Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

E16 - Owen 3:16: Oct-Nov ‘97

Episode 16 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 16 - Owen 3:16: Oct-Nov ‘97

This week Mike & JV discuss the build up to Stone Cold’s in-ring return against Owen Hart for the Intercontinental Championship at the infamous Survivor Series 1997.

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 227 - 9/29/97- Audio Clip: Austin Promo (0:53-0:58:01)
  • RAW 227 - 9/29/97- Owen Hart Promo (01:12:53 - -1:16:10)
  • IYH: Badd Blood - 10/5/97 - Match: Owen Hart vs Faarooq (IC Title Match)
  • RAW 228 - 10/6/97 - Audio Clip: Austin (0:47:00-0:52:26)
  • RAW 228 - 10/6/97 - Owen Hart Prematch Promo (0:55:05- 0:55:40)
  • RAW 229 - 10/13/97 - Audio: Austin Promo (0:44:12 - 0:50:02)
  • RAW 230 - 10/20/97 - Bret Hart vs Faarooq, Owen Hart vs. HBK - Austin Run-Ins
  • RAW 231 - 10/27/97 - Owen Hart vs. Ahmed Johnson (IC Title Match) - Austin Run-In
  • RAW 232 - 11/3/97 - Audio Clip: Austin Promo (0:03:08 - 0:09:17)
  • RAW 232 - 11/3/97 - Audio Clip: Austin Promo (0:38:39 - 0:42:01)
  • Survivor Series - 11/9/97 - Prematch Package (01:56:40 - 01:59:49)
  • Survivor Series - 11/9/97 - Match: Intercontinental Championship Match - Owen Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (01:59:54 - 02:09:01)
  • Final Thoughts
  • Preview Next Week - Episode 17: Rocky Sucks - Nov - Dec ‘97

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.

This week they are covering Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Undertaker from Judgement Day 2001.

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the September 26, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering the Ep125 from June 11, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E15 - The Stunner: Aug-Sept '97

Episode 15 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 15 - The Stunner: Aug - Sept ‘97

This week Mike & JV discuss the fall out after Austin’s neck injury and his month of stunners, building up to the Stunner to Vince McMahon on the September 22, 1997 edition of Raw.

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 221 - 8/4/97 - Audio Clip: Owen Hart (0:09:10-0:10:14)
  • RAW 221 - 8/4/97 - Audio Clip: Austin (0:12:40-0:14:35)
  • RAW 221 - 8/4/97 - Match: Dude Love vs Owen Hart (01:18:46)
  • RAW 222 - 8/11/97 - Dude Love Promo (0:40:02-0:45:03)
  • RAW 223 - 8/18/97 - AUDIO CLIP: Austin Injury Recap (01:04:00)
  • RAW 223 - 8/18/97 - Austin Interview w/ Jim Ross (01:06:23-01:10:58)
  • IYH: Ground Zero - 9/7/97 - Forfeiture of the Tag Titles (01:04:58-01:13:47)
  • IYH: Ground Zero - 9/7/97 - Austin Interferes in Tag Title Match (01:38:17-01:38:50)
  • RAW 224 - 9/8/97 - AUDIO CLIP - Austin’s Response to Slaughter (0:08:45-0:10:33)
  • RAW 224 - 9/8/97 - Match: Bret Hart vs. Vader - Austin Run in (0:25:40)
  • RAW 224 - 9/8/97 - Match: Owen Hart vs. Goldust (01:06:10-01:08:10)
  • RAW 225 - 9/15/97 - Audio Clip: Austin interview (0:08:30-0:09:15)
  • RAW 225 - 9/15/97 - Austin interview with Jerry Lawler (0:48:30-0:53:21)
  • RAW 226 - 9/22/97 -The Stunner! (0:42:31-0:48:50)
  • Final Thoughts
  • Preview Next Week - Episode 16 - “Owen 3:16 - Oct-Nov ‘97”

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.

This week past week they covered Backlash 2001, Triple H & Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker & Kane! Check out what they had to say about our man, Stone Cold!

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the September 19, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering the Ep124 from June 11, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes! Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

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Hollywood Blonds: Watch Along #1 - Austin vs. Pillman: Clash XXV - Nov '93

Special Series: The Hollywood Blonds

Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary - Stunning Steve vs. Flyin Brian - Clash XXV

Happy Holidays! This week in place of our regular episodic coverage of the career of Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mike & JV are back with this Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary, the winner of December WCW Austin Singles Match Poll.

We will be watching the “Battle of the Hollywood Blondes”, Stunning Steve Austin vs. Flyin’ Brian Pillman from WCW Clash of the Champions XXV, which aired in November 1993.

Feel free to listen like usual, but we encourage you to fire up your WWE Network and watch along with us as we call the action from this match. This show can be found in the “Vault” Section under “Clash of the Champions”

The Timestamp to join the Watch Along is the 0:29:15 minute mark.

Enjoy the action!

Please provide us with any feedback you have! @bottomlinecast @MPRU83 @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Next week we will be back with our chronological episodes. On 01/02/19 we will present Episode 15 - The Stunner: Aug-Sept ‘97, in which we will be covering the events leading to the Stunner on Vince McMahon.

Find out more at

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Watch Along #4 - Austin vs. Owen Hart: Summerslam '97

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary - Austin vs. Owen Hart: Summerslam ‘97

Mike & JV are back with this Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary, this match placed second on our last WWF Austin poll.

We will be watching the WWF Intercontinental Championship Match - Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart from Summerslam 1997 (August 3, 1997), which of course is the infamous match where Austin’s career could have come to an untimely end.

Feel free to listen like usual, but we encourage you to fire up your WWE Network and watch along with us as we call the action from this match.

The Timestamp to join the Watch Along is the 01:39:33 mark.

Enjoy the action!

Please provide us with any feedback you have! @bottomlinecast @MPRU83 @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Join us next week on Wednesday, 12/26 for another Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary episode, Stunning Steve Austin vs. Flyin’ Brian Pillman from Clash of the Champions XXV from November 1993. This match was the winner of our December Poll,“Austin WCW Singles Match”

We will be back with our regular episodes on 01/0219 when we will present Episode 15 -The Stunner: Aug-Sept ‘97, in which we will be covering the events leading to the Stunner on Vince McMahon.

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will be covering Undertaker vs. Triple H, from one of the greatest shows of all time, Wrestlemania X7 from 2001!

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94. This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the September 6, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering the Ep122 from May 28, 1994.

Find out more at

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E14 - Broken Neck: July-August '97

Episode 14 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 14 - Broken Neck: July-August ‘97

This week Mike & JV discuss the build up and unfortunate match between Owen Hart and Steve Austin from Summerslam 1997.

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 219 - 07/21/97 - Hart Foundation Promo (0:15:44-0:21:42)
  • RAW 219 - 07/21/97 - Audio Clip: Austin Interview - Brief (0:40:00-0:40:30)
  • RAW 219 - 07/21/97 - Shawn Michaels Interview (0:56:30-01:04:55)
  • RAW 219 - 07/21/97 - Match: Flag Match - The Hart Foundation (Bret, Owen, & Bulldog) vs. Austin, Michaels (replaced by Dude Love) (01:23:40)
  • RAW 220 - 07/28/97 - Hart Foundation Promo (0:05:22-
  • RAW 220 - 07/28/97 - Match: WWF World Tag Team Championship Match - Austin & Dude Love vs. The Godwins (0:51:10-1:00:05)
  • Summerslam 97 - 08/03/97 - Audio Clip Prematch Package (01:37:44-01:39:36)
  • Summerslam 97 - 08/03/97 - Match: WWF Intercontinental Championship Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Owen Hart (01:39:41- 01:58:57)
  • JV’s Final Thoughts
  • This Friday, Special Edition Watch Along - Owen Hart vs. Stone Cold, this Friday, December 21
  • Preview Next week - Special Edition Poll Vote: Watch Along Live Commentary - Stunning Steve Austin vs. Brian Pillman from WCW Clash of the Champions XXV
  • Next Regular Episode, January 2, 2019, Episode 15: The Stunner - Aug-Sept ‘97

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will be covering Undertaker vs. Triple H, from one of the greatest shows of all time, Wrestlemania X7 from 2001!

Please check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94. This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the September 6, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering the Ep122 from May 28, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions to Mike & JV on twitter at @MPRU83 & @johnvandamage

And that's the bottom line!! Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

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E13 - Have Mercy!: July '97

Episode 13 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 13 - Have Mercy!: July ‘97

This week Mike & JV discuss the fall out from the Canadian Stampede and Austin’s is faced with having to find another partner to defend the Tag Team Championship with. He may have just met the grooviest partner on the scene! It’s the debut of Dude Love!! The Summer of Love is about to begin in July of 1997!

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 217: 07/07/97 - Bret Hart Promo
  • RAW 217: 07/07/97 - Audio Clip: Austin Promo (0:37:48-0:39:00)
  • RAW 217: 07/07/97 - Audio Clip: Austin (0:46:57-0:47:30)
  • RAW 217: 07/07/97 - Match: Austin vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (0:50:17- 0:59:00)
  • RAW 217: 07/07/97 - Audio Clip: Post Match Promo (0:59:51-01:02:21)
  • RAW 217: 07/07/97 - AUDIO CLIP: Austin Interview with McMahon (01:09:25-
  • RAW 218: 07/14/97 - Hart Foundation Promo
  • RAW 218: 07/14/97 - Shawn Michaels Promo
  • RAW 218: 07/14/97 - Audio Clip: Austin Backstage Prematch Promo (01:19:36-01:20:23)
  • RAW 218: 07/14/97 - Match: WWF World Tag Team Championship Match: Owen Hart & British Bulldog vs. Steve Austin & Mystery Partner (01:20:49-01:29:57)
  • RAW 218: 07/14/97 - Audio Clip:: Dude Love (01:27:17-01:28:32)
  • House Show Run Down - July 97
  • JV’s Final Thoughts
  • Preview Next Week - Ep 14 - Summerslam 97 - Owen Hart - Broken Neck - July - August 1997

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will be covering No Way Out from 2001. The Brothers of Destruction will be in a Tables Match against Edge & Chriistian, & The Dudleys! You don’t want to miss this!

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94. This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the August 29, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering the Ep121 from May 21, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions to Mike & JV on twitter at @MPRU83 & @johnvandamage

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E12 - Canadian Stampede: June-July '97

Episode 12 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 12 - Canadian Stampede: June-July ‘97

This week Mike & JV discuss the challenge laid down by The Hart Foundation. The Foundation challenges any five WWF Superstars to face them on their home turf in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at the Canadian Stampede! Of course, Stone Cold is the first to accept the challenge!

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 213: 06/09/97 - Audio: Austin Interview w/ VKM (0:47:47- 0:52:54)
  • RAW 213: 06/09/97 - Match: Austin (Mankind) vs. Pillman (01:25:01)
  • RAW 214: 06/16/97 - Audio: Austin Promo (0:03:00-0:08:40)
  • RAW 214: 06/16/97 - Pillman Interview (0:10:42)
  • RAW 214: 06/16/97 - Audio: Austin - Pre Match Promo (0:48:20)
  • RAW 214: 06/16/97 - Match: Austin vs. Pillman (0:51:30)
  • RAW 214: 06/16/97 - Audio: Post Match - Goldust (01:04:52)
  • RAW 214: 06/16/97 - Hart Foundation Promo (01:08:50)
  • RAW 215: 06/23/97 - Audio: Austin Phone Call (0:45:11)
  • RAW 215: 06/23/97 - Bret Hart Promo (01:08:54 - 01:14:50)
  • RAW 216: 06/30/97 - Audio: Austin Fly-in Promo (0:44:22)
  • RAW 216: 06/30/97 - Match: Austin vs. Jim Neidhart (01:20:00)
  • IYH: Canadian Stampede: 07/06/97 - Audio: Show Opening Video Package
  • IYH: Canadian Stampede: 07/06/97 - Match: The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart, Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Jim Neidhart, Brian Pillman) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock, Goldust, Animal & Hawk
  • House Show Run Down - June- July 97
  • Preview Next Week - Ep 13 - Have Mercy - July ‘97 - Austin & Dude Love

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94. This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the August 22, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering the Ep120 from May 14, 1994.

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will be doing a running live commentary watch along of Royal Rumble 2001. You don’t want to miss this!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Help us out with a Five Star Review on Apple Podcasts/Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions to Mike & JV on twitter at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E11 - Reluctant Partners: May-June '97

Episode 11 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 11 - Reluctant Partners: May-June ‘97

This week Mike & JV discuss Stone Cold’s reluctant partnership with the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. They will win the Tag titles and just two weeks later, they have a match at the King of the Ring PPV!

It’s a whirlwind month in the WWF as things behind the scenes are getting intense with The Hitman & The “Boy Toy”. We will discuss that and other interesting things happening in the WWF.

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 209: 05/12/97 - Bret Hart Opening Promo
  • RAW 209: 05/12/97 - Audio Clip: Austin Interview (0:19:54-0:24:25)
  • RAW 209: 05/12/97 - Bret Hart In-Ring Promo (01:19:00)
  • RAW 210: 05/19/97 - Audio Clip: Austin In-Ring Promo (0:05:08-0:11:25)
  • RAW 210: 05/19/97 - Austin Searches for a Partner
  • RAW 210: 05/19/97 - Bret Hart Promo (0:51:42 - 0:59:48)
  • RAW 210: 05/19/97 - Match: Austin vs. Jim Neidhart (01:25:55-01:31:17)
  • RAW 211: 05/26/97 - Austin & Michaels Promo (0:02:17-0:05:07)
  • RAW 211: 05/26/97 - Hart & Pillman Promo (0:45:55-0:47:38)
  • RAW 211: 05/26/97 - Match: World Tag Title Match - Austin & Michaels vs. Owen Hart & British Bulldog (01:12:16-01:27:00)
  • RAW 212: 06/02/97 - Audio Clip: Hart Foundation (0:26:49-0:32:36)
  • RAW 212: 06/02/97 - Match: World Tag Title Match - Austin & Michaels vs. Legion of Doom
  • King of the Ring - 06/08/97 - Bret Hart Promo
  • King of the Ring - 06/08/97 - Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels
  • House Show Rundown - May-June
  • Next Week - Episode 12: Canadian Stampede - 10 Man Tag Team Match - June-July ‘97

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94. This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the August 15, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering the Ep119 from May 7, 1994.

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will be covering the 6 Pack Armageddon Hell in a Cell Match featuring The Undertaker, The Rock, STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN, WWF Champion Kurt Angle, Triple H, & Rikishi. Check it out!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Feel free to make suggestions to Mike & JV on twitter at @MPRU83 & @johnvandamage

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Watch Along #3 - Austin vs. The Undertaker: Cold Day in Hell - May '97

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary - Austin vs. Undertaker: Cold Day in Hell

Mike & JV are back with this Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary, which was voted on by our twitter followers and listeners!

We will be watching the WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match - Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker from In Your House: Cold Day in Hell (May 11, 1997)

Feel free to listen like usual, but we encourage you to fire up your WWE Network and watch along with us as we call the action from this match.

  • The Timestamp to join the Watch Along is the 01:18:18 mark.

Enjoy the action!

Please provide us with any feedback you have! @bottomlinecast @MPRU83 @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Join us next week on our regular Wednesday episode, when we discuss Austin's match with Shawn Michaels from King of the Ring 1997.

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

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E10 - Cold Day in Hell: April-May '97

Episode 10 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 10 - Cold Day in Hell: April-May ‘97

This week Mike & JV discuss Stone Cold Steve Austin’s continuing rivalry with Bret Hart. The Hart Foundation continues to take shape and prove to be a thorn in Austin’s side, meanwhile Austin is heading into his first one on one WWF World Heavyweight Championship bout with the Undertaker at In Your House: Cold Day in Hell!!

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 206: 04/21/97 - Audio Clip - Austin Promo (0:02:00-0:07:54)
  • RAW 206: 04/21/97 - Street Fight - Austin vs Bret Hart (0:22:00-0:38:00)
  • RAW 206: 04/21/97 -Audio Clip - Austin Interview (01:22:00)
  • RAW 207: 04/28/97 - Brian Pillman Interview (0:05:00-0:15:01)
  • RAW 207: 04/28/97 - Bret Hart Interview (0:23:30 - 0:30:21)
  • RAW 207: 04/28/97 - Audio: Austin In-Ring Interview (0:54:45-0:58:36)
  • RAW 208: 05/05/97 - Hart Foundation Promo (0:04:44- 0:13:01)
  • RAW 208: 05/05/97 - Steve Austin vs. Davey Boy Smith (01:16:24 - 01:26:46)
  • IYH: Cold Day in Hell: 05/11/97 - World Heavyweight Championship Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker
  • House Show Rundown
  • This Friday - Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary - IYH: Cold Day in Hell - Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker
  • Next Week - Episode 11: Reluctant Partners: May-June ‘97 - Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94. Check it out!

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will be covering Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle from Survivor Series 2000. Join them as they celebrate his decade of destruction, from 1990-2000!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Feel free to make suggestions and reach out to Mike & JV on twitter at @MPRU83 & @johnvandamage

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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