3:16 Day Special - Watch Along #7: Austin vs. Dude Love - Over the Edge '98
The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: 3:16 Day Watch Along - Austin vs. Dude Love: Over the Edge ‘98
Mike & JV are excited to present this 3:16 Day Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary: Austin vs. Dude Love from Over the Edge ‘98
Feel free to listen like usual, but we encourage you to fire up your WWE Network and watch along with us as we call the action from this match.
The Timestamp to join the Watch Along is the 02:08:26 mark.
Pop a top, eat a hot dog and enjoy the action! Oh hell yeah!!
If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will be discussing “No Way Out 2002” The Undertaker vs. The Rock
Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1994.
This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the Starrcade ‘87 Part I episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 134 from August 20, 1994.
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