Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

E52 - Art of the Deal: June-July '99

Episode 52 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 52 - Art of the Deal: June-July ‘99

This week Mike & JV will discuss the highest rated cable television match in history, it’s from June 28, 1999, the WWF Championship is on the line between The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin. In the following weeks on Raw, July 5 & 12, Vince McMahon & Stone Cold work out a deal for the upcoming “First Blood” Match at Fully Loaded ‘99. Take a listen to get the details on this snapshot into the career of Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.

This week is Episode 116 on Talking Taker, Alex & Travis will be covering Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle from No Way Out 2006.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 07/02/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 04/08/95 Ep 167

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we cover ECW Hardcore TV Ep 23 & 24 from September 14 & 21, 1993.

Check out Free Your Geek, this past week was Episode 82: Premiers, Sequels, & Reboots

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Please Subscribe to our new YouTube channel, Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

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E51 - CEO 3:16: June '99

Episode 51 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 51 - CEO 3:16: June ‘99

This week Mike & JV will discuss Stone Cold’s time as CEO of the World Wrestling Federation after being screwed out of the WWF Championship at Over the Edge and the reveal of Vince McMahon as the Greater Power. Stone Cold challenges Vince & Shane McMahon to a handicap match at King of the Ring. Vince accepts but he wants it to be a ladder match for total control of the WWF!

Check out our Special Edition Watch Along: Stone Cold vs. The McMahons: June ‘99 from last week. Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deep back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This past week was a Special Watch Along Edition with Mike & JV from the Bottom Line Wrestling Cast. Alex, Mike, & JV teamed up to watch Undertaker & Stone Cold team up at Fully Loaded ‘98.

This week on Talking Taker, Alex & Travis will be covering Undertaker vs. Randy Orton in a Hell in a Cell Match from Armageddon 2005.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 06/25/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 04/01/95 Ep 166

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we cover ECW Hardcore TV Ep 23 & 24 from September 14 & 21, 1993.

Check out Free Your Geek, this week is Ep 82: Premiers, Sequels, and Reboots

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

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Watch Along #15 - Austin vs. The McMahon's: June '99

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: Watch Along - Austin vs. The McMahons: June ‘99

This week Mike & JV will Watch Along and provide Live Commentary as Stone Cold challenges Vince & Shane McMahon to a handicap match at King of the Ring. Vince accepts but he wants it to be a ladder match for total control of the WWF!

Set Up your Network for the timestamp of 01:55:33.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deepack into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is a Special Watch Along Edition with Mike & JV from the Bottom Line Wrestling Cast. Alex, Mike, & JV will be teaming up to watch Undertaker & Stone Cold team up at Fully Loaded ‘98.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 06/18/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 03/26/95 Ep 164.

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This past week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we are joined with J-Free from Free Your Geek to cover ECW Hardcore TV Ep 21 & 22 from August 31 & September 7, 1993.

Check out Free Your Geek, this week Mike & JV are special guests, and we will be doing a special WWE Fantasy Draft Episode!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

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E50 - The Greater Power: May-June '99

Episode 50 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 50 - The Greater Power: May-June ‘99

This week Mike & JV discuss what is considered to be one of the most disappointing angles in WWF history, the reveal of the Greater Power. The Greater Power revealed himself to Austin a week before everyone else found out, which would lead Stone Cold to do a little planning to shake things up in the WWF.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deepack into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is Episode 113 -No Mercy 2005: Undertaker vs. Randy Orton & Bob Orton in a Handicap Casket Match

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 06/11/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 03/18/95 Ep 163.

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV. This week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we are joined with J-Free from Free Your Geek to cover ECW Hardcore TV Ep 21 & 22 from August 31 & September 7, 1993.

Check out Free Your Geek, this upcoming week Mike & JV are special guests, and we will be doing a special WWE Fantasy Draft Episode!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

What did you think of the Greater Power storyline?

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E49 - Over the Edge: May '99

Episode 49 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 49 - Over the Edge: May ‘99

This week Mike & JV discuss the week leading to, and the main event of Over the Edge from May of 1999. Stone Cold will be defending his WWF Championship against the Undertaker at Over the Edge, with Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon as the special guest referees. But before that, Stone Cold must go up against Triple H in a non-title match on Raw from May 17, 1999.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deepack into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is Episode 112 - Summerslam 2005: Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 06/04/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 03/11/95 Ep 162.

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, This past week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we covered ECW Hardcore TV Ep 19 & 20 from August 17 & 24, 1993. Check it out!

Check out Free Your Geek, Episode 80: It’s Scary in Derry with Facts & Rumors is now available! In weeks to come we will be doing a special WWE Draft Episode with J-Free on Free Your Geek!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

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E48 - Corporate Ministry: May '99

Episode 48 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 48 - Corporate Ministry: May ‘99

This week Mike & JV discuss the formation of the Corporate Ministry. Shane McMahon & his Corporate Ministry will make life hell for the disgruntled former Corporate employees, The Union. Undertaker & Triple H get the upper hand on Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock on Raw from May 3, 1999. The following week on the highest rated Raw in history, Vince McMahon teams up with Stone Cold & The Rock to take on Shane, Undertaker, & Triple H. Also, Stone Cold Steve Austin heads back to the UK to take on Undertaker & Triple H in an “Anything Goes” Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship at No Mercy!

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is Episode 111 -Great American Bash '05: Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 05/28/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 03/04/95 Ep 162.

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, This past week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we covered ECW Hardcore TV Ep 19 & 20 from August 17 & 24, 1993. Check it out!

Check out Free Your Geek, Episode 80: It’s Scary in Derry with Facts & Rumors is now available! In weeks to come we will be doing a special WWE Draft Episode with J-Free on Free Your Geek!.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

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Watch Along #14 w/ Free Your Geek - Smackdown Pilot: 4/29/99

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: Watch Along - Smackdown Pilot: 04/29/99

This week Mike & JV celebrate our one year anniversary of our weekly chronological coverage of the career of Stone Cold Steve Austin. This week we will do a “Watch Along” with our friend from J-Free, from the Free Your Geek Podcast, as we watch and discuss the pilot episode of Smackdown from April 29, 1999.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deepack into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is Episode 110 - Wrestlemania 21- “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper, break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995. This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 05/21/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 02/25/95 Ep 161

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast. Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, This past week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we covered ECW Hardcore TV Ep 15 & 16 from July 20 & July 27, 1993. Check it out!

Check out Free Your Geek, Episode 80: It’s Scary in Derry with Facts & Rumors is now available! In weeks to come we will be doing a special WWE Draft Episode with J-Free on Free Your Geek!.

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

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E47 - Backlash: April '99

Episode 47 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 47 - Backlash: April ‘99

This week Mike & JV will discuss the final weeks of April 1999. The Rock plans a funeral for Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin have a great match at Backlash, and the following night Steve Austin is going to reluctantly help the McMahon family.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deepack into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is Episode 109 - No Way Out 2005 - Luther Reigns

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 05/14/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 02/18/95 Ep 160

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, This week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we cover ECW Hardcore TV Ep 15 & 16 from July 20 & July 27, 1993. Check it out!

Check out Free Your Geek, Episode 79 is now available!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

Let us know what you thought of the Austin vs. Stone Cold match from Backlask '99!

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E46 - Roody Poo Bridge: April '99

Episode 46 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 46 - Roody-Poo Bridge: April ‘99

This week Mike & JV will discuss the first couple weeks of April 1999. The Rock & Shane McMahon continue to play keep away with Austin’s Smoking Skull championship belt. Shane McMahon is going to taunt Austin by putting an image of his belt around The Rock’s waist on the Titan Tron, which is bad news for the Titan Tron. The Rock challenges Austin to find him on The Roody-Poo Bridge on Candy Ass Lane in Detroit.

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deepack into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is Episode 108 - Royal Rumble 2005 - The Undertaker vs. Heidenreich in a Casket Match!

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995. This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 05/07/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 02/11/95 Ep 159

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, This week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we covered ECW Hardcore TV Ep 13 & 14 from June 29 & July 6, 1993. Check it out!

Free Your Geek - On this week’s Episode 79: SOL: J-Free is on location with Sol. They discuss The Joker trailer, Spider_man, Star Trek, D&D, Aladdin & Lion King Sega Re Release. Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

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E45 - Smoking Skull: March-April '99

Episode 45 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 45 - Smoking Skull: March-April ‘99

This week Mike & JV will discuss the week following Wrestlemania XV. Stone Cold Steve Austin is once again the WWF World Heavyweight Champion, but he does not want that belt. Stone Cold wants his custom made “Smoking Skull” championship belt back from Mr. McMahon. While The Ministry has Mr. McMahon distracted with the disappearance of his daughter, Stephanie, Shane McMahon takes the opportunity to take control of this situation by handing over the Smoking Skull championship belt to Austin’s arch-rival, The Rock!

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig deepack into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is Episode 107 - Armageddon 2004: Fatal Four Way for the WWE Championship - JBL vs. The Undertaker vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Booker T.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 04/30/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 02/04/95 Ep 158 Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, This week on the ECW Extreme Live Cast, we covered ECW Hardcore TV Ep 13 & 14 from June 29 & July 6, 1993. Check it out!

Free Your Geek - On this past week’s Episode 76: Jedi Masters of the Universe: J-Free & KBe will be discussing Spider-Man leaving the MCU, Masters of the Universe, & The Boys: Season 2!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

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