Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

E77 - Get Ready: Feb-March '01

Episode 77 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 77 - Get Ready: Feb-March ‘01

This week Mike & JV will be discussing the start to the Road to Wrestlemania X-Seven! The Rock & Stone Cold will try to protect each other until Wrestlemania, but the tension will build between the two biggest stars in WWF because of an unlikely individual.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is coverage of the WWE Network series, The Undertaker: Last Ride Ep 4 & 5.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-89. This Thursday they cover the February 18, 1989 episode.

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier to join JV & Mike on the “Extreme ECW Live Cast”. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This week is the Supercard Special #4: When Worlds Collide ‘94 from May 14, 1994. New episodes are available bi-weekly on Wednesdays!

Check out Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is the Special Break Episode - Ep 182 - Up & Comers: Paul Roma, Royal Flush Worst Talkers (Lex Luger & Superfly Jimmy Snuka), Review of AWA All Star Wrestling 4/29/89.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

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Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

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Hollywood Blonds: Ep. 2 - Chase for the Gold: Jan-Feb '93

Special Series: The Hollywood Blonds

Hollywood Blonds: Episode 2 - Chase for the Gold: Jan-Feb ‘93

On this very special episode Mike & JV are presenting the second episode in the special series, The Hollywood Blonds. On this episode Mike & JV will be covering the “Stunning” Steve Austin & “Flyin” Brian Pillman’s early days as a tag team from January & February of 1993 . In January ‘93, Austin & Pillman will have a series of tag team matches and singles matches on their path to earning another shot at the Unified Tag Team Championships, currently held by Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas. In February ‘93, Austin & Pillman were set to get their title shot at Superbrawl III, but last minute that will change!

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is coverage of the WWE Network series, The Undertaker: Last Ride.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-89. This Thursday they cover the February 11, 1989 episode.

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier to join JV & Mike on the “Extreme ECW Live Cast”. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week was Ep 26- HCTV 54-56 from April 26, May 3 & 10, 1994. New episodes available bi-weekly on Wednesdays!

Check out Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is the Special Break Episode - Ep 181 - Up & Comers: Jose Luis Riveira, Royal Ranking Best Talkers (Stone Cold & The Rock), Review of Shotgun Challenge 3/29/97

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

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E76 - 3 Stages of Hell: Feb '01

Episode 76 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 76 - 3 Stages of Hell: Feb ‘01

This week Mike & JV will be discussing the “Three Stages of Hell Match” between Stone Cold Steve Austin & Triple H. In fall one they will square off in a standard singles match, the second fall will be a No Holds Barred Street Fight, and the final fall will be held in a Steel Cage! We will also discuss the No Way Out ‘01 PPV in our Attitude Era update.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is the Hell in a Cell PPV (Oct 2009) The Undertaker vs. CM Punk HIAC Match for the World Heavyweight Championship Match

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995. This Thursday on the NWA/WCW episode they cover the February 4, 1989 episode. On Sunday, they will cover the SMW show from 11/25/95, Ep 200, the final episode!

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier to join JV & Mike on the “Extreme ECW Live Cast”. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week was Ep 26- HCTV 54-56 from April 26, May 3 & 10, 1994. New episodes available bi-weekly on Wednesdays!

Check out Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is the Special Break Episode - Review of Invasion ‘92 Home Video

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

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Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

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E75 - Sinister Stipulations: Feb '01

Episode 75 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 75 - Sinister Stipulations: Feb ‘01

This week Mike & JV will be discussing the build to No Way Out ‘01. The match has been set Stone Cold Steve Austin will be meeting his greatest rival, Triple H. There is a no contact order in place between the two of them. But on the February 5 episode of Raw from the Georgia Dome Triple H & Stone Cold Steve Austin will be forced to team up against Kurt Angle & The Rock. The following week, there will be a match to determine who will choose the stipulation for the match at No Way Out. If The Rock defeats Rikishi, then Triple H picks the stipulation, and if Rikishi wins, then Austin picks the stipulations.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels from Wrestlemania 25!

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995. This Thursday on the NWA/WCW episode they cover the January 28, 1989 episode. On Sunday, they will cover the SMW show from 11/18/95, Ep 199

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier to join JV & Mike on the “Extreme ECW Live Cast”. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week was Ep 25- HCTV 52 & 53 from April 12 & 19, 1994. New episodes available bi-weekly on Wednesdays!

Check out Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is Episode 180 - Fresh Perspective: Wrestling in General, Royal Flush Week 5 - Best WWF Tag Team Champs (Deuce & Domino/The Spirit Squad), Review of WWE Superstars: The Music Video Review.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

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Monthly Bonus Special - WWF in 1995

June 2020 Bonus Special with J-Free from "Free Your Geek"

Monthly Bonus Special - Good & Bad of WWF in 1995

On this bonus special of the Bottom Line Wrestling Cast, J-Free from the “Free Your Geek” podcast takes over hosting duties to chat with Mike & JV about the world of wrestling in May of 2020. In our featured segment we discuss The Good & Bad of WWF in 1995. Topics discussed include:

  • Money in the Bank 2020
  • Preview NXT In Your House & WWE Backlash
  • AEW Double or Nothing
  • The Undertaker: Last Ride Series
  • RIP Shad Gaspard
  • The Good & Bad of WWF in 1995

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels from Wrestlemania 25!

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995. This Thursday on the NWA/WCW episode they cover the January 21, 1989 episode. On Sunday, they will cover the SMW show from 11/11/95, Ep 198

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier to join JV & Mike on the “Extreme ECW Live Cast”. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week was Ep 25- HCTV 52 & 53 from April 12 & 19, 1994. New episodes available bi-weekly on Wednesdays!

Check out Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is Episode 179 - Fresh Perspective: The Bushwhackers, Royal Rankings Week 5 - Best WWF Tag Team Champs (New Day & Edge/Christian), Review of WCW Pro 11/27/93

Check out Free Your Geek, check out their most recent episode, Ep 90 Wrestling with Resident Kombat - Discussion of video games they are playing during the quarantine, Resident Evil 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Mortal Kombat 11, Review of Wrestlemania 36. Follow the show @freeyourgeek on Twitter.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

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E74 - Game of Cat & Mouse: Jan-Feb '01

Episode 74 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 74 - Game of Cat & Mouse: Jan-Feb ‘01

This week Mike & JV will be discussing the fall out of the Royal Rumble. Stone Cold has just won the Royal Rumble for a historic third time. Stone Cold is on the road to Wrestlemania, but Triple H will not get out of Stone Cold’s way, they will be forced to not attack each other, but there will be ways to mess with each other in a game of cat & mouse.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels from Wrestlemania 25!

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995. This Thursday on the NWA/WCW episode they cover the January 21, 1989 episode. On Sunday, they will cover the SMW show from 11/11/95, Ep 198

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier to join JV & Mike on the “Extreme ECW Live Cast”. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week was Ep 25- HCTV 52 & 53 from April 12 & 19, 1994. New episodes available bi-weekly on Wednesdays!

Check out Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is Episode 179 - Fresh Perspective: The Bushwhackers, Royal Rankings Week 5 - Best WWF Tag Team Champs (New Day & Edge/Christian), Review of WCW Pro 11/27/93

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

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E73 - Bloody Rumble: Jan '01

Episode 73 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 73 - Bloody Rumble: Jan ‘01

This week Mike & JV will be discussing the Royal Rumble 2001 PPV event. Mike & JV will discuss Stone Cold’s involvement in the WWF Championship match between Kurt Angle & Triple H. There will be a “Watch Along” of the Royal Rumble Match. In the Attitude Era portion of the show, Mike & JV will discuss the under card matches of Royal Rumble 2001, and the events leading up to each match.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week Mike & JV will be special guests to watch along to the Hell in a Cell match from Armageddon 2000.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This Thursday on the NWA/WCW episode they cover the January 14, 1989 episode. On Sunday, they will cover the SMW show from 11/04/95, Ep 197

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier to join JV & Mike on the “Extreme ECW Live Cast”. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week was Ep 24- HCTV 50 & 51 from March 29 & April 5, 1994. New episodes available bi-weekly on Wednesdays!

Check out Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is Episode 178 - Fresh Perspective: New Generation, Royal Flush Week 4 - Worst WWF Tag Team Champs (Braun Strowman & Nicholas & Road Warrior Animal & Heidenreich) , Review of WWE All Star Wrestling 9/13/75

Check out Free Your Geek, check out their most recent episode, Ep 90 Wrestling with Resident Kombat - Discussion of video games they are playing during the quarantine, Resident Evil 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Mortal Kombat 11, Review of Wrestlemania 36.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

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Extreme ECW Live Cast: Ep 24 - HCTV 50 & 51 - March 29 & April 5, 1994

Exclusive Special: Extreme ECW Live Cast

Extreme ECW Live Cast: HCTV 50 & 51 - March 29 & April 5, 1994

This is an exclusive preview of our most recent episode of the Extreme ECW Live Cast. These episodes are available on the Booking the Territory Patreon $5 tier. This episodes marks the completion of one year of ECW Hardcore TV.

This week Mike Pru & JV will be watching along with ECW Hardcore TV Episodes 50 & 51 from March 29 & April 5, 1994. This is the one year anniversary of the Extreme ECW Live Cast!

On the March 29 episode, The Public Enemy & The Bruise Brothers go at it in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Clips are shown of the Sabu & Mike Awesome match from Ultimate Jeopardy. On the April 6, 1994 episode, which is the one year anniversary of ECW TV. The Bruise Brothers are in action. In a six man tag team match, Kevin Sullivan, Tazmaniac, & Crash the Terminator competed against The Pitbull, Rockin’ Rebel, & Tony Stetson. The Sandman & Tommy Cairo match from Ultimate Jeopardy is highlighted. The Sandman is also in action against Wildman Sal Bellomo. In the main event, Shane Douglas is up against Paul Diamond. Road Warrior Hawk will have something to say to Shane Douglas after the match! Next time we will cover Episodes 52 & 53 from April 12 & 19, 1994

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E72 - Ready to Rumble: Jan '01

Episode 72 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 72 - Ready to Rumble: Jan ‘01

This week Mike & JV will be discussing the weeks leading up to Royal Rumble 2001. On January 8, 2001, Stone Cold got a WWF championship match against Kurt Angle. But Triple H returns to screw Stone Cold. Stone Cold is entered into the Royal Rumble & Triple H is named the number one contender for the WWF Championship. Mr. McMahon has placed a special rule on Stone Cold & Triple H, if they physically provoke each other they will both lose their opportunities at the Royal Rumble!

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will cover the Elimination Chamber Match from No Way Out of February 2009.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995. This Thursday on the NWA/WCW episode they cover the January 7, 1989 episode. On Sunday, they will cover the SMW show from 10/28/95, Ep 196

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier to join JV & Mike on the “Extreme ECW Live Cast”. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week was Ep 24- HCTV 50 & 51 from March 29 & April 5, 1994. New episodes available bi-weekly on Wednesdays!

Check out Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is Episode 177 - Fresh Perspective: Lord Alfred Hayes, Royal Rankings Week 4 - Best WWF Tag Team Champs (Hardy Boyz & New Age Outlaws) , Review of UWF - Greatest Champions VHS

Check out Free Your Geek, check out their most recent episode, Ep 90 Wrestling with Resident Kombat - Discussion of video games they are playing during the quarantine, Resident Evil 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Mortal Kombat 11, Review of Wrestlemania 36.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

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The Stone Cold Top 5 of 1999 & 2000

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Stone Cold Top 5 of 1999 & 2000

This week Mike & JV are joined with J-Free from the “Free Your Geek” Podcast to discuss and rank our top 5 moments of Stone Cold Steve Austin’s 1999 & 2000!

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will present a special watch along episode for the 2009 Royal Rumble!

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995. This Thursday on the NWA/WCW episode they cover Dec 31, 1988 episode. On Sunday, they will cover the SMW show from 10/21/95, Ep 195

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 Tier to join JV & Mike on the “Extreme ECW Live Cast”. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week was Ep 23- HCTV 48 & 49 from March 15 & 22, 1994. New episodes available bi-weekly on Wednesdays!

Check out Our Vantage Point: Retro Wrestling Podcast with Joe Marotta & Michael Quinn, this week is Episode 176 - Fresh Perspective: House Shows, Royal Flush Week 3 - Worst WWF Tag Team Champs (The Miz & Shane McMahon & Men on a Mission) , WWF Livewire from 8/30/97

Check out Free Your Geek, check out their most recent episode, Ep 90 Wrestling with Resident Kombat - Discussion of video games they are playing during the quarantine, Resident Evil 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Mortal Kombat 11, Review of Wrestlemania 36.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

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