Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

Watch Along #6 - Austin vs. HBK: Wrestlemania XIV

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary - Austin vs. HBK: WM 14

Mike & JV are excited to present the Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary: Austin vs. HBK: Wrestlemania 14

Feel free to listen like usual, but we encourage you to fire up your WWE Network and watch along with us as we call the action from this match.

The Timestamp to join the Watch Along is the 02:10:33 mark. Enjoy the action!

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they are covering Nov 2001 - Survivor Series - Team WWF vs. The Alliance, as a live running Watch Along commentary!

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the November 7, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 131 from July 30, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

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This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E22 - World Champion: March '98

Episode 22 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 22 - World Champion: March ‘98

This week Mike & JV are covering March of 1998. We are wrapping up the Road to Wrestlemania 14 and covering Austin’s victory against Shawn Michaels to become the WWF World Heavyweight Champion.

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 251 - 03/17/98 - Audio Clip: Vince McMahon Promo (0:57:19- 01:04:17)
  • RAW 251 - 03/17/98 - Audio Clip: Video Package: Special Look at Stone Cold Steve Austin (01:04:41- 01:11:24)
  • RAW 251 - 03/17/98 - Side Notes Discussion
  • RAW 252 - 03/23/98 - Audio Clip: Austin Promo (0:03:50- 09:10)
  • RAW 252 - 03/23/98 - Audio Clip: DX Promo - (0:49:38 - 0:58:23)
  • RAW 252 - 03/23/98 - Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock (Non IC Title Match) (01:20:24- 01:28:45)
  • RAW 252 - 03/23/98 - Side Notes Discussion
  • Wrestlemania XIV - 03/29/98 - Brief Breakdown of Wrestlemania XIV
  • Wrestlemania XIV - 03/29/98 - Match - WWF World Heavyweight Championship - Shawn Michaels vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Mike Tyson (Special Enforcer) (02:17:34 - 02:37:34)
  • House Show Rundown
  • “Oh Hell Yeah” Moment of the Week
  • Saturday, February 23, Special Edition - Watch Along - Austin vs. HBK
  • Upcoming: Episode 23 - April ‘98 - Unforgiven - Austin vs. Dude Love
  • Podcast Plugs (Talking Taker & Booking the Territory: The UN-Professional Wrestling Podcast)
  • Social Media Plugs

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they are covering Nov 2001 - Survivor Series - Team WWF vs. The Alliance, as a live running Watch Along commentary!

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the November 7, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 131 from July 30, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Hollywood Blonds: Watch Along #2 - Austin & Pillman vs. Flair & Anderson - Clash XXIII - June '93

Special Series: The Hollywood Blonds

Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary: Hollywood Blondes vs. Flair & Anderson - Clash XXIII - June ‘93

Mike & JV are excited to present the poll winning, Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary: Hollywood Blondes vs. Flair & Anderson - Clash XXIII - June ‘93

Feel free to listen like usual, but we encourage you to fire up your WWE Network and watch along with us as we call the action from this match.

The Timestamp to join the Watch Along is the 01:01:06 mark.

Enjoy the action!

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they are covering Oct 2001 - No Mercy - Undertaker vs. Booker T

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94. This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the October 31, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 130 from July 23, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E21 - Oh Hell Yeah!: Feb- Mar '98

Episode 21 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 21 - Oh Hell Yeah - Feb-March ‘98

This week Mike & JV are covering Feb- March of 1998. The Road to WrestleMania 14 continues.

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW Saturday Night - 247 - 02/16/98 -Audio Clip: Austin Promo (0:43:55 - 0:46:14)
  • RAW Saturday Night - 247 - 02/16/98 - Side Notes Discussion
  • RAW Saturday Night 248 - 02/28/98 - Audio: Stone Cold’s Road to Wrestlemania Video Package (01:14:58 - 01:18:50)
  • RAW Saturday Night 248 - 02/28/98 - Side Notes Discussion
  • RAW 249 - 03/02/98 - Audio: DX Promo/Austin & Kane- Opens the Show (0:05:46 - 0:10:40)
  • RAW 249 - 03/02/98 - Audio: Austin/Kane Confrontation - (0:10:41 - 0:13:58)
  • RAW 249 - 03/02/98 - Audio: “Tyson joins DX” Promo (0:45:35 - 0:51:53)
  • RAW 249 - 03/02/98 - Match: Kane vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (01:15:45)
  • RAW 249 - 03/02/98 - Side Notes Discussion
  • RAW 250 - 03/09/98 - Audio - DX Promo (0:15:22 - 0:20:00)
  • RAW 250 - 03/09/98 - Audio: Austin Takes the Show Hostage (0:42:36- 0:54:28)
  • RAW 250 - 03/09/98 - Audio: Mike Tyson Interview (01:21:23- 01:27:09)
  • RAW 250 - 03/09/98 - Austin attacks (01:30:00)
  • RAW 250 - 03/09/98 - Side Notes Discussion
  • House Show Rundown
  • “Oh Hell Yeah” Moment of the Week
  • Saturday, February 16, Special Edition - Watch Along - Hollywood Blondes vs. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson - Clash of the Champions XXIII
  • Episode 22 - World Champion- Austin/HBK - March 98
  • Saturday, February 23, Special Edition - Watch Along - Austin vs. HBK
  • Podcast Plugs (Talking Taker & Booking the Territory: The UN-Professional Wrestling Podcast)

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they are covering Oct 2001 - No Mercy - Undertaker vs. Booker T

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended!

They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the October 31, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 130 from July 23, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes! Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E20 - No Way Out: Jan-Feb '98

Episode 20 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 20 - No Way Out: Jan- Feb ‘98

This week Mike & JV are covering January- February of 1998. Mike Tyson & Austin have a historic confrontation. Austin takes part in a crazy hardcore 8-man Tag team match at “No Way Out of Texas”

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 243 - 01/19/98 - Audio Clip: HBK Responds to Stone Cold’s Rumble Victory (0:59:35-01:02:39)
  • RAW 243 - 01/19/98 - Vince McMahon’s Tyson Announcement (01:23:30)
  • RAW 243 - 01/19/98 - Side Note Discussion
  • RAW 244 - 01/26/98 - DX - HBK - Special Ref Promo (0:30:05-0:33:03)
  • RAW 244 - 01/26/98 - Don King Promo (01:24:06-01:25:56)
  • RAW 244 - 01/26/98 - Austin Response to Don King (01:27:11
  • RAW 244 - 01/26/98 - Side Note Discussion
  • RAW 245 - 02/02/98 - DX/Austin Promo (0:06-45-0:11-25)
  • RAW 245 - 02/02/98 - Match - Stone Cold vs. Road Dogg (01:26:36 - Show Close)
  • RAW 245 - 02/02/98 - Side Note Discussion
  • RAW 246 - 02/09/98 - “Austin Got a Brand New Bag” Promo (0:04:15-0:08:26)
  • RAW 246 - 02/09/98 - Wrestlemania 14 Press Conference Coverage (0:52:49 - 0:58:09)
  • RAW 246 - 02/09/98 - DX Promo (01:24:51 - Closing)
  • RAW 246 - 02/09/98 - Side Note Discussion
  • IYH: No Way Out of Texas - 02/15/98 - Match - Stone Cold Steve Austin, Owen Hart, Cactus Jack, & Chainsaw Charlie vs. HHH, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, & Savio Vega
  • House Show Rundown
  • Preview Next week - Episode 21- Feb - March ‘98

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.

This week they are covering The Brothers of Destruction vs. KroniK (Bryan Adams & Bryan Clark) from Unforgiven 2001

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. Every week they break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the October 24, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 129 from July 16, 1994.

  • Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

  • Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

  • Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Watch Along #5 - Royal Rumble Match: Jan '98

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary - Rumble Match ‘98

Mike & JV are excited to present the Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary: The 1998 Royal Rumble Match

Feel free to listen like usual, but we encourage you to fire up your WWE Network and watch along with us as we call the action from this match.

The Timestamp to join the Watch Along is the 01:09:24 mark. Enjoy the action!

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they are covering “The Brothers of Destruction vs. DDP & Chris Kanyon” from Summerslam 2001

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94. This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the October 17, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 128 from July 9, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E19 - Marked Man: Jan '98

Episode 19 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 19 - Marked Man: Jan ‘98

This week Mike & JV are into a new year, 1998! This week they will discuss the two weeks leading up to the 1998 Royal Rumble.

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 241 - 01/05/98 - Austin Raises Hell
  • RAW 241 - 01/05/98 - RAW Side Note Discussion
  • RAW 242 - 01/12/98 - AUDIO - Interview with Michael Cole (0:14:33-0:16:41) - Bullseye, Marked Man
  • RAW 242 - 01/12/98 - Austin attacks continue
  • RAW 242 - 01/12/98 - Austin Ruins the Royal Rumble Drawing
  • RAW 242 - 01/12/98 - Side Note Discussion
  • Royal Rumble 98 - 01/18/98 - Audio - Prematch Package (01:07:46-01:09:14)
  • Royal Rumble 98- 01/18/98 -1998 Royal Rumble Match (01:09:37 - 02:07:55)
  • Royal Rumble 98 - 01/18/98 - “Stone Cold, Stone Cold!!” - Jim Ross
  • Royal Rumble 98 - 01/18/98 - “Cold Stone is my Man!” - Mike Tyson
  • House Show Rundown
  • This Saturday, Feb 2 - Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary: Rumble Match 98
  • Preview Next week - Episode 20- No Way Out of Texas: Jan-Feb ‘98

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker" Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they are covering The Brothers of Destruction vs. DDP & Chris Kanyon from Summerslam 2001

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast.These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94. This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the October 17, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 128 from July 9, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes! Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

The Stone Cold Top 5 of 1997

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: The Stone Cold Top 5 of 1997

On this special episode, we discuss our Top 5 Stone Cold moments/matches/angles from Austin's breakthrough year, 1997!

Also, we solved our shitty robot/drop audio issues! Thanks for your continued support!

  • Next Wednesday, January 30 - Episode 19 - Marked Man: Rumble 98: Jan ‘98
  • Watch Along on February 2 - Royal Rumble Match ‘98

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.

This week they are covering Team WCW/ECW vs Team WWF from Invasion PPV, July 2001

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the October 10, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 127 from July 2, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes! Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E18 - The People's Champ: Dec '97

Episode 18 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 18 - The People’s Champ: Dec ‘97

This week Mike & JV discuss Austin’s December 1997. Austin had quite the eventful December, from tossing the IC title into a river, Stunning Santa, and tossing Goldust into a crapper.

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 237 - 12/8/97 - Audio - Vince McMahon Promo (0:03:44 - 0:06:46)
  • RAW 237 - 12/8/97 - Audio - Stone Cold Rebuttal (0:07:34 - 0:10:50)
  • RAW 237 - 12/8/97 - Audio Clip - Forfeiture of the IC (01:26:03- 01:29:01)
  • RAW 238 - 12/15/97 - Audio Clip - Rock Promo (0:22:56-0:24:53)
  • RAW 238 - 12/15/97 - Audio Clip -The Rock & Stone Cold - IC Title Toss - (01:04:35-01:07:00)
  • RAW 239 - 12/22/97 - Audio Clip: Stone Cold Stuns Santa (0:22:58-0:27:28)
  • RAW 240 - 12/29/97 - Audio (0:07:20 - 0:12:35) - Crapper 3:16
  • House Show Rundown
  • This Saturday, Jan 26 - Special Edition: The Stone Cold Top 5 of 1997
  • Preview Next week - Episode 19 - Marked Man: Rumble 98: Jan ‘98
  • Watch Along on February 2 - Royal Rumble Match ‘98

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they are covering Team WCW/ECW vs Team WWF from Invasion PPV, July 2001

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the October 10, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 127 from July 2, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes! Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E17 - Rocky Sucks: Nov-Dec '97

Episode 17 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 17 - Rocky Sucks: Nov-Dec ‘97

This week Mike & JV discuss the the beginning of the legendary rivalry between Stone Cold & The Rock. The “Rocky Sucks” chants are deafening and The Rock has really come into his own at this point. The Rock will challenge Stone Cold for the Intercontinental Championship at In Your House: D-Generation X.

Here is an episode breakdown of our discussion points & Audio Clips: (Network Timestamp Included)

  • RAW 233 - 11/10/97 - Audio: Austin Promo (0:49:12- 0:52:35)
  • RAW 234 - 11/17/97 - Audio: Austin Promo (0:03:54-:0:05:37)
  • RAW 234 - 11/17/97 - AUDIO CLIP: Rock Prematch (01:18:57 - 01:20:08)
  • RAW 234 - 11/17/97 - Match: Rock vs. Dude Love
  • RAW 235 - 11/24/97 - Audio: The Rock/Austin “Beeper Promo” (01:06:32-01:11:05)
  • RAW 236 - 12/01/97 - Match : The Rock vs. Vader - Stone Cold Truck (0:42:00-0:53-06)
  • IYH: D-Generation X - 12/07/97 - Audio Clip: Prematch Package (01:57:04- 02:00:34)
  • IYH: D-Generation X - 12/07/97 - Match: WWF Intercontinental Championship - Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock (02:03:22-02:10:00)
  • House Show Rundown
  • Preview Next week - Episode 18 - Dec ‘97 - ”The People’s Champ”

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker! They are a ways in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they are covering Undertaker during his time in WCW as Mean Mark Callous and his match for the US Championship against Lex Luger.

Please Check out our friends at Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast. These guys will have you rolling on the floor laughing with their no nonsense sense of humour. If you're easily offended, then go on listen and be offended! They break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-87 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 92 and are currently in 94.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the October 3, 1987 episode. On the SMW Show they will be covering Ep 126 from June 25, 1994.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes! Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Send us your feedback online:

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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