment. Everybody knows I spent a lot of time with Stunning Steve, driving up and down the freeways, talking about our plans for the futures, our hopes, our dreams, our aspirations. I felt very fortunate. I was lucky to have a partner like Stunning Steve. A very gifted, talented athlete. I knew deep down inside this man would make his mark in professional wrestling, but little did I realize he would make his mark as the most despicable snake that ever slithered across the face of God's green earth. A man that has reduced himself to fainting injuries, increasing the palms of impoverished street urchins to do his dirty work. Well, Dustin Rhodes, myself, you may be at the bottom of your totem pole, but let me assure you, you are at the top of our hit list. And this time next week, your moment of glory is gonna arrive. Because not only are you gonna get a brush with greatness, I'm gonna put your star right there in Hollywood on the walk of shame.
Speaker A:Brian, I want you to know right now that I just went back there and I talked to the WCW officials, and I got it. Okay? I'm gonna be in your corner. I'm gonna watch out for that Colonel Chicken Parker and Stunning Steve Austin. You've stuck your nose in the wrong business. And you and Brian Pillman is going to take care of it, and I'm going to be there for it.
Speaker F:What a main event that will be next week. Fans will see at that time.
Speaker B:All right, so when they get back from the commercial break, Tony. Tony Schiavone is on the interview stage with Brian Pillman. He tells Pillman, I know you're unhappy, but President Nick Bockwinkle has just assured us that next week Austin will have to defend his U.S. championship. So he's gonna get matched the following week on WCW Main Event, which will be in March, so we'll cover that as well. On the next episode, Pillman aggressively mentions that he spent a lot of time with Stunning Steve. You know, we were driving by the freeways and up and down the highways. We're talking about our future, you know, saying Steve Austin was a. Was a great partner. He was a gifted partner. He's very talented. He's very gifted. But. And he says, I know this man deep down inside. You know, I knew he would make a mark in professional wrestling. Pillman, you know, given his opponent, his former partner, a little, Little praise there, you know, you would think you'd be more like, pissed off and talking about him, but he's like, oh, he's a good part. He was a good partner. He's very gifted. I know he didn't have an impact on professional wrestling. Kind of weird. That's. That's the route they went with this interview. And that wraps up our coverage. Jv, anything you want to add?
Speaker C:No, no, not at all. It was good stuff, though.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Match the. The main event did not disappoint.
Speaker B:No. Yeah, that was a good match. I was surprised. I thought it was gonna totally suck once I saw that cage. But hey, they made the best of it and it was a good match. And you know, they're building up feuds, you know, Dustin Rhodes, Steve Austin, Austin, Pillman still. Right. So, so good going on there. And they continue to build up as they head into March. March is going to be jam packed for Austin. So March is actually going to be broken into two parts for us. So the next episode we're going to cover half of March and then the following episode will be the second half of March. There's just so much going on at that point this month. There wasn't much, but we still got over an hour of it, like I knew we would. I thought this was gonna be a light episode, but hey, the way it works, we always get the best out of it. So, yeah, so the next couple episodes will be broken the half of March and what's coming up in March? Yeah, they don't have a pay per view in March yet. It might be a clash. But the next big pay per view coming up will be in April, which is an awesome pay per View was 1994 Spring Stampede in April. That was really good. So we'll be getting to that as well in the next couple of months. All right, so anyway, we're gonna wrap up the show in just a second, so take a listen to Alex Dario's Talking taker, and then we'll be right back with our bottom line wrap up.
Speaker G:All right, bottom line, cast, listen, Fox News, this is Alex Dorio, one half of the Talking Taker podcast. And after nearly 200 episodes exploring every pay per view match of the Undertaker's career, along with my co host Travis White, we just couldn't let the podcast rest in peace. So join us now on the 1st of every month as we dig even deeper into the legacy of the newest member of the WWE hall of Fame. From unearthing some rare and unreleased hidden gems, to exploring Mark Calaway's career outside of wwe, to revisiting some favorite matches with collaborations with our friends of the show, to movie reviews, to Ministry of Darkness fantasy drafts, you just never know what we might come out of the grave with.
Speaker B:Next.
Speaker G:Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, watch the full video versions on YouTube. Follow us on social media. Akietaker and as always, taker.
Speaker B:Easy.
Speaker A:All systems operating within normal design parameters.
Speaker C:Engage Somatic generation sequence.
Speaker A:Malfunction detected. System overload. Warning. Warning. Warning. System overload critical.
Speaker D:Next on WCW Saturday Night.
Speaker B:All right, we're back now for the bottom line, wrap up. And before we head on it, head out of here, give some podcast plugs to our pals out there. Okay, you just heard Talking Taker, Alex Dario, Travis White. They are covering or they have covered the entire career of the Undertaker and they do monthly special episodes in their latest episode to come out in March is the ultimate WrestleMania fantasy draft with the Pod Street Crew. Alright, so they're doing a little fantasy draft on their latest episode and they have special guests watch along. Tommy, Randy Turco, Steven Zieman on there as well. So fun episode. So check that out. It's Talking Taker. And also check out their archives because they covered the entire career of the Undertaking. Did a damn good job doing it too. Check them out. Those are boys. Also check out Book in the Territory, the unprofessional wrestling podcast with Mike Mills, Hard Body Hopper and Doc Turner. And they are doing weekly coverage of WCW Saturday Night and they are currently in August of 1993. So the latest episode is August 7th, 1993. So go ahead and check them out. Great episodes there. And also check out our vantage point, the Retro Wrestling podcast in which they are also doing coverage week to week of WWF. They're doing WWF superstars and they're in 1987. It's August 1st, 1987 is their latest episode. Go check them out. It's ovpr vantage point. Also check out JV and I and Rick Bibi on the extreme ECW live cast. Our latest episode, available exclusively on Book of the Territory Patreon, $5. Here is our coverage of July 29 and August 5, 1997 of ECW Hardcore TV. We covered two episodes of episode 223 and 224, so check that out over on Patreon. Booking the territory, $5 here. Also we have a free feed as well, which is just one year behind. You know, our latest episode that we just released was ECW hardcore TV 191, 192, which was coverage of December 17th and 24th, 1996 of hardcore TV. Go ahead, check that out. All those shows, Talking Taker, Booking the Territory, OVP and the Extreme EW Live cast. Thanks guys for listening as always. We'll be back next month with March 1994. JV, any final words?
Speaker C:No, sir.
Speaker B:All right, guys, enjoy your month. We'll see you next one. So long.
Speaker A:And that's the bottom line as far as I'm concerned. This over with, so get the hell out of here.
Stunning Steve: E21 - Thunder Cage: Feb '94
On this episode of the Bottom Line Wrestling Cast, Mike & JV are continuing coverage of Stunning Steve Austin in February of 1994.
We will discuss the following segments and matches:
- WCW Worldwide - 02/05/94 - Promo - Sting, Dustin Rhodes, Brian Pillman w/ Mean Gene
- WCW Worldwide - 02/05/94 - Ravishing Rick Rude, Stunning Steve Austin, & Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorff vs. Brad Armstrong, Mark Starr, & Frankie Lancaster
- WCW Worldwide - 02/05/94 - Post Match Interview - Rick Rude, Steve Austin, & Mr Wonderful
- WCW Saturday Night - 02/05/94 - U.S. Champion Stunning Steve Austin vs. Terry Taylor
- Watch Along - WCW Saturday Night - 02/12/94 - Promo - Stunning Steve Austin, Col Robert Parker, & The Mongolian Mauler
- Watch Along - WCW Saturday Night - 02/12/94 - Terra Ryzing (Triple H TV Debut) vs. Keith Cole
- WCW Worldwide - 02/19/94 - Promo - Sting, Dustin Rhodes, & Brian Pillman
- Quick Results - WCW Superbrawl IV - 02/20/94
- Watch Along - WCW Superbrawl IV - 02/20/94 - Thunder Cage Match - Sting, Dustin Rhodes, Brian Pillman vs. Ravishing Rick Rude, Stunning Steve Austin, & Mr Wonderful Paul Orndorff
- WCW Worldwide - 02/26/94 - Interview - Stunning Steve Austin & Col. Robert Parker w/Mean Gene
- WCW Worldwide - 02/26/94 - U.S. Champion Stunning Steve Austin vs. T.A. McCoy
- WCW Main Event - 02/27/94 - U.S. Championship “Match” - Stunning Steve Austin vs. Flyin’ Brian Pillman
- WCW Main Event - 02/27/94 - Promo - Brian Pillman Interview w/ Tony Schiavone
Talking Taker with Alex & Travis: You can now dig deep back into their archives of episodes and explore the entire run of the Deadman. Also check out new episodes available on the 1st of every month! Give them a follow on X @TalkingTaker and follow their YouTube page!
Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of WCW World Championship Wrestling from Saturday Nights from 85-93. This week is WCW Saturday Night from August 7, 1993.
Extreme ECW Live Cast: Join Mike P, JV, & Rick Beebe on the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier.
Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is 1987 WWF Canon - Championship Wrestling 08/01/87
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