E34 - Bedpan McMahon: Oct '98
Episode 34 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 34 - Bedpan McMahon: October ‘98
This week Mike & JV are covering October ‘98. Stone Cold has a few shenanigans in store for Mr. McMahon, a surprise visit to the “Medical Center” and some cement for Mr. McMahon’s corvette. Stone Cold will also be the Special Referee for the WWF Championship Match between Kane & The Undertaker at Judgment Day. If Austin doesn’t raise the hand of a new champion, Mr. McMahon will fire his ass!
Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamps Included)
- Sunday Night Heat 10 -10/04/98 - Audio: Mr. McMahon in Hospital (0:15:10- 0:17:18)
- Sunday Night Heat 10 -10/04/98 - Stone Cold Segments
- Sunday Night Heat 10 -10/04/98 - Audio: Austin & McMahon Phone Call (0:38:05 - 0:40:08)
- Raw 280 - 10/05/98 - Audio: Mankind & Guests 0:20:17- 0:23:01)
- Raw 280 - 10/05/98 - Audio: McMahon & the Bed Pan (01:16:26 - 01:18:19)
- Raw 280 - 10/05/98 - Side Notes
- Sunday Night Heat 11 - 10/11/98 - Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. D-Lo Brown (European Champion) w/ Mark Henry (0:38:23 - 0:41:42)
- RAW 281 - 10/12/98 - Austin’s Cement Truck
- RAW 281 - 10/12/98 - Audio: 0:42:55 - 0:44:24 - Cementing
- RAW 281 - 10/12/98 - Audio: Austin Promo (0:48:10 - 0:53:48)
- RAW 281 - 10/12/98 - Match: Stone Cold & The Rock vs. Undertaker & Kane (01:22:02 - 01:39:00)
- RAW 281 - 10/12/98 - Side Notes
- Sunday Night Heat 12 - Judgment Day Pre Show - 10/18/98 - Audio: Mr. McMahon Promo (0:37:14)
- Judgment Day: In Your House - 10/18/98 - Match: WWF World Championship Match: Undertaker vs. Kane (Special Ref. Stone Cold Steve Austin) (02:15:36)
- Judgment Day: In Your House - 10/18/98 - Post Match: Audio: Austin & McMahon (02:36:09 - 02:41:51)
- Judgment Day: In Your House - 10/18/98 - PPV Side Notes
- House Show Rundown
- “Oh Hell Yeah” Moment of the Week
- “Oh Hell No” Moment of the Week
- Next Week: Wednesday, June 5, 2019- Episode 35 - Bang 3:16: October ‘98
- Podcast Plugs (Talking Taker & Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast)
- Social Media Plugs
Talking Taker: If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.
Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast: My pal, Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1994.
This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the NWA WCW from 01/30/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 11/05/94 Ep 144
Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at Patreon.com/BookingTheTerritory at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.
Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, Episode 3 & 4 from April 1993. Check it out! Next Wednesday, June 5.
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