Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

Watch Along #13 - Stone Cold vs. The Rock: WM XV: March '99

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: Watch Along - Stone Cold vs. The Rock: WM XV - March ‘99

This week Mike & JV will be discussing and watching along with the Main Event from WrestleMania XV, The WWF Championship Match: The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin . Feel free to listen as usual, we do provide the match audio in the background. But the best experience is to Watch Along!

Join us on the WWE Network at the timestamp of (02:18:50) the image will be a wide shot of the arena, just seconds before The Rock makes his entrance.

Please check out our friends!

Talking Taker - Check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. They are way in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they are doing a special Watch Along episode for the 1991 Royal Rumble!

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1994. This past week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 04/23/88 & 04/30/88. On the SMW Show they will have covered 01/28/95 Ep 157.

Free Your Geek - On this past week’s Episode 76: Jedi Masters of the Universe: J-Free & KBe will be discussing Spider-Man leaving the MCU, Masters of the Universe, & The Boys: Season 2!

If you would like more wrestling talk from Mike & JV, please consider joining at the $5 to join Mike & JV on their journey through ECW, starting from 1993. Mike Mills always says “It’s so bad, it’s good!”

Mike & JV have just released the Special Super Card: Watch Along Live Commentary: Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular: June 19, 1993, which is now available!

This Wednesday they will be releasing Ep 13 & 14 of ECW HCTV from June 29 & July 6, 1993.

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

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E44 - Stone Cold vs. The Rock: WM XV: March '99

Episode 44 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 44 - Stone Cold vs. The Rock: WM XV - March ‘99

This week Mike & JV will discuss the final weeks leading up to Wrestlemania XV! Austin will have a tag team match with Mankind against The Rock & The Big Show. Austin will also surprise Mr. McMahon & The Rock with a memorable Beer Bash! On top of all that, we will discuss the main event to Wrestlemania XV, The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Check out "Talking Taker” Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. You can now dig dig back into their archives and explore the 90's years of the Deadman. This week is Episode 106 - Armageddon 2004: Fatal Four Way for the WWE Championship - JBL vs. The Undertaker vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Booker T.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 04/23/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 01/28/95 Ep 157

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, This past week we covered our first Super Card Special Edition: The Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular. Check it out!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

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E43 - March to Mania: March '99

Episode 43 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 43 - March to Mania: March ‘99

This week Mike & JV discuss the first half of March ‘99 and the march towards Wrestlemania XV. Stone Cold Steve Austin has a couple of matches on his way to regain the WWF championship, Austin goes up against Kane & Mankind. Mankind has to defeat Stone Cold in order to become the Special Guest Ref in the Wrestlemania Main Event.

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career, check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker". Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. They are way in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 04/16/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 01/21/95 Ep 156.

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, This week it’s a Super Card Special Edition: The Super Summer Sizzler Spectacular. Check it out! Now available!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

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E42 - St. Valentine's Day Massacre: Feb '99

Episode 42 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 42 - St. Valentine’s Day Massacre: Feb ‘99

This week Mike & JV discuss the Steel Cage Match from the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre PPV between Stone Cold Steve Austin & Vince McMahon. Austin will be fighting to retain his WWF World Championship opportunity at WrestleMania XV, but Mr. McMahon has “BIG” plans for Stone Cold. The World title picture will be discussed as The Rock & Mankind will have two brutal title matches, Last Man Standing & Ladder Match, to determine who will be the champion at WrestleMania.

If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career, check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker". Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. They are way in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.

This week is Episode 104 - No Mercy 2004: The Undertaker vs. JBL - WWE Championship Match.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 04/09/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 01/14/95 Ep 155 Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, Episode 11 & 12 from June 15 & 22, 1993. Check it out! Now available!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

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E41 - Corporate Gauntlet: Jan-Feb '99

Episode 41 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 41 -Corporate Gauntlet: Jan-Feb ‘99

This week Mike & JV discuss the fallout from Royal Rumble ‘99 through Raw Saturday Night on February 13, 1999. Mr. McMahon walked out the winner of the Rumble match, but forfeits his right to a title shot against the new champion, The Rock. Commish HBK throws a monkey wrench into Mr. McMahon’s plan to name The Rock’s Wrestlemania opponent. Stone Cold challenges Mr. McMahon to a Steel Cage Match at St. Valentine’s Day Massacre PPV. Mr. McMahon & The Stooges look to provoke Stone Cold down in Texas. Stone Cold is forced into a Corporate Gauntlet Match and Mr. McMahon looks to embarrass him just hours before the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.

Talking Taker - If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career, check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. They are way in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week is Episode 103 - Summerslam 2004: The Undertaker vs. JBL - WWE Championship Match.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1995.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 04/02/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 01/07/95 Ep 154

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, Episode 11 & 12 from June 15 & 22, 1993. Check it out! Now available!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

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The Stone Cold Top 5 of 1998

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: The Stone Cold Top 5 of 1998

On this special episode, we discuss our Top 5 Stone Cold moments/matches/angles from Austin's greatest year, 1998!

Upcoming on The Bottom Line Wrestling Cast

7/31/19 - Ep 41 - Jan- Feb'99

8/07/19 - Ep 42- St Valentine’s Massacre : Feb '99

Talking Taker -“Concrete Crypt Match” - The Undertaker vs. The Dudley Boyz at Great American Bash 04

Shout out & Special Thanks to Mike Mills & “Booking the Territory” - NWA WCW Sat Night 03/26/88 on Thursday, SMW Rasslin Recap Ep 152 12/24/94 on Sunday

This past week, BTT Patreon $5 Tier - Extreme ECW Live Cast - Episode 5 - HCTV 9 & 10 - June 1 & 8, 1993, Follow us @extremecast on Twitter

Check out "Free Your Geek Podcast" for your Pop Culture fix!

The Bottom Line Cast is also available on ITunes, Stitcher, Podbean, Spotify, Tune In, Google Play, Radio Public , I Heart Radio

Please Follow on Twitter Plugs, Facebook Page, @MPRU83 @JOHNVANDAMAGE @bottomlinecast @extremecast

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Watch Along #12 - Royal Rumble Match: Jan '99

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: Watch Along Live Commentary - Royal Rumble Match ‘99

This week Mike & JV will be discussing and watching along with the Royal Rumble ‘99. Stone Cold Steve Austin has been screwed by Mr. McMahon once again, Stone Cold was “drawn” as the number one entrant. But, Mr. McMahon has found himself as the number two entrant. Mr.McMahon has claimed that Austin has “No Chance in Hell!”

Feel free to listen as usual, we do provide the match audio in the background. But the best experience is to Watch Along!

Join us on the WWE Network at the timestamp of (01:32:18) Austin will have his hands raised with the title.

Talking Taker - If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career, check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. They are way in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.

This week is Episode 101 - Judgement Day 2004: Undertaker vs.Booker T

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast - Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1994.

This week on the NWA/WCW episode they covered the NWA WCW from 03/19/88. The first 20 minutes are classic. Harper goes on a rant like never before!

On the SMW Show they will be covering 12/24/94 Ep 151

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, Episode 9 & 10 from June 1 & 8, 1993. Check it out! Now available!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

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E40 - No Chance in Hell: Jan '99

Episode 40 - The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Episode 40 - No Chance in Hell: Jan ‘99

This week Mike & JV will be discussing the Royal Rumble ‘99. Stone Cold Steve Austin has been screwed by Mr. McMahon once again, Austin was “drawn” as the number one entrant. But, Mr. McMahon has found himself as the number two entrant. Mr.McMahon has claimed that Austin has “No Chance in Hell!” at winnning the Royal Rumble and earning a shot at the WWF Championship at Wrestlemania XV

Talking Taker - If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career, check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. They are way in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1994.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the NWA WCW from 03/19/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 12/24/94 Ep 151

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, Episode 9 & 10 from June 1 & 8, 1993. Check it out! Now available!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast

Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

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This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

E39 - Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave: Dec '98-Jan '99

Episode 39 - The Career of Stone Cole Steve Austin

Episode 39 - Arrive. Raise Hell. Leave: Dec ‘98- Jan ‘99

This week Mike & JV will be discussing December 13, 1998 - January 11, 1999. The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin will go at it in a Buried Alive Match at the Rock Bottom PPV. Mr. McMahon & The Corporation continues to make life miserable for Mankind. Mr. McMahon has a special Royal Rumble Lottery drawing for Stone Cold Steve Austin. Mankind with the help of Stone Cold Steve Austin will do the unimaginable, which not only kept butts in the seats, but made people change the channel.

Talking Taker - If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career, check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. They are way in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will be covering Undertaker vs. Kane from Wrestlemania XX.

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1994.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the NWA WCW from 03/12/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 12/17/94 Ep 150

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, Episode 7 & 8 from May 18 & 25, 1993. Check it out! Now available!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening! So long!

Find out more at

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This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

Watch Along #11 w/ Talking Taker - Fatal Four Way & Buried Alive: Dec '98

The Career of Stone Cold Steve Austin

Special Edition: Watch Along w/ Talking Taker - Fatal Four Way & Buried Alive: Dec ‘98

This week Mike & JV are joined by a very special guest, Alex Doriot from the “Talking Taker” podcast. Mike, JV, & Alex will provide live commentary for two matches from December ‘98. We will be watching the Fatal Four Way match (Austin vs. Undertaker vs. Kane vs. Mankind) from the UK PPV, Capital Carnage & the Buried Alive match (Austin vs. Undertaker) from IYH: Rock Bottom.

We had a great time watching these matches together in this crossover episode. Enjoy and be sure to check out the Talking Taker podcast!

Talking Taker - If you like what we do here with Stone Cold's career, check out our “brother” podcast, "Talking Taker", Alex & Travis are "digging up" the career of the Undertaker. They are way in at this point, go back into their archives and explore the 90's run of the Deadman. This week they will be covering the Buried Alive match from Survivor Series 2003, Undertaker vs. Vince McMahon. @TalkingTaker

Booking the Territory: The Unprofessional Wrestling Podcast Mike Mills, along with his hilarious & informative team of Doc Turner & Hardbody Harper break down episodes of NWA WCW Saturday Night from 85-88 and Smoky Mountain Wrestling from the start in 1992 and they are currently in 1994.

This week on the NWA WCW episode they will be covering the NWA WCW from 03/05/88. On the SMW Show they will be covering 12/10/94 Ep 149

Join the Booking the Territory Patreon Page at at the $5 to join JV & Mike on their new venture, Extreme ECW Live Cast.

Mike & JV will be doing Watch Along Live Commentary coverage of ECW Hardcore TV, Episode 7 & 8 from May 18 & 25, 1993. Check it out! Now available!

Please reach out and support us on Twitter & Facebook @bottomlinecast Please take the time to Subscribe and give us a Five Star Rating on Itunes!

Feel free to make suggestions and chat with us, at @MPRU83 & @JOHNVANDAMAGE

Thank you for listening!

Find out more at

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This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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