Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

NEW: Stunning Steve: E19 - Chicken Head: Early Jan '94

Special Series: Stunning Steve - Episode 19

1 day ago
Speaker A:

How stupid are you guys?

Mike Pru

All you people out there in tv led.

Speaker A:

You just make me sick. We told the world what we were gonna do and we went out and did it. The wrestler who will dominate the sport like no other wrestler can. WCW has tried way too long to try to hold me back. The whole facade. Who cares? No one cares.

Mike Pru

Welcome to the bottom line wrestling cast. The career of stone cold Steve Austin. And we are back with another episode of Stunning Steve. And this is episode 19. And damn, we're running out of names for episodes. This one's called Chicken Head. Chicken Head. And we're covering January 1994. Nay. I just go based on what the hell is going on in these episodes and we get a fucking chicken head on this episode. JV, welcome back. I'm Mike Prue. Jvdev. How you doing, man?


Doing well. All I think of is Project Pat.

Mike Pru



You know that? You know I'm talking about.

Mike Pru

Not really. No, no, no.


Project Pat. The song chicken head.

Mike Pru

I was gonna do that. I didn't know the fucking artists or. Yeah, it's Project Pat, quote unquote artists.


Back when rappers had cool names in the fucking nineties, dude, early two thousands.

Mike Pru

Because I was going to introduce it as. This is episode 19, chicken. I was like, I can't do it.



Mike Pru

Southern rabbit, you brought it.


I just looked him up. Did you know he's the older brother of Juicy J, the co founder of three six Mafia? I did not know that.

Mike Pru

No, I did not know that at all. Three six Mafia, they have some cred.


Yeah. So does Project Pet, that song?

Mike Pru

Yes. Project had one of those, like, album covers, like fucking juvenile shit, right?


Yeah, I'm sure it looked like that. Yeah, I don't. I didn't own his album. Like, I think I know, but you.

Mike Pru

Know what I mean? Like that fucking, like, yeah, like the shiny, like, no, to the left. Like left part of the cd case was like the bumpy shit.


Oh, probably, you know, I mean, I'm looking at it right now.

Mike Pru

It's like the bumpy fucking. It's not a straight smooth shit. It's like, yeah, this is great. Podcast.


Project passed. Yeah, yeah, it's got like the black lines on the left.

Mike Pru

Yeah, it's a little fucking jumpy.


I might buy, you know, much his cd sells for on eBay.

Mike Pru

Um, sixty nine cents.


Forty five. Ninety nine for Project Pats. Miss the don't play.

Mike Pru

Miss the don't play.


And it's cracked. The case is cracked. The fuck.

Mike Pru

Project Pat is cracked. Sell for fucking that much money.


Track one chicken head.

Mike Pru

What? Chicken head.


His album cover looks like a fucking shitty PowerPoint slide.

Mike Pru

Not even a Google Slide. Fucking old school power point slide.


Me. Old school only education. Do they use fucking Google Slides?

Mike Pru

That's true.


I hate Google Slides. It's trash.

Mike Pru

It's free.


Yeah, that's why fucking sucks. It just fucking. It's all online.

Mike Pru

All right, so, yeah, so, yeah, chicken head, want? Yeah. So before we get into this fucking chicken episode, thanks for tuning in to us again. It's been a while. It's been, you know, month, month and a half or so. And that's how it's been with us here at the bottom line wrestling cast. We're just popping up every, not every now and then and covered some stunning Steve at this point. And yeah, so before we get into it, give us a follow on X Twitter at bottom line cast. Follow me. Mike Pruitt, NPRU eight three fall JV at John van damage. And then of course, if you have time, give us a review wherever you listen to us and give us a nice little write up. It's so funny, Jamie, I messaged this to you the other day. All of a sudden we're at like big in China. We're like top five, top ten in China for wrestling podcasts. Oh, what the fuck's going on in China? Who's in China? Somebody from America probably in China taking a listen. I don't even want to say that because, you know, who knows what's going to happen.


Yeah, I don't want us to get blocked. Their president's going to be like, no more wrestling.

Mike Pru

No, fuck. Mike Pro JV.


Yeah, fuck.

Mike Pru

Don't be listening to bottom line cast. Alright? So anyway, thanks guys for listening as always. And previously on the bottom line wrestling cast. We covered the the final months of 1993, November and December. And it was naturally stunning. So we had stunning Steve Austin take on the natural Dustin Rhodes and win the title, win the us championship at Starrcade 1993. So now we're heading into 1994 with some chicken head shit. So ridiculous. But yeah, hey, that's, that's what it is. And we're covering it. All right? So I'm gonna kick things off here with January of 1994 with an episode of WCW Saturday night. And this episode is available on Peacock. It's season three. Episode 1, January 1, 1994. This episode is from Atlanta, Georgia at center stage. It was actually taped on December 7 of 1993. All right, so on this episode, earlier in the show, there was a brief promo with Colonel Parker in stunning Steve Austin. And they had mentioned that you know, Colonel Parker had mentioned that he told everyone that Austin would be the champ, that tonight he has the opportunity to take on a franchise of WCW sting. So, hey, big match to kick off the new year. Staying versus Austin, pretty damn cool. So Austin had the win at Starrcade against us and Rose, as I just mentioned, and they replayed that during a Starcade control center segment. So we get that recap. Then also earlier in the show, they show that Brian Pillman had a match. And then Pillman cuts a promo after his match and he has a fucking chicken costume. Like he's fucking standing outside of a restaurant or something. Like he's trying to fucking sell chicken and he's calling out Colonel Robert Parker. So that's the ironic thing. Like, you want to make fun of Colonel Robert Parker and say, oh, you're the chicken guy, but fucking, he's wearing the chicken costume. He's got you. I mean, like, how stupid is that? Like, I got the costume, but you're this guy. I mean, I guess he's trying to say like, oh, I'm gonna put this on you. So you're gonna wear this costume when I beat you up, old man. Like Brian Pillman. You're in shape like a mofo. You are a former NFL football player. Colonel Parker is a retired wrestler now. A manager cost, you could kick his ass. Like, what are you trying to prove here? Anyway, Pillman says that Parker is the self portrait of Colonel Sanders. And he's far gone Leghorn, like I mentioned before, you know, so that made sense. They picked up on that quick. And he also says, you know, you got a, you got your cigar. And I always like to hear that because there's been talk through podcasts over the years of Colonel Parker and his cigar, basically him having a big Kia.


Oh, really? That was.

Mike Pru

So, yeah, he's, he's not just a Colonel Sanders, he's also a cocksmane. Brian Pillman promises that Colonel Parker will be in a chicken soup when it's all said and done. How lame, guys. I know, I know. I'm sorry, guys. This episode is all about getting Colonel Parker in a fucking chicken.



Mike Pru

But we're going to cover what is presented to us, right?


Yeah, we got a deal. We got to work with the hand. Worked out, buddy.

Mike Pru

All right, so this brings us now to an actual good match. It's stunning. Steve Austin versus stink and on Peacock. If you're going to check this out, on Saturday night, it kicks off at 1 hour, ten minutes, 25 seconds. It's going to go about 15 minutes. So let me get right into it. So now we have the new us champion, Sonic Steve with current Rob Parker. They head to the ring. Austin does not have the belt because guess what? He didn't win the fucking belt yet. So it's filmed on December 7, 1993. So he doesn't have the belt. But anyway, Sting heads out to the rain. The crowd goes nuts. Of course, Tony Schiavone mentions that this is just a special challenge match, that Austin and Sting are familiar with each other. Then Jesse Ventura, of course, adds that Sting has never faced Austin while under the tutelage of Colonel Robert Parker. And I like that. Jesse Venter is always good for a little bit of extra information. Jesse Ventura seemingly is like, unsuspecting, unassuming. Sometimes, like on commentary, you think he doesn't know what the fuck's going on, you know? Especially him now being in WCW who think like, he doesn't know everything, but he's on top of it. Like he knows shit. So I love that little.


Seriously, right. He. He prepares, he's good, and he's very like. Because he's considered like the heel announcer. Right? Like the heel, right? Announcer. Sorry.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I guess if you want to say he's a heel, he's. He's the color commentary, of course, but, yeah, he generally plays.


Yeah, like the. I call them generally.

Mike Pru



Five years old still. The guy that announces the wrestlers in the ring is the same as the people doing play by play. They're all announcers. They're all announcing shit.

Mike Pru

Yeah, I say the same shit. Yeah.


I thought you were trying to correct me.

Mike Pru

Like. No, no kidding me. No, I was just saying that he. You're right. He usually plays the heel.


Yeah. And sometimes the heel can come across as being like a. Like a buffoon.

Mike Pru



He doesn't. He's.

Mike Pru

But in this case he doesn't. Yeah, I think ever since he came to WCW, he's not a buffoon. Even in WWF, he's not a buffoon either. But Vince always tried to make him look like he's buffoon because Vince was always trying to correct his grammar.


Oh, yeah.

Mike Pru

Yeah. Vince was a cockhead. Get beefed and. Yeah, for real. All right, so let's get to the match. The match begins and they both circle each other, Sting and Austin. So you have Austin and Sting. They match up very well. They got similar physiques. Austin is, in my opinion, better wrestler overall. I think most people would say that. But Sting has the explosiveness and that's what makes thing exciting. Just if Itera says that they're. They're about even, that makes sense. No, based on what I was just talking about, in that this match is a coin flip, it will come down to whoever gets the momentum at the right time. So good assessment from Jesse Ventura there. Sting and Austin continue to fill each other. That's funny. The way I wrote these stuff.


It sounded just as weird as you sing.

Mike Pru

Sting and Austin continue to fill each other up here.


All right.

Mike Pru

Yeah. All right. Good writing there. Proof. All right. So singing all of us, and they feel each other out here and, you know, before they totally get into things there, we got a point where Austin and Sting are going back at it. And Austin gives a little whoo. And Sting's face. So he's taunting. He's taunting Sting. He's. He's doing stings thing where Sting does his oh, oh. Which is lame because Ric Flair was already doing that same shit. But Sting had his own twist on it. It was annoying. But I love how Austin is like, yeah, here's your little fucking shitty. Ow. Right in his face. Now, this clearly pissed off Sting. So, of course, Sting gives a nice, louder fuck. Something like, I'm fucking red Riding Hood over here. Anyway, Sting yells back at him, Nick Patrick's the referee here. And he breaks up the yelling contest, basically. So we get some screaming back and forth between these guys, and then they get back into a hold and we get a shoulder block. Austin hits the matae, winds to the ref and continues to keep the match going at a slow and deliberate pace, stinging Austin. Reverse some holds. This leads the sting pointing Austin through the middle of the rope, outside of the ring. So that's where we kind of get some excitement. We're outside of the ring and not having some fucking holds on the mat. And since we're outside, you know, the focus is on the crowd. So the crowd starts. Shannon. KFC. KFC. And Austin is think lockup outside. Tony mentions it's been a stalemate thus far, and to her agrees with that and says that what this is about is to be expected. This is the failing out process or the filling up process. As I said before, sting is in control. Austin's on the mat moments later, which leads to a few exchanges, a reversal, head scissors. It reminds me of the days where we had the leg drop head down that Burger King song. Remember that hip toss?


Oh, yeah, yeah.

Mike Pru

Anyway, yeah. So it's a slow paced match, basically. Sting escapes and blocks an exchange of reversals. Austin is now in the head scissors moments later and then applies that also to sting. So they're just reversing holds. Austin reverses that into a pinfall attempt. Sting does a nice bridge to break that first pinfall attempt. And then sting goes for a backside pin. Austin kicks out, of course. And that brings us like seven minutes into the match. So shit. Not happening. Austin rolls out of the ring, takes a breather. Austin. Austin gets back in there. Austin gets cocky. He does a little camera roll talk. So. So, yeah, after all, it's like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna do a taunt now. After you haven't done shit in the ring, now you wanna talk? But after whipping sting into the ropes and kicking them in the gut, he gives that taunt. You know, years later, it would be. It would be the camera roll that he. He does the camera roll here about years later would be the finger.


So which was the best, right?

Mike Pru

So back then it's like, I do. I did a little camera roll, but then of course, just do the finger. You must imagine, like, oh, that's so much easier. It reminds me of, I don't know, inappropriate adults. Like, hey, remember, I don't know if you ever experienced this, but probably.


But continue.

Mike Pru

Actually, it's from a movie. I forget what movie it's from, but. Okay, can you hear this? Let me turn it up louder. And it's the middle finger being turned up, but it's like the Austin film roll. But then as they roll it up.


First giving that.

Mike Pru

I can't remember what fucking movies from, you know, movie that's from. Yeah. Can I hear this? Let me turn it up.


I remember I did that once with mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving as a kid, me and my brother, and, like, my mom saw me and I had my hand up. Like I was going to do the middle finger, but I was, like, cranking. I had a bunch of mashed potatoes in my mouth and I was acting like I was, like, cranking my head and like, mashed potatoes were coming through my teeth. So my brother was focused on my teeth, and I just slowly, slowly started putting my middle finger up too. That's so childish.

Mike Pru

Hey, that's what it's all about, actually, if my memory serves me right. And anybody can correct me on this, but I think it's from the movie. Pump up the volume. Christian Slater, I think. I'm pretty sure it's Christian Slater.


It sounds like a christian slater.

Mike Pru

Mark Wahlberg. Pump up the volume. Let me look it up real quick.


Yeah, it's Christian Slater.

Mike Pru

I'm pretty sure that's where I got it. From. Oh, you know, like that. Let me turn a volume up.


He sucked as an actor, Christian.

Mike Pru

Christian Slater was basically like, I want to be Jack Nicholson.


Yeah, he was like Leonardo DiCaprio. Jack Nicholson.

Mike Pru

He was the older than Leonardo DiCaprio, but. Yeah, but acted like Jack Nicholson. Yeah, that's weird. All right, so anyway, let me get back to this here. All right, so Austin goes for a suplex on sting. Sting reverses, hits the suplex on. Austin goes for the pin. Austin kicks out on two. Sting gets a side headlock on Austin. Austin rolls sting over for pinfall. Sting reverses back into another side headlock. This happens a few times. And my thinking already at this point is they're talking about the golem, you know, whenever you have that spot where it's just constantly back and forth, basically head to head, you know, they're talking to each other like how we're gonna finish this fucking shit up. So both men are now on their feet after that little discussion. Austin lifts thing up to the top rope while in a headlock. Austin ponds away on sings gut while sting sits on the top turnbuckle. So we got a nice spot there. Austin sets up from the middle rope and Austin nails a nice little suplex back down from the middle rope. And then we get a cover. Sting kicks on a one. I like that. You might know I put yay. Kicked out on one because it never fucking happens. It's always two. So, yeah, a one count. Good fucking finally. Yeah. Why is it always gonna be two? So Austin goes to work on sting. Right after that, Austin works the arm on the mat. So we get some that work while on his back. Stink fights back with the series of punches to Austin's head to break that arm lock. Austin goes for a body slam. He loses his balance while trying to go for that body slam. And Sting lands on Austin for the pin, but Austin kicks out. I like that spot in general, but I like it when it's like a small guy trying to give a body slam to a bigger guy. Then the beginning, it has the advantage, you know, I mean, as the advantage and lands on the small guy. And as I stated before, both these guys are equal weight. I would say, like they're both like 240 or something like that, you know?



Mike Pru

But I guess if you can get some leverage, maybe you fall on the guy. So anyway, it's fine.


Yeah, if you shift your weight, I mean. Yeah, I know what you're saying, though.

Mike Pru

So Sting is hurt, is hurting at this point. And he backs into the corner. Moments later, Austin goes after him. Sting kicks at Austin, but Austin gets ahold of Sting's arms and wraps it around the rope. And then, you know, continues to beat on Sting. So he's, he's got stink trapped here. Nick Patrick, as the referee, he own, he breaks it up. He gets in Austin's face like fucking Earl Durrell. Fucking my, my nemesis here. Fucking dick it. Earl. Yeah. Gets in his face. But Austin doesn't care, as he'll learn to do with Earl. Years later. Austin doesn't give a shit. And he goes right back at sting and continues to work on. So I like, I like that. I like that Austin has a strategy. We know that Austin's smarteendeze. Um, so Austin works on the arm. Sting pounds away. Moments later, he fights back. He goes after Austin's head. Austin stumbling. He stumbles to the center of the ring. Sting goes after Austin with a series of punches. Big back body drop ball, right hands. And then big stinger yell, ow. So we got that. And then now it comes Brian Pillman. Brian Pillman's at ringside. He's chasing Colonel Parker around the fucking ring. This is distracting the ref. So Nick Patrick's like, wow, what the hell's going on out here? That's not your business. Think, Patrick. Don't worry about what the fuck's happening outside the ring. Worry about what's happening in the ring. But, hey, that's wrestling. This is storytelling. So big factory is now distracted and he's looking around what's going on there. Austin is now free. He gets free from stings. Roll up. Pillman punches Austin. And then Nick Patrick calls for the bell. So ding, ding, ding. Pillman's chasing Parker around the backstage area. So Pillman's now after Parker. Like what? What? Pillman? Why concern about Parker? Like, I don't get this. Like you should. Well, I mean, yeah, he's.


He's more emotionally, he has more emotional beef with Parker.

Mike Pru

You think? More.


Yeah, because he's. He's kind of looked at as the one that, you know, created the wedge.

Mike Pru

That's true. Yeah.


I mean, like, he's the. He's the catalyst that kind of, like, separated them.

Mike Pru

Yeah. So it's like, if, if it was a relationship, it's like, oh, I was with this girl, but this guy is now banging this girl, you know, then I fucking hate that guy, not the girl.


It's like, it's like Pillman's like Obi Wan Kenobi, right? And Parker's like darth sidious and stone cold, basically. Palpatine can. Skywalker. Right? Like he drove the whiff. Like he's the reason why. Of course, Obi Wan's gonna have beef with Emperor Palpatine. Or same thing. Darth Sidious. AK. Colonel Parker.

Mike Pru

I got you. I got you.


That's a reef up. It kind of adds up.

Mike Pru

I love how you are with Doctor Sidious, though, instead of member of Palpatine.


Yeah, because he's the one doing it.

Mike Pru

It's true. It's the real name.


Yeah, exactly.

Mike Pru

It's official. It's his official sith name. Yeah.


Palatine is a fucking alias. Even real.

Mike Pru

Right. All right, so from there, you know, like I said, pillman's chasing packer on the ring. Sting continues to try to fuck up Austin. Puts him in the scorpion death lock. Dick Patrick is there. He's. He's still calling for the bell. Nick Patrick's urgent sting to not, you know, don't do this. You know, the match is overdeveloped. You know, stings, you know, big baby face. We all know that. And he gives up, you know. All right, I'll listen to the referee. I'll listen to you, Nick. All right, fine. He lets Austin free. He doesn't turn over the scorpion death lock. So he's like setting it up. He doesn't even like, bend over. Like he gives up super baby face thing here. So we get the DQ finish. Like I said, that's fine. You know, it's probably expected because Austin is now the new US champion. What the hell do you think is going to happen? He's going to lose a match, stink as the new Us champion. Like, what would be the point of that? Basically say, oh, the new US champion sucks. Like, and he can't have sting lose either because he's always on the spectrum of, like, being the champion. Yep. You know, the world champion. So, I mean, it's the perfect finish, I guess so it does help to build something for the future, I would say, between Austin and Sting. I mean, we're not really gonna get there. Just a little heads up. I think this was a good start for something that should have continued. And it doesn't because then Austin's run as us champion is gonna kind of. Yeah. Not be that great. Anyway, Pillman gets back in the ring. So he's done, you know, running around fucking Colonel Parker. He gets back in a rink. He raises things hand like, yeah, I helped ya. Jesse veteran mentions that sting should be. He should not be happy at all with Brian filming because Pillman had no business being out there. And I agree. Jesse's right, as he often is filming. Should not have been out there. He already had his match earlier in the show. And put all his grievances about Colonel Parker. He showed the stupid fucking chicken head earlier in the show and saying that Colonel Parker was going to wear this. But he couldn't help himself with, you know, being involved in this match. So Ventura's right, dude. You fucking should have stayed out of the picture here. That wraps up that. But we got a little post match interview coming up. JV, did you want to add anything to that?



Mike Pru

Get right into this. All right, so we got a post match interview with Mean Gene. He's going to talk to slowing Steve and Colonel Parker. So take a listen to that and we'll be right back. Called for the bell.

Speaker D:

Danny had the scorpion death block. But was not able to put it on the cause. Like you said, just the match result.


All right.

Speaker D:

Minji Nokalan is standing by the sets. He's going to talk to the colonel and stunning c. The us champ. All right, fans here on WCW Seth Saturday night. I have with me a couple of very fortunate men. Yes, stunning Steve Austin. Colonel Parker. You were running for your life. What are you doing? Grabbing your heart?

Speaker A:

It's gonna give me a heart attack out here. You know, it's one thing. Come out here and make fun of me with a thonghole leghorn suit. But it's another when you come out here and interfere in an important match like Sting and Steve Austin. He had a. He had him down for the cast. And what happened? He interferes. Who interfered? I'm talking about Brian. Brian the flying Brian wants a piece of me. All he's got to do is come on. I beat that raspy haired punk. One. Two. Three. And as far as the stinger goes. You can see I'm ready for 30 more minutes. I feel great. I was about to be the first man to reverse the scorpion. And the match was interfered in. I had him right where I was.

Speaker D:

Well, wait a minute. Steve Austin. It sounds to me like you're out of gas, my friend. And I looked at you.

Speaker A:

Feel great.

Speaker D:

Feels great.

Speaker A:

Let me tell you what's going to happen. I have been in agreement with the world heavyweight champion Rick roode before. I'm going to talk to rude now. Money talks to Rick Roode. We'll be back here. Rick Roode. Stunning Steve. I want to see both flying Brian and Steve here in this week. You bring that chicken suit with you when you come. I guarantee you you'll spit feathers all the way to the hospital. Let's get on it.

Speaker D:

All right. I thank you very much. That sets the scene for the big one coming up next Saturday night right here on TBS. Ladies and gentlemen, we hope you have a happy and prosperous 1990 for all of us at world championship wrestling. Happy new year. We'll see you next week. So long, everybody.

Mike Pru

Right, so we had mean Gene Oakland interview Austin and Parker, you know, which they said Austin would have pin sting had not Pillman interfered. And Parker says he interfered in reference to Pillman. And then Geneva, I like to point this out because this just the funny thing, like how trained mean Gene is in the ways of Vince McMahon, in my opinion. The Parker says he interfered, talking about Pillman. But mean Gene, as the host, as the interviewer says to Pillman, says the Parker, in regards to pill.

Speaker A:

Wait, wait.

Mike Pru

Who interfered? Who interfered? You said he. You can't say he. Can't use pronouns, man. You gotta fucking say who it is. They. You gotta say the person, not he. So it's funny that go. Gene jumps on him about that. So anyway, after that, Austin grabs the mic. It says that Pillman, you know, to clarify, Pillman was the one that he already beat this raspy haired punk. I love how he always goes right after his voice. Raspberry. Raspberry. It just. That shows you, like, that they were buddies. Like, I'm gonna fucking tell. Talk about your fucking voice, Mandez. So Austin says, you know, he was. He was good to go another 30 minutes. I'll go another 30 minutes. And says he was about to be the first person to reverse the scorpion death lock. That's great, because like I said before, like, sting didn't totally get it over, but here, hearing Austin here now, see, I would. I would have reversed it if you put it on me, but it didn't put it on me. Gene says that Austin looks like he's out of gas. Yeah, Austin is totally out of breath in this, if you know from what you just listened to, guys. But yeah, Austin is out of gas. And Mean Gene calls him out. Mean Gene so funny. Like he. He doesn't give a shit. He's so good at interviews and just being a guy that just call shit out. But, man, mean Gene didn't know what he was dealing with with Austin. Like what Austin would become.


No, no, absolutely not.

Mike Pru

Imagine mean Gene having to interview Austin during Austin's run. A stone cold also would be shitting all over him. All right, so to wrap things up here, Parker said that, you know, he would get the WCW International world champion Rick Rude to team up with Austin against Sting and Pillman next week on WW Saturday night. So it's a match we have to look forward to. All right, from there now, JV, you take over. We got.


Yeah. So we're at a WCW Saturday night, January 8, 1994, in Atlanta, Georgia. We're at center stage, of course, and I'm going to cover a match here. And it's Rick Roode stunning Steve Austin versus Sting and flying Brian Pillman. So first off, we got rude and Austin. They're out here. They're accompanied by Colonel Parker. And then the crowd hits another level of like energy and excitement and shit when Sting comes out because things obviously fucking over to the moon. He's like, he's the biggest baby face right now, right?

Mike Pru




Mike Pru

Gotta be right? Yeah. Hogan's not here yet, so, yeah.


So Sting and Austin start off in the match, but not for long. Sting tags and Pillman quick. So we kind of get to see Pillman and Austin Square off here. And the crowd's pretty hot for that. Pillman's energy, though is too much for Austin. So Austin retreats to the outside like a little bitch and waits for Pillman to cool off. Austin attempts to pull Pillman from the bottom rope to the outside, but Pillman blocks it. So Austin, trying to play dirty, right, knows he can't really keep up with Pillman in the ring. So he's trying to get him outside. But back in the ring, Austin does take control. But Pillman speed is a little too much for Austin. And Pillman takes control again. And Austin retreats again back to the outside. So again, Austin trying to get Pillman outside the ring, right, where, no, Austin kind of like be more brutal with them and not have to worry about chasing them. More like confined space. Like I'm assuming that's kind of like the psychology behind that. The tide shift though and Austin tags in Rick Roode. And Pillman is quickly overpowered by root strength. And Pillman looks a little tired. So I think Austin kind of slow like getting Pillman to like chase him and shit kind of, kind of softened him up for root. So root and along with Austin work Brian Pillman in the corner. Pillman is able to fight out and he's getting a lot of like the baby face, you know, energy from the crowd. And then he gets the hot tag to stink, obviously the fucking roofs blow off. Sting is on fire. He takes out the heels with a series of clotheslines. Sting then high fives Pillman and Jesse makes a good call on commentary. He's like, hey, like, isn't that a tag?

Mike Pru



And it gets like, completely ignored.

Mike Pru

It's like, I love how Jesse just calls out obvious shit.



Mike Pru

Like, he wants to be authentic with the audience. Like, the audience is going to know this. So let me say something so I'm not the idiot.


Yeah, great. Isn't that a tag? So fast forward, rue takes control of sting with a big bear hug. So he's got, he's really kind of squeezing this in. Stinks. Trying to sell it. Well, he is selling it. Um, and then Sting is able to twist out of it, uh, into only a waist lock. So he's able to get out of the, um, the bear hug. And Rick Roode just kind of ends with a waist lock, which is, I guess they're implying it's like, not as powerful of a move. So sting is then able to muster enough strength to reach out for the tag for Pillman. But unfortunately, the ref doesn't allow the tag. And they don't really say why the ref doesn't allow the tag. I've kind of, like, I remember this. I like, rewind it a couple times and who's, who's the ref?

Mike Pru

Do you know? Was it Nick Patrick?


Again, I forget, but, like, you could hear it. Like, the tag, it was like, it was allowed. It was like, like he looked like he saw it, if I'm not mistaken. And then, like, you could have hear it. So it was like a botched by the ref. So I think, like, he wasn't supposed to see it. And he's like staring at it as it happens and he's like, no, no tag. Like, yeah, just kind of shitty booking, I guess. Like, the scene didn't play out the way it was supposed to. Austin continues punishing sting. Austin tags in rude. And rude begins to work on sting. It's a nice side suplex, but he doesn't actually, he doesn't hit the side suplex. Take that back. Sting actually reverses the side suplex, like, does like a flip thing and ends up with root and a pile driver, which is pretty nuts to see two big guys like this, like two legit heavyweights kind of do that kind of shit. And then he just kind of drops root on his head. Rude tags and Austin is rude tags and Austin and stink tags and Pillman. And we have the Hollywood blonde together. Pillman clears the ring with dropkicks, but then goes to the top rope with the flying dropkick for the pin. But of course, the ref is distracted again, fucking officiating in WCW.

Mike Pru



So he's distracted by Parker and, which gives Austin, I park in Austin, which gives Parker enough time to kind of like come in and stomp Pillman in the back of the head while the ref isn't looking. And oddly enough, I guess it's probably because of the boots Parker has on it. I guess it's enough for Austin the pinholman, for the Pillman, for the victory. It's like he just gets kicked in the head and now he can take a three count, right?

Mike Pru

Like, what the hell's that?


Yeah, I forget. I think Jesse, they might have been trying to sell like the boots Parker had on, but, um, I don't think so.

Mike Pru

Like what I was saying before, like why such a large emphasis on Parker is being something, he's the fucking manager.


I agree. I agree with him being involved as much as he is.

Mike Pru

I get it. But now they're trying to, everything a bit sharp because leading up to clash of champions, it's gonna be Pillman versus Colonel Parker.


Yeah. And he should have had something that was more like he just stomped them. Like really like he should have had like a cane. I gotta know some kind of weapon, brass knuckles, something to like.

Mike Pru



Literally just like he like stomps Pillman in the back of the head which.

Mike Pru

Whatever, you get kicked in the back of the head in a regular match.


Yeah. Like it was just, it was weird.

Mike Pru

But, uh, w said w. Yeah, but.


That was kind of it. I mean, so they're just still like build. So this, this heat between Pillman, Austin and Colonel Parker, well, Pillman with, you know, the heat he has with them too, they're still kind of trying to, let's still like brewing, right? It's still like fucking, it's snowballing into a bigger thing now.

Mike Pru



But we'll see if we get the payoff. We'll see what the payout is.

Mike Pru

Yeah. All right, so I'll continue on now to WCW main event January 9, 1994, Gainesville, Georgia at the Georgia Mountain center. And this was recorded on January 3, 1994. And yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna have a change of pace here because we're gonna move away from people like Sting and Rick Roode and Brian Pillman. And I'm gonna cover Austin versus Larry Santa, so Austin versus Larry Santa, us champion.


He's a fucking magician.

Mike Pru

He's a job. So anyway, it was announced earlier in the episode of main event. That mean gene, I mean gene that, you know, class of champions, you're gonna have Brian Pillin take on Colonel Robert Parker in the chicken suit match on January 27, 1994. So whoever loses the match will have to wear that chicken suit that night at clash of champions. But on WW Saturday night, January 29. So we have that to look forward to. JV, who's going to win the chicken soup match and who's going to wear a chicken suit on WW Saturday night, January 29. Yeah, well, there's that. That's been set up. Colonel Rob Parker announced that stunning Steve Austin is headed to the ring. And he says, I need your undivided attention as I offer you athlete, 251 pounds from Hollywood, California, the one and only Hollywood blonde. Ladies and gentlemen, your United States heavyweight champion, stunning Steve Austin. Oh, he's doing his own announcements. Stunning Steve at 251. I said 240, but hey. 251. I'm sure he's all 251. You know, a fan of the crowd has a legit KFC fucking bucket. Here we go. Larry Zabisco on commentary here, as he'll be on commentary many episodes going forward once we get to the nitro era. Larry Zabisco ask if he can have a couple of drumsticks. All right, Larry. No fucking Larry, Lizabeth. Anyway, stunning Steve has a new vest. Good new Vesta.


You got new Vesta?

Mike Pru

He's got. He's got. Double S is on his vest now. Look like a superman. Now, the thing with this vest, he has the ss. I don't know if you noticed the Davey when you watch, but yes, here's the ss. It's interlocked, but the way that it's interlocked with the S's, it forms an o in the middle. So it looks like it's an so's.


I didn't notice that.

Mike Pru

Yeah, so it's the s. Yeah, whatever. So it looks like so's. So, you know, my stupid joke here is, you know, Austin's looking like he wants to be saved from WCW. And then also, I want to say so's, so don't sold all. Whatever. The fucking Kofi Kingston song. That song was a fucking hit, man. So's Kofi Kingston. What's that? Kofi Kingston's original. When I was a fucking jamaican guy.


I want to say it was a dude.

Mike Pru

Listen to it again. It's awesome.


I guess I've listened to it in a while. When you said, when you said Kofi Kingston, for some reason I was thinking Sean Kingston. I was like, huh? Then I was like, oh, he's talking about the wrestler. The fuck's wrong with me? Sean Kingston was like, somebody called 911.

Mike Pru

Yeah, it's funny because now that sounds like so's. I don't know.


I gotta listen to Kofi's song now.

Mike Pru

Hold on.


What the fuck is this?

Mike Pru

All right, we'll take a break. You can listen it.


What is it? Kofi Kingston. So's.

Mike Pru

Yeah. You remember that fucking song? Fucking awesome.


All right, let's hear this.

Mike Pru

Hopefully play. A lot of solicitors can hear it.


This is it.

Mike Pru



Oh, yeah. This song was sick. Yeah. Yeah, this song rock sucks. Slap. All right. Yeah. I used to get hyped for that.

Mike Pru

Yeah, it was badass. All right, so anyway, let's continue on to what one thing I like to do is. You guys listen. You know, it's fucking over, like, 300 episodes at this point. If there's signs in the audience, I'm gonna talk about the fucking signs. So here's a shitty sign. This is the shittiest sign, probably ever. The closest Steve Austin has ever been to Hollywood is TBS and TNT's old movies. What the fuck is that? Like, product placement? Is that some fucking bullshit? It's gotta be, right? The closest Steve Austin has ever been to Hollywood. It's TBs and TNT's old movies. JV has lowered.


I don't know. What movies was he in?

Mike Pru

No, like how TBs and TNT played old movies.


Yeah. You're saying the closest he got to Hollywood was those movies?

Mike Pru

No, there was a sign in the audience.


Yeah, that's what.

Mike Pru

That's it.


I know. Yeah, that's what I meant to say.

Mike Pru

The sign. Yeah, that's fine. The closest Steve Austin has ever been to Hollywood. His old movies from TBS and TNT.



Mike Pru

That sucks. Of course.


Yeah, it sucks.

Mike Pru

Like, why would a fan write that? No fan would write that shit.


That fan did.

Mike Pru

Well, was it a fan or was it a fucking plant fucking hater? Cause he been Hollywood's TBS and old movies.



Mike Pru

The fuck out of here. Anyway, Larry Zabisco, on commentary mentions that Austin is. Is good enough to become the Larry Zabisco of the nineties. Oh, it's classic. Larry Zabisco. Mentions he is gonna be the zabisco of the nineties. Larry Zabisco. Are you the anything of the eighties or the seventies? What the fuck are you? Other than fucking Bruno San Martino's butt buddy? Yeah. Yeah, I like Larry Zabisco in general, but you weren't anything.


Yeah, you weren't him, bro.

Mike Pru

Yeah. You know Austin, it says he is that good. Yeah, we know that. We know that. He's already better than you. Shut up. What's great about it? Though is Tony Schiavone. Says nothing on commentary, just ignores the whole thing. Oh like if Austin was the zabisco of the nineties, we won't even have this podcast. We would not be talking about Austin at all if that was the truth.


Yeah, realistic. Never was.

Mike Pru

No, Austin fucking exploded beyond whatever you think you are as a bisco. Anyway, get back to the match, the shitty match. The fuck you know, I don't know why taking so long. Talk about shit ass match. What Larry Santa.


But Larry Santa gets assumed to forcing content is this trash match. Just get through this garbage.

Mike Pru

Well that's why I'm forcing content in sock.


Fuck it.

Mike Pru

All right, so fucking Larry Santa gets a little bit of offense in on Austin but Austin turns that around quickly wraps things up with a stun gun at one and 20 seconds, which I've been talking like trace times that. Yeah, that sounds cuntish but yeah, way past the minute 20 seconds it took me to go over this. After the match Austin threw Santa out of the ring, said I get Jeff piece of trash outta here. Then Brian Pillman comes out of course Brian Pillman runs out, dropkicks John. Brian Pillman's like the fucking Monty Ginetti at this point. Like dude you suck now no one cares.


He's, that's a great comparison. That's kind of who he is.

Mike Pru

You know, the fucking body Jenny right now like and I heard, you know and the good thing with Marty Janetti like he didn't have to go through what Pillman did. Oh no, what I'm gonna say though is like the good thing with Marty Janetti is that he didn't have to go through this Pillman period where Pillman is like he's now not the one and he's just showing up and looking like obviously you're not the one that they're focusing on so you look like a chump. Why did you didn't have to deal with that? Cuz he got fucking fired right after Shawn Michaels kicking through the window because Martin Jenny fucking got high and bunch of shit and got in trouble and got fired. So Martin, he basically had boo boo face was like oh fuck. Uh yeah, let me just get fucked up and bang this chicken get fired. Then they brought him back a year later. But here you have Pillman, he's looking like a chump. So it's to come run around and fucking wear chicken costume and shit or fucking chase Parker around with chicken costume. So now you have Colonel Parker is on the ring apron, Pillman's grabbing the robes flips Parker into the ring, does a little thing, you know, grab the ropes, flip the guy over. Parker is great with bumps. He's great. Great wrestler in general. So he takes the bumps great. Uh, Dustin Rhodes comes out. He comes out with the chicken head. So now we got fucking Dustin Rhodes running around with the chicken head, which is great because, you know, years later and we've covered this on bottom line wrestling cast when we covered stone cold, is the feud between Dustin Rhodes and Brian Pillman. Gold dust Brian Pillman towards the end of, you know, pill was life, of course. Yeah. So it's interesting to see it here is that, you know, he had that feud going on at that point. Anyway, Dustin Rhodes comes out with the chicken head, throws it. The Pillman. Pillman has the fucking chicken head. Pillman Rhodes back Colonel Parker into the corner. Parker rolls out of the ring. And then Dustin taunts Austin with his own camera. He does the camera roll thing. Dustin is mocking Austin in Austin. Parker runaway like a bunch of pussies. So now we got Dustin Rhodes involved in this. And then we get a post match interview again. Tony Schiavone interviewing Austin and Colonel Parker. So take a quick listen to that. It's about two minutes, so take a listen. It will be right back.

Speaker A:

Steve Austin and Colonel Parker.

Speaker D:

All right, Larry. They have made their way back out here. And it was a win for stunning Steve. But here comes flying Bryan. Here comes Dustin Rhodes. And they don't want to wait. Just flying Brian to the clash of the champions on the 27th.

Speaker A:

And that just about does it. The United States champion, me, stunning Steve Austin is trying to have a match when who runs out? But little flying Brian and Dustin Rhodes, the former champion, trying to grab my spotlight. I'm sure you both want a piece of stunning Steve, but I don't think so. You're at the bottom of the singles list. The United States champion picks his contenders. But if you want to step into the ring with. I've got a plan. I've got a partner that the colonel has lined up. Ravishing Rick Roode and myself. We'll take you on next Sunday. If you think you're brave enough. Sure. You can come out here and jump me just on my own. And as far as flying Brian putting a chicken suit on the colonel at the clash of the champions. We've got a trick up our sleeve. Brian.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Just wait and see. Pure and clear case of jealousy. That's what you have here. Now you'll reduce yourself to name calling, to slander, to coming out here with this ticket. I'm gonna guarantee you something. I'm gonna dig deep down in Colonel's pocket. I'm gonna come out with the hard cash I need to get Rick root to see that you, Brian Pillman, don't have an opportunity to even fool with Colonel Parker and slander him with no foghorn Leghorn chicken outfit. You bring that puppy on out of here. Dustin Rose's puppet, Dustin Rhodes, goes, you gonna be running with big dogs next week.

Speaker D:

Next week, Dustin Rhodes and flying Brian against stunning Steve and Ravage Rick Rude. We will see you then, fans. Promotional considerations paid for by the following. Bring the excitement of arcade basketball home. With electronic hot shot basketball.

Mike Pru

There's a motorized moving backward. All right, so just moments after Austin and Parker run away from ringside, they come back to ringside, which didn't make sense to me. It's fucking stupid. Tony Schiavone should have interviewed them in the back, not come back, but whatever Austin says, that little flying Brian in the former champ Dustin Rhodes came up to steal spotlight. Says, I'm sure you both want a piece of sonic Steve. I don't think so. We're at the bottom of the singles list. I was just calling them out like, hey, guys are at the bottom now. Why? Trying to jump on me now? Austin says, if Pillman Rhodes want to get in the ring with him, they can it as a tag team. Nelson's partner is going to be ravishing Rick Roode. They'll take them on next Saturday or next Sunday, rather, on WW main event. Then we get a quote here. And as far as Brian Pillman put in the chicken suit on Colonel Parker at the Clash of the championship, when I heard that, I was like, damn. I was hoping for.


Imagine that.

Mike Pru

That would have been great. That would have been great if he just had that back there. But he had the little weak version of Stone Cold. That's why he's just stunning. He's not stone cold. Yeah, he's just stunning. Doesn't have that yet. Boston says that he had Parker have a surprise up their sleeves. The classic champion Parker says that Pillman is jealous that he's gonna have to pay hard cash for Rick root to join them next week. All right, so, JV, you got the next match. Go ahead. What do you got? All right. No, I don't know, but, yeah.


So we got WCW worldwide January 15, 1994, in Orlando, Florida. And this was at Disney MGM. But we got an audio clip for you first. It's a few. It's about two minutes long, so give it a listen and we'll be right.

Speaker D:

Back can be yours. Contact your local cable company later on here on WCW Worldwide you're going to see a very exciting tag team bout. Brian Bryant is going to be teaming up with Dustin Rhodes. Their opponents are going to be none other than stunning Steve Austin and a man who is recognized by WCW International as the undisputed world heavyweight champion. Please make welcome this week to ravishing Rick Roode. Well, in all due respect, Rick Prude, I hope you're not running for public office.

Speaker A:

I don't have to run for public office, mean gene, because I already make ten times more than the president of the United States.

Speaker D:

What about this tag team match that's going to be part of our main event here on worldwide coming up shortly?

Speaker A:

The way I see it is this, Gene. Colonel Parker is much more than just a southern gentleman. Colonel Parker is a mastermind in the sport of professional wrestling. You see, he picked out the Hollywood blondes. He found a fine team. But he realized that it was one man who carried that team and stunning Steve Austin. So what Colonel Parker did was split the team apart, pulled Steve Austin into his camp. And now he's recruited ravishing Rick Rude. The undisputed world heavyweight champion. You know what I am, mean Gene?

Speaker D:

What's that?

Speaker A:

I am a bogart. I not only want to be singles world champion, I'm going to be tag team champion also.

Speaker D:

We're going to find out when we continue with WCW worldwide. Don't go away.


All right, so we got a promo there with ravish and Rick Root along with Mean Gene. So Gene is going to get to commentary from WCW's international champion which, if you look at this belt, it looks just like. Like the big gold belt.

Mike Pru

Yeah, it's the same belt.


Oh, is it okay?

Mike Pru

Yeah, it is. Yep.


So Rick Rood, who is the WCW international champion. So Mick G is going to get the commentary from Rick Roode regarding his upcoming tag match with us. Champion stunning Steve Austin versus Dustin Rhodes and Brian Pillman. So Root obviously comes out to a chorus of booze. Rick Roode says he does not need to run for public office because he already makes ten times more than the president of the United States. What the fuck the president I states make in 94, they make now $200,000. Yeah, they get paid shit like I'm worth fucking $90 million.

Mike Pru

Yeah, it doesn't matter what the fuck they make.


Yeah. So regarding the tag match, Root says Colonel Parker is much more than just a southern gentleman. He's also a mastermind in the sports of professional wrestling. He picked out the Hollywood blondes, but then realized it was Austin who carried the team. You know, obviously insinuating that Brian Pillman was dead weight, which is basically what he's been saying since fucking. They split. So he split them apart, pulled Austin into his camp. And now, in addition to Austin, he's recruited Rick Roode. Rick root. Rick Roode calls himself a bogae. And he's not only going to be a singles champion, but a tag team champion also. Did he really say Bogat?

Mike Pru

I know you said, I was like. He said Boga. What the fuck is fucking Bogot? What?


He said.

Mike Pru

Bogot'S like, I don't know, like he's being a bully. It's like, that's mine. I'm Bogot in this shit.


Yeah, it's a word.

Mike Pru

But, hey, you wrote it. Why are you asking me?


I already forgot. All right, well, from there, I'm going to cover a match for you now. And we're going to get to that exact match. So we're going to have WCW international champion. Ravisher, you know? Fuck. Why is the title called international champion?

Mike Pru

Oh, isn't that world?


Is it everywhere but America? And buddy's here in America defending it. What the fuck is international champion?

Mike Pru

Well, I mean, this. We could get into it. They wanted to break away from the championship.


They have a world.

Mike Pru

Well, no, it's because Ric Flair took the, the world championship to WWF.


That was their solution. We're gonna call it the international championship.

Mike Pru

Yeah. Then they're gonna have the international championship. Then Rick Flay came back and they got rid of the international.


So does Rick Rude get credit as being a world heavyweight champion because he had this international title?

Mike Pru

I don't know. All right. I would say, yeah, I would count it as a fucking WWF championship.


Like, just, like, just told me. It sounds like that's what this is now.

Mike Pru

You know? Yeah. They, they kept the lineage of the WCW championship. And then they had a separate WCW championship.


Because just like when they had the two belts in WWE.

Mike Pru

Yeah. Well, in this case there was a change because it went from being NWA to WCW.


Yeah. Ah.

Mike Pru

And then part of that. Yeah. So it's, fuck it. Too much for us to fucking get into right now.


Too much. Too much history still. Fucking stupid name. Ravish and Rick Roode and US champion stunning Steve Austin versus Dustin Rhodes and Brian Pilbit. So the match kicks off with Rick Rood and Brian Pillman. Root bullies Pillman then flexes to the crowd. Root's always good at that. He's always good at, like, getting crowd engagement.

Mike Pru

Oh, yeah, just fucking flexes hips and.


Yeah, just fucking natural. And Austin then jumps in on the taunting, right? So now Austin's getting involved with them. They're fucking showcasing. Tony Ackerley points out that the Hollywood blondes were Jesse's favorite tag team. Rude gets. And Jesse gets like, all bent about that. He's like, yeah, right.

Mike Pru

No, he's right, though.


He's right. But he's like.

Mike Pru

Because Jesse did say that. Because when we covered the Hollywood blondes.


Oh, yeah.

Mike Pru

Jesse was all on top of Hollywood blondes being like the best acting, I think.


I don't have my notes, but I think Jesse says something like. But he knew, like, Austin was always the best guy. Yeah. So Rude gets Pillman with an eye poke and then takes advantage of Pillman. But sneaky Pillman uses his speed and is able to roll up Rude for a strong two counts. We almost got a three count there. Brian then hits Roode with a drop toehold followed by an arm wrench. And then controlling Root with the arm bar, he tags in Dustin Rhodes, who continues the wrench, then tags Pillman back in, which was kind of weird. Rude is able to sneak like Rhodes is in control. Why the fuck would you, like, why tag Pillman in so quickly? I don't know. Yeah, Root is able to speak, is able to sneak a tag in on Austin and Austin and Pillman and I win the ring and they go back and forth before Pillman hits a great kick on Austin, then tosses him over the top rope. And we do not get a DQ because Austin did not let go of the top rope. So he kind of goes over the rope. It hangs and does. His feet doesn't land on the. His feet don't land on the ground. So I guess it doesn't count as him going over.

Mike Pru

That's bullshit. Oh. Like, because I think intent. Yeah, but the intent was to fucking throw him over the rope, right? So why should that be on Austin? To save himself from a DQ.


Yeah. Austin dump just should just let his feet land win.

Mike Pru

Right, but why even still though? Like, oh, I meant to kill you, but I didn't, so I'm so not in trouble.


But you saved yourself, so we're even, right?

Mike Pru

Right. That's fucking dumb.



Mike Pru



But rude gets tagged. WCW sucked. I loved it though.

Mike Pru

No logic.


I wasn't looking at the rules. So just like, yeah, face pain.

Mike Pru

I know who. Yeah, who fucking cares? Well, that's why we do a podcast, is to fucking make jokes. About stupid shit no one cares about.


Rude gets tagged in and slows down the pace. Pillman tries to size up rude, so rude just tries to like, bait him into like, a tense, the test of strength, like, with his hands in the air. But, um, Rude being the coward that he is, he pokes little ass Pillman in the eyes like he should easily shit on Pillman in a test of strength and just like, pokes him in the eyes. Pillman gets, gets, gets the hot tag on Rhodes. And Rhodes hits a solid atomic drop, which obviously Rick root sells perfectly. Shout out to that twitter account. Rick Roode sells.

Mike Pru

Love that.


Austin hits Rhodes from the apron and Rude takes advantage in. Nails Rhodes with a DDT and then tags in Austin who make short work of Dustin Rhodes before tagging Rude back in the match. So Austin and Root have like, some momentum building right now. Rude has Dustin now in a bear hug which slows down the match. But Rhodes is able to eventually counter into a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Rhodes tries to get, I'm sorry. Rude tries to get Rhodes from behind, but Dustin is able to get up and reverse it into an electric chair slam.

Mike Pru

I'm still laughing anyway.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I hostages tagged in was ineffective. Pillman then gets the hot tag. It clears the ring. Pillman gets some revenge on Parker when he tosses him into the ring, but that's about all the revenge he gets. Chaos has ensued. Taping ends and we don't get a finish. We just go right to fucking black.

Mike Pru

No fucking finish.


We'll finish in this match.

Mike Pru

All right?


So the episode of WCW worldwide comes to an end abruptly.

Mike Pru

For whatever reason, they love to do that back then. This is not even Bill Watts time. But Bill Watts like to do that on mid south. And WCW did that for a while under Bill Watts. And they do it here and just seems like cheap and lazy, but they wanted to make it seem like, oh, shit, we're out of time. The action's still going on. Like now. Fucking just finish the show. So before JV even got into this, you heard us like kind of stumble a little bit. And I wanted to say that, you know, this match that JV was going to cover, you know, this tag match here is that this was actually filmed back in November, like we're in January. This match happened in November, like way before all the other events that we talked about on this episode. This was just a match that happened to have the same people involved in the feuds currently going on. So they took this match that was taped back in November and then just threw it on main event. Then they didn't show the fucking end of it. That's how fucking bullshit WCW is at times. And I wasn't even gonna mention it until Jamie, you know, mentioned, oh, there was no finish. All right, fine. We gotta talk about this now. All right? Yeah, so that's that. That was that shit, that garbage. Hey, we got one more match coming, and we're going to watch along for this.


We're going to watch this shit together.

Mike Pru

All systems operating within normal design parameters.

Speaker A:

Engage cosmetic generation sequence.

Mike Pru

System oscillate.

Speaker A:

One three. System overlay critical.

Mike Pru

All right, so now we're going to move on to WCW Saturday night, January 15, 1994. And part of this is going to be a watch along. But before that, we are going to play a little audio clip that happened on this episode of WCB Saturday night. And it's Brian Pillman with his fucking chicken head. Take a listen to that, and we'll be right back.

Speaker A:

The Hollywood blondes, a team destined for greatness, but stunning. Steve had to bite the bait. He had to hook his greedy little mouth on the lure of deceit cast by Colonel Foghorn while stunted. There's an old saying, true wealth is not what, but what you are. And, my friend, you are emotionally bankrupt. And tonight, live on TBS, your career is going into chapter 13. And Parker, right at the clash, it's gonna be money for nothing and chicken for me.

Mike Pru

All right, so you had Brian Pillman there, and he said, you know, that the Hollywood blondes were a team destined for greatness. And I, that was one of the major lines that they said, you know, originally when the team started, you can go back and check out our Hollywood blonde episodes that we covered their entire run. That was one of the things. They're a team destined for greatness, you know, but stunning. Steve had bit the bait. He got a little greedy, and he fell into the seat of Colonel Foghorn. You got a little bitter Pillman there. Bitter pill. Bit of pill to swallow. All right. Yeah, I guess. Stay away from those dad jokes, but yeah, yeah. So Brian Pillman is a little pissed off that Austin. Uh, a little salty. Yeah, getting a little salty. Pillman says that, you know, true wealth is not what you have, but what you all are, my friend, you are emotionally bankrupt. Tonight, live on tv, your career is going into chapter 13. Colonel Parker at the clash. It's going to be money for nothing and chicken for me. Of course, that's a play on money for nothing in the chick for free. Of course, so, yeah, I appreciated that from filming, and I'm sure you guys didn't appreciate that from me, but fuck off. All right, so now we get to the match. It's stunning. Steve Austin versus flying Brian Pillman on W. Said to be Saturday night, January 15, 1994. So we're gonna watch along with this match. We're gonna watch it on the cock. So if you want to follow along with us again, 45, 40 seconds and jv. What's on the screen?


A generic w. Like it says WCW main event on like a clip art belt.

Mike Pru

Yeah, it's the fucking main event logo. Sucks. Yeah, that's what's on the screen. And this match is gonna be about twelve minutes or so. So we're just gonna play it out and talk over it and see how this goes. I'll give you countdown. Three down to one and say play. When I say play, we all click play. Three, two, one.

Speaker D:


Mike Pru

That's how I always am. Fucking volume's always jumping. All right, so Austin coming to the ring. I haven't heard all ever say anything about being with Colonel Robert Parker.


I think he addresses it in the beginning.

Mike Pru

What do you mean in the beginning?


I'm in like the first promo.

Mike Pru

No, I don't mean like on tv. K favor, whatever. Just like, like on his own podcast if he is ever.


Oh, yeah, I see. You say.

Mike Pru

It'S fucking Pillman with a chicken head makes again. This makes Pillman look cheap, shitty. I'm out here with a chicken head.


Love that. We love the chicken head pill, man. Give us my chicken head.

Mike Pru

Like, we all know, like, Pillman sucked. Originally as a baby face, he was only good as a heel in the Hollywood blonde. Yep, now he's back as a baby face. It's like a punishment for him. And then making him carry around this stupid chicken head outfit. Air Brian. Oh, good sign, dude. Air Brian. Yeah, this is horrible for Brian Pullman.


He's definitely trending.

Mike Pru

And what sucks for Austin is he didn't really want this because he wanted to keep working with filming as a tag team. And while you would think this would be good for his career to go on a singles run, they're not going to do anything with him.

Speaker D:

Two straight balls over the nether. Oh, back out he goes again over the.

Mike Pru

Austin. Sliding out of the ranks, avoiding Pullman. We have similar to the match I just covered on worldwide, basically. I can't understand why there are so many ladies in the audience that would not be watching this fucking shit.

Speaker D:

Gotta give Brian a lot of credit here. He is staying in the ring the entire time. Not going down.

Mike Pru

No way.

Speaker D:

Double team.

Mike Pru

Nice drop over the top now. Oh. Oh, it's playing possum. You know he's playing possum. Don't fall for a Brian pill. Tony called him out.


So many kids at these. The crowd sounds so, like, young.

Mike Pru

It does sound so young. But look at this dude down the front row with the wife Peter on like, he's leaning. He's leaning over the God rail on the hot cam. He's leaning over the God rail like, you better pay me to be here.


I can't see him now.

Mike Pru

You can't see him right now. There'll be more to the left right now. Look at him leaning over the back of his hat. Wake. What am I getting my $5? You told me he is pissed. Oh, that was nice. That.


That was a nice move. Austin sold that well.

Mike Pru

Austin sells great.


Neela was legitimately hurt.

Mike Pru

I think this is the second watch along Pillman Austin match we've had. We watched the clash one a couple times already, but this is the second one. I think this one's better than the one that was actually at the Clash of champions.

Speaker A:

Get in the way. He's awful cocky because he's fighting an emotional.

Mike Pru

It's not really any stakes here. Now.

Speaker D:

Remember, the clash of the champions going to be Colonel Rob Parker in the ring of flying.


Yeah, Austin looks desperate, and it's early in the match. He's really selling. Oh.

Mike Pru

I also want to point out, though, since, you know, we're at this point here, this match, and we're building up to Pillman versus Colonel Robert Parker chicken soup match. We'll be covering that on the next episode. So this episode was just half of January. The next episode of stunning Steve will be the second half of January. It's crazy to think that there's so much that we have to cover within this month. Just about a fucking chicken soup.


Yeah, that's crazy.

Mike Pru

Believe me. I have the notes ready for the next episode, and it's a fucking full episode still, even though it's just half of a month.

Speaker A:

He'S not a man who doesn't have a plan.

Mike Pru

Hey, but this is the last year of Austin. Last year of stunning. Oh, stunning Steve. 1994 WC. It's not even that long. I guess we should be facing it out a little bit. Just wait until JB. Wait until we get to hacksaw. Jim Duggan being fucking so us title fucking Hacksaw.


Would he come out to his american.

Mike Pru



Like a fucking, like, upgraded Bushwack.

Mike Pru

Wow. He's the singles wrestler. Bushwalker. Bushwack?


Yeah, like Bushwhacker with like extra chromosome. Not missing as many.

Mike Pru

Characters is the american bushwalker. Bushwacker.


The Bushwhackers, they were basically like. They made them look like. Like in breads.

Speaker A:

And shit.

Mike Pru

I can't believe they got away with looking heads. Hey, that's. Hey.


America was America.

Mike Pru

Sound like Rex, Wanda, and you know that America was America. Think anybody wants boys?



Mike Pru

He's the same dude in office space, though. I was like.

Speaker D:

But even more animosity directed towards Colonel.

Mike Pru

Parker, Diedrich Bader, something like that. All right, so we got a match going on, and it's going pretty well. There's no interference. Brian Pillman's had the advantage for the most part, but up until now, Austin just fucking give him a boot to the mouth. Nick Patrick's the reference. Of course. It's Kenny Powers. Nick picture always throws me off, though. Like, he's got the.

Speaker D:

This is our.

Mike Pru

He's got the rough gear on, but then he's got his fucking asics on. Dude, just wear black fucking sneakers. The Asics are popping. I gotta be quick on my feet.

Speaker D:

Step over to an arm bar. That is an outside arm bar. Apply to the pressure, to the temple and to the neck as well.

Mike Pru

What are these people bitching about? What are they saying? Foghorn? Yeah, they say Foghorn. I say, I'll say, I'll say, I'll.


Say, I'll say, I'll do what I want to do.

Speaker D:

Keeps coming forth, relentless. Down goes I say.

Mike Pru

I said fucking Hollywood browns. Because you got that mullet. First thing I did was get Austin's haircut. That's why Austin's a star now. He's got a haircut. Although he did have the haircut as a boy program, though. Cut the hair in the classic chicken soup match. That dude is wild out in the front row. He took his hat off. He's flipping out. He's all cranked up. Kick to the gut. Hold on, defense, Nick Pack. Wow. So Pillman gets a little win. Wow. Which. That's a good win, though.


Yeah, I like that.

Mike Pru

It's non title match. This is a big feud. Former teammate. So they set up a whole spot. Where are we gonna put the chicken head on Pillman? And doesn't even go on the Bach Bok chicken head. And then Dustin Rhodes runs in randomly and then they cut. Then we get fucking Terminator shit going on here.


The time. I remember that. Right?

Mike Pru

I love that. I love the Terminator. Entrance and shit like that. Yeah, that's what we're going to use, like, as the transition music now, right? Since we're in that era.


Yeah, we should. Yeah, yeah, I can grip. I can rip that.

Mike Pru

I think we already have it.


Oh, we do.

Mike Pru

Pretty sure, but. Yeah.


Well, I might have deleted it.

Mike Pru




Mike Pru

All right, so that it. Yeah, no problem. All right. So what do you think, Jimmy? Cool shit. Yeah.


Thing was. Shit. Everything we covered, I.

Mike Pru

It's sad. It's like Austin is the fucking us champion and we gotta. We had to deal with a. It's. It's almost like cleanup. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, we gotta deal with. They were in this feud like they were a team, so we got to deal with that. So we're gonna have some kind of shit with them with Pillman and Austin, instead of letting just Austin go on and. And be a fucking champ and have Pillman do something else. Like, I don't know, we gonna have. We gotta. We're gonna keep this going. Like. Then why'd you break them up as a team if you wanted to fucking not have them? If you're gonna keep them working together, just keep them as a tag team.



Mike Pru

Just wasting time.


Wasted my.

Mike Pru

Because this is crap. Because now we're dealing with chicken heads. Fucking chicken heads. Like a puppet, too. Like, there was one point I didn't mention this earlier, but Pullman had a chicken head and he was, like, moving them all like it was a fucking puppet.


Just bad writing.

Mike Pru

Crap. Yeah, so you said it and hopefully, you know, guys listening, didn't think the whole thing was crap. Hopefully enjoyed it nonetheless. But, yeah, production wise, for tv, for wrestling. Yeah, pretty much crap. That's what it is. And next time, we'll be heading into the second half of January for more crap about chicken heads. And we get the clash of champions and see Brian Pillman take on Colonel Robert Parker with Steve Austin in the corner. Hey, we'll try to make it fun and entertaining and thank you always for listening, but we're gonna take a quick little break. So take a listen to Alex Dario, talking taker, talking about his great show with his pal Travis White. We'll be right back.

Speaker E:

Alright, bottom line, cast listeners, this is Alex Dorio, one half of the talking Taker podcast. And after nearly 200 episodes, exploring every pay per view match of the Undertaker's career, along with my co host, Travis White, we just couldn't let the podcast rest in peace. So join. Join us now on the first of every month as we dig even deeper into the legacy of the newest member of the WWE hall of Fame. From unearthing some rare and unreleased hidden gems, to exploring Mark Callaways career outside of WWE, to revisiting some favorite matches with collaborations with our friends of the show, to movie reviews, to Ministry of Darkness fantasy drafts. You just never know what we might come out of the grave with next. Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. Watch the full video versions on YouTube, follow us on social media talkietaker and as always, taker easy.

Mike Pru

All right, we're back now for the bottom line wrap up. And you just heard Alexe Travis talk about talking Taker. And please check them out every month. They've been at it for a long time. They've covered the entire career of the Undertaker. And at this point they're doing monthly episodes. And check out their most recent episode where they are remembering Sid, said vicious Sid justice, Psycho Sid the man, the master, the ruler of the world. Check them out. Rest in peace, Sid. And they also do a little watch along for the Sid versus undertaker main event match from Wrestlemania 13. Check out talking taker, always great. And also go on their YouTube. They a lot of times have special things that pop up as well. Also check out the book in the territory Retro Wrestling podcast covering WCW Saturday night. Their most recent episode is WWE Saturday night, February 27, 1993. Creeping up either we're slowing down or they're moving faster and I think it's us slowing down creeping, we're creeping and we're creeping but yeah, there they are in February 27, 1993. So check out booking the territory. Mike Mills, hard body hopper, Doctor Turner, always with great shit. So check them out. Booking the territory. We'll check out our vantage point. And they are doing the 1987 cannon now. So they've gone through 19 828-384-8586 now into 1987 almost at WrestleMania three, watching what was originally championship wrestling, but now it's superstars of wrestling. And they discovered the February 21, 1987 episode. So just a month away from Wrestlemania three. Oh, good shit. The episode that they just covered had honky Tonk man smacking the shit out of Jake Snake in the snake with his fucking guitar. And Jake Snake to this day claims that he's fucked up. And even after DDP yoga, yeah, he's like, oh, the reason why I was fucked up is because I got hit in the head with the guitar by all guitar man, he said that's part of his main problem. Yeah, who knows? That's what he says.


Yep, that's what he says. That's what he says, yep. Who might have tell him he's wrong. I wasn't right. I'm not experiencing the symptoms of kind of a dick move from just like, he's full of shit, right?

Mike Pru

You can't just say that. Take it for his word. All right, also check out JV and I on the extreme ECW live cast where we are covering ECW hardcore tv. And now the paper views. We've made it to that point. Me, JV, and Rick BB. We've got to the point where we are now at ECW barely legal. April 13, 1997. We just dropped part one of the special, and part two will be coming out very soon, so if you want to check that out, it's on the booking territory. Patreon, $5 here then. Also, we have free feed available as well. Extreme ECW Livecast wherever you get your podcast. The latest episode is September 10 and 17th of 1996, which is easy to be hardcore tv episodes 177 and 78. 178. So check those out. Follow us on Twitter x. You know the fucking drill. So thank you guys for listening. I know it's been a while. Thank you guys for constantly being our listeners. And we'll be back at it next month with another episode of stunning Steve continuing on with this chicken head saga. JV, any final words?


Nah, I got nothing.

Mike Pru

All right, song.

Speaker A:

And that's the bottom line as far as I'm concerned. This over whistle. Get the hell out of here.

Mike Pru


Stunning Steve: E19 - Chicken Head: Early Jan ‘94

On this episode of the Bottom Line Wrestling Cast, Mike & JV are continuing coverage of Stunning Steve Austin. 

Stunning Steve is now the U.S. Champion and it’s January 1994! Stunning Steve & Col. Robert Parker can’t seem to get away from dealing with Austin's former partner, Brian Pillman. Things start to get real silly when Pillman challenges Col. Parker to a Chicken Suit match. We will discuss the following topics and matches:

  • WCW Saturday Night - 01/01/94 - U.S. Champion Stunning Steve Austin vs. Sting
  • WCW Saturday Night - 01/01/94 - Post Match Interview - Mean Gene w/ Stunning Steve Austin & Col. Parker
  • WCW Saturday Night - 01/08/94 - Ravishing Rick Rude & Stunning Steve Austin vs. Sting & Flyin’ Brian Pillman
  • WCW Main Event - 01/09/94 - U.S. Champion Stunning Steve Austin vs. Larry Santo
  • WCW Main Event - 01/09/94 - Post Match Interview - Tony Schiavone w/ Austin & Col. Parker
  • WCW Worldwide - 01/15/94 - Promo -Ravishing Rick Rude w/ Mean Gene
  • WCW Worldwide - 01/15/94 - WCW International Champion“Ravishing” Rick Rude & U.S. Champion “Stunning” Steve Austin vs. Dustin Rhodes & Brian Pillman
  • WCW Saturday Night - 01/15/94 - Promo - Flyin Brian with the Chicken Head
  • WATCH ALONG - WCW Saturday Night - 01/15/94 - Non Title Match - Stunning Steve Austin vs. Flyin Brian Pillman
  • House Show Results

Talking Taker with Alex & Travis: You can now dig deep back into their archives of  episodes and explore the entire run of the Deadman. Give them a follow on X/Twitter @TalkingTaker and follow their YouTube page! 

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of WCW World Championship Wrestling from Saturday Nights from 85-93. This week is WCW Saturday Night from March 20, 1993.

Extreme ECW Live Cast: Join Mike P, JV, & Rick Beebe on the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier. 

Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is 1986 WWF Canon - Championship Wrestling 03/14/87

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