E4 - Stone Cold: July-Oct '96
Episode 4 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 4 - Stone Cold: July-Oct '96
This week Mike & JV cover a large chunk of Austin’s 1996, from the night after Austin’s historic King of the Ring victory through his match at In Your House: Buried Alive with Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Throughout the months of July - October, Austin really solidifies the characteristics of the “Stone Cold” persona that we come to know and love.
- RAW 165 - 6/24/96 - Austin vs Undertaker
- AUDIO CLIP - Austin “big times” Aldo Montoya on Superstars
- IYH: International Incident - 7/21/96 - Austin vs. Mero
- RAW 170 - 7/29/96 - Austin vs Undertaker
- Austin’s August - Battle Royale Title Shots (RAW 171 & RAW 173)
- Austin’s September - IC Title Tourney Match - Austin vs Mero; South Africa: Austin vs. Bret Hart
- AUDIO CLIP - IYH: Mind Games - 9/22/96 - Austin Promo
- Austin’s October - RAW 180 - Austin vs. Michaels
- IYH Buried Alive: 10/20/96 - Austin vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley
- Preview Next Week: Ep 5: Nov ‘96 - Pillman Home Invasion & Survivor Series ‘96 - Austin vs Bret Hart
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